
Showing posts from December, 2014


Pets and Chronic Faigue Syndrome (HHV-6?)

Immunological anomalies and thrombocytopenia in 117 dogs and cats diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Breaking news from Atlanta


Busy, Busy, Busy


Laura Hillenbrand can write but can she read?

Why has Laura Hillenbrand never spoken up about the very credible and detailed reporting that show that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Centers for Disease Control is covering up the truth about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? She has a public platform like nobody else in America. What's going on? She had a chance to tell politicians and the whole nation that the government is mishandling a massive contagious public health problem on Face the Nation . Will somebody please send her their copies of these books if he can't afford them? Or read them very slowly to her? Osler's Web: Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic  America's Biggest Cover-Up: 50 More Things Everyone Should Know About the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic And Its Link to AIDS

"Unbroken" author opens up about her own personal struggle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Laura Hillenbrand on her own personal struggle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome                                                                                                                                      

Is HHV-6 aging people by affecting telomeres? (And does that show it really isn't part of the herpesvirus family?)

Is HHV-6/7/8 causing the rise in thyroid cancer?

Thyroid cancer on rise among younger patients  "Thyroid cancer is the fastest growing cancer in the United States, and it is being diagnosed more often in younger patients."   Virologic and Immunologic Evidence Supporting an Association between HHV-6 and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis HHV-7 and Graves Disease

Breaking news from Atlanta


Where did HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8 come from?


Laurie Krug on Roseoloviruses like HHV-6

"Roseolovirus cytopathic effect is striking. Anyone who has witnessed the ballooning, refractile cells upon infection will wonder at the power of these viruses to cause such fundamental change in target cells."

Roseoloviruses (like HHV-6) manipulate host cell cycle

"Finally, the infection of HHV-6 leads to fusion of infected cells and formation of syncytia with ballooning shape, causing significant alterations in cell morphology and function."

HHV-6 Animal Model: Monkeys or Pigs?

Monkeys? Discovery and biological characterization of two novel pig-tailed macaque homologs of HHV-6 and HHV-7. Or Pigs? What is the relationship between Porcine Lymphotropic Herpesvirus and HHV-6? "PLHV-1 and -2 are highly homologous to each other but not to PLHV-3. The two viruses are widespread in domestic pigs and are closely related to several ruminant gammaherpesviruses, most of which are etiologically implicated in the occurrence of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF), a lymphoproliferative inflammatory disease with an often fatal outcome. PLHV-1 and -2 are also related to Epstein-Barr Virus, Human Herpesvirus-8 and other gammaherpesviruses."  Pig to Human Porcine CMV Transmission: What about HHV-6 transmission between people and pigs? "Given the high frequency of seropositivity of swine for PC...

Detection of human herpesvirus 6 in cerebrospinal fluid of children with possible encephalitis.

"CONCLUSIONS: According to this research and prevalence of HHV-6 in children, evaluation of CSF (detecting the HHV-6 DNA by PCR) is recommended in patients younger than 13 months with possible encephalitis."

HHV-6 Dementia

"HHV-6 also has been implicated in the pathogenesis of white-matter demyelination in persons with AIDS dementia complex ; however, causality has not been proven." "High concentrations of HHV6 genome in association with PML and MS lesions, open the possibility that HHV6 activation may play a role in the pathogenesis of these demyelinative diseases."

herpesvirus 6 and hypogammaglobulinemia.

Association between anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome and human herpesvirus 6 reactivation and hypogammaglobulinemia.  "A decrease in immunoglobulin levels and B-cell counts can be associated with HHV-6 reactivation and the subsequent onset of AHS. These immunological alterations might be a useful predictor of the development of AHS."

Now available in Print and on Kindle (Free on Kindle Unlimited)

Julian Lake's T he Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Follies: Cartoons about an epidemic of lies . Now in print or on Kindle and free on Kindle Unlimited. The title of this collection of cartoons by Julian Lake was inspired by the The March of Folly , a stunning work by the late Barbara Tuchman. To try and explain why certain political disasters in history have occurred, Tuchman uses the very apt construct of "folly," which she defines as the "pursuit of policy contrary to the self-interest of the constituency or state involved." Tuchman analyzes four periods in history that are characterized by enormous folly. Julian Lake's collection is in many ways about a fifth example of such a phenomenon. Surely the last two decades in which so-called "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" has been called "mysterious" over and over in a cult-like manner (and in the manner of the Big Lie) qualifies as another period of egregious folly. Anyone who has re...

"Died Wednesday after a long, painful, and courageous battle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" died Wednesday after a long, painful, and courageous battle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Read More: Daniel T. Strenge, 31, Sartell | died Wednesday after a long, painful, and courageous battle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Read More: Daniel T. Strenge, 31, Sartell |

It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (HHV-6?) in Pets

Abnormal Signs Found in Animals of Myalgic Encephalo-myelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients :A Look at 463 Animals Read More: Conclusions: A large number of animals of ME/CFS patients have atypical or unusual diseases which at least mimic ME/CFS. Most of the 127 ME/CFS patients surveyed have significant animal interactions. Read More:

Pathogenic effects of human herpesvirus 6 in human lymphoid tissue ex vivo. Abstract Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) is a potentially immunosuppressive agent that has been suggested to act as a cofactor in the progression of human immunodeficiency virus disease. However, the lack of suitable experimental models has hampered the elucidation of the mechanisms of HHV-6-mediated immune suppression. Here, we used ex vivo lymphoid tissue to investigate the cellular tropism and pathogenic mechanisms of HHV-6. Viral strains belonging to both HHV-6 subgroups (A and B) were able to productively infect human tonsil tissue fragments in the absence of exogenous stimulation. The majority of viral antigen-expressing cells were CD4(+) T lymphocytes expressing a nonnaive phenotype, while CD8(+) T cells were efficiently infected only with HHV-6A. Accordingly, HHV-6A infection resulted in the depletion of both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, whereas in HHV-6B-infected tissue CD4(+) T cells were predominantly depleted. The ex...

Association between anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome and human herpesvirus 6 reactivation and hypogammaglobulinemia.

Breaking News from Atlanta


Welcome to the Microbiome!


Just one more finding linking AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Soluble fractalkine in the plasma of fibromyalgia patients Fractalkine (CX3CL1) and brain inflammation: Implications for HIV-1-associated dementia.

Will somebody please tell Laura Hillenbrand about HHV-6?

Image How about a big bestseller about a virus the CDC and NIH refuse to tell the truth about?

The Real Imitation Game.

                                                                                                                                                    Julian Lake

What's in a name?


African swine fever threatens Europe

"Another expert who warns about the difficulty in tackling the disease is virologist Chris Oura at the University of the West Indies in St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, who compares the disease in pigs to Ebola. It causes rapid internal damage to the cells lining pig blood vessels and causes catastrophic internal injuries to their organs. There have been some cases found in wild boar along the Polish border, and the Baltic countries. "Germany shares a border with Poland and Poland itself has a big pig industry. And it has wild pigs on its border; they don't recognize that border and pass over," he adds." Posts on HHV-6 and Pigs   The African swine fever (ASF) virus, may in the future become dangerous for humans, according to the head of the Russian Epidemiology Service

Hemispherx's Ampligen(R) Provides Anti-Tumor Activity

Cytokine expression in CFS and GWS: A distinction without a difference?

Cytokine expression provides clues to the pathophysiology of Gulf War illness and myalgic encephalomyelitis

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Exercise

Julian Lake's T he Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Follies: Cartoons about an epidemic of lies . Now in print or on Kindle and free on Kindle Unlimited. The title of this collection of cartoons by Julian Lake was inspired by the The March of Folly , a stunning work by the late Barbara Tuchman. To try and explain why certain political disasters in history have occurred, Tuchman uses the very apt construct of "folly," which she defines as the "pursuit of policy contrary to the self-interest of the constituency or state involved." Tuchman analyzes four periods in history that are characterized by enormous folly. Julian Lake's collection is in many ways about a fifth example of such a phenomenon. Surely the last two decades in which so-called "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" has been called "mysterious" over and over in a cult-like manner (and in the manner of the Big Lie) qualifies as another period of egregious folly...

Herpes virus rearranges telomeres to improve viral replication

  Herpesvirus Genome Integration into Telomeric Repeats of Host Cell Chromosomes Abstract It is well known that numerous viruses integrate their genetic material into host cell chromosomes. Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and oncogenic Marek's disease virus (MDV) have been shown to integrate their genomes into host telomeres of latently infected cells. This is unusual for herpesviruses as most maintain their genomes as circular episomes during the quiescent stage of infection. The genomic DNA of HHV-6, MDV, and several other herpesviruses harbors telomeric repeats (TMRs) that are identical to host telomere sequences (TTAGGG). At least in the case of MDV, viral TMRs facilitate integration into host telomeres. Integration of HHV-6 occurs not only in lymphocytes but also in the germline of some individuals, allowing vertical virus transmission. Although the molecular mechanism of telomer...

Free Medical Advice


Breaking news from Atlanta


A Big Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Anniversary

June of next year will be the 25th anniversary of the publication of the Klimas paper that was a game changer. "In summary, the results . . . suggest that CFS is a form of acquired immunodeficiency." 1990, June: Klimas et al. "Immunologic Abnormalities in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology . 

The latest CFS Cartoons

Click here to see the latest cartoons about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Julian Lake.

Opening This Week


HHV-6 University 2014 Media Fool Award

HHV-6 University's 2014 Media Fool of the Year                        Rachel Maddow           For addressing Anthony Fauci as "Great American, sir" October 2, 2014 MADDOW: Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Great American, sir. Thank you very much for being with us tonight. I really appreciate it. FAUCI: Good to be with you. Thank you, Rachel. MADDOW: Thank you. Not like I get to bestow the title great American, but Tony Fauci is really a big deal. A big deal that he agreed to come on this show. I`ve impressed myself by the fact that we had him.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Protest at Bethesda

Autism = AIDS?

"A retrovirus in autism?  You mean, like HIV?  That autism might be a non-fatal form of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)?"

Preview the inside of The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Follies

HHV-6 linked to slowed development

The Torture Report

If you like our cartoons, you'll love Julian Lake's collection: The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Follies: Cartoons about an epidemic of lies. [Kindle Edition available on Kindle Unlimited] The title of this collection of cartoons by Julian Lake was inspired by the The March of Folly , a stunning work by the late Barbara Tuchman. To try and explain why certain political disasters in history have occurred, Tuchman uses the very apt construct of "folly," which she defines as the "pursuit of policy contrary to the self-interest of the constituency or state involved." Tuchman analyzes four periods in history that are characterized by enormous folly. Julian Lake's collection is in many ways about a fifth example of such a phenomenon. Surely the last two decades in which so-called "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" has been called "mysterious" over and over in a cult-like manner (and in the manner of the Big Lie) qual...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome subsets

If you like our cartoons, you'll love Julian Lake's collection: The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Follies: Cartoons about an epidemic of lies. [Kindle Edition available on Kindle Unlimited] The title of this collection of cartoons by Julian Lake was inspired by the The March of Folly , a stunning work by the late Barbara Tuchman. To try and explain why certain political disasters in history have occurred, Tuchman uses the very apt construct of "folly," which she defines as the "pursuit of policy contrary to the self-interest of the constituency or state involved." Tuchman analyzes four periods in history that are characterized by enormous folly. Julian Lake's collection is in many ways about a fifth example of such a phenomenon. Surely the last two decades in which so-called "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" has been called "mysterious" over and over in a cult-like manner (and in the manner of the Big Lie)...

CFS and HHV-6: The Next Generation

If you like this cartoon, you'll love this cartoon book: The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Follies: Cartoons about an epidemic of lies. Now in print or on Kindle and free on Kindle Unlimited. The title of this collection of cartoons by Julian Lake was inspired by the The March of Folly , a stunning work by the late Barbara Tuchman. To try and explain why certain political disasters in history have occurred, Tuchman uses the very apt construct of "folly," which she defines as the "pursuit of policy contrary to the self-interest of the constituency or state involved." Tuchman analyzes four periods in history that are characterized by enormous folly. Julian Lake's collection is in many ways about a fifth example of such a phenomenon. Surely the last two decades in which so-called "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" has been called "mysterious" over and over in a cult-like manner (and in the manner of the Big Lie) qualifies as an...

According to a recent poll

If you like our cartoons, you'll love Julian Lake's collection: The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Follies: Cartoons about an epidemic of lies. [Kindle Edition available on Kindle Unlimited]

CFS and Co-morbidities

Chronic fatigue syndrome and co-morbid and consequent conditions: evidence from a multi-site clinical epidemiology study   Abstract Background: Epidemiologic data that inform our understanding of the type, frequency, and burden of co-morbidities with chronic fatigue syndrome is limited. Purpose: To elucidate co-morbid and consequent conditions, using data from a clinical epidemiology study of long-term CFS patients. Methods: Some 960 adults with CFS were identified at four sites specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of CFS. Patients reported their demographics, CFS course, other medical diagnoses, and current functioning. We determined associations between: co-morbidities and a patient's current health relative to their health when diagnosed with CFS; CFS symptom severity at onset and subsequent diagnosis with a co-morbid condition; and presence of a co-morbidity and ...

New Cartoon

If you like our cartoons, you'll love Julian Lake's collection: The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Follies: Cartoons about an epidemic of lies. [Kindle Edition available on Kindle Unlimited] The title of this collection of cartoons by Julian Lake was inspired by the The March of Folly , a stunning work by the late Barbara Tuchman. To try and explain why certain political disasters in history have occurred, Tuchman uses the very apt construct of "folly," which she defines as the "pursuit of policy contrary to the self-interest of the constituency or state involved." Tuchman analyzes four periods in history that are characterized by enormous folly. Julian Lake's collection is in many ways about a fifth example of such a phenomenon. Surely the last two decades in which so-called "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" has been called "mysterious" over and over in a cult-like manner (and in the manner of the Big Lie) qu...

Human Herpesvirus 6 and Neuroinflammation

Happy Holidays Cartoon from HHV-6 University

 If you like our cartoons, you'll love Julian Lake's collection: The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Follies: Cartoons about an epidemic of lies. [Kindle Edition available on Kindle Unlimited]

Popular Post in the Last 30 Days

HHV-6 and CMV

A fictional Perplexity debate about whether HIV is endogenous

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GROQ on the nature of medical Ponzi schemes

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More evidence HHV-6 is the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HHV-6 Scientist of the Year

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Dr. Bhupesh Prusty and Professor Thomas Rudel discuss their HHV-6 research

Anthony Fauci was part of the gang that silenced and destroyed Judy Mikovits.

Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome the other AIDS epidemic in the gay community?

Was Judy Mikovits destroyed because her XMRV work would have ultimately shown HIV is a total fraud?