Will new Swine Flu concerns force China to test its pigs for SARS-CoV-2?
Flu virus with 'pandemic potential' found in China https://www.bbc.com/news/health-53218704 The ACE2 receptors in pigs might indicate that pigs are a big issue for COVID-19 ACE2 receptors have been shown to be the entry point into human cells for some coronaviruses, including the SARS virus . A number of studies have identified that the entry point is the same for SARS-CoV-2, the COVID-19 virus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angiotensin-converting_enzyme_2 Dr Helena Maier, from the Pirbright Institute, said: 'Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that infect a wide range of different species including humans, cattle, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats and wild animals https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7995507/How-China-rounds-coronavirus-suspects-Shocking-video-shows-woman-screaming-metal-box.html Will this video force scientists to consider pigs as the possible intermediate vectors of Covid-19? #Breaking #usda Will this video force scientis...