
Showing posts from June, 2020

Will new Swine Flu concerns force China to test its pigs for SARS-CoV-2?

Flu virus with 'pandemic potential' found in China The ACE2 receptors in pigs might indicate that pigs are a big issue for COVID-19   ACE2 receptors have been shown to be the entry point into human cells for some coronaviruses, including the SARS virus . A number of studies have identified that the entry point is the same for SARS-CoV-2, the COVID-19 virus. Dr Helena Maier, from the Pirbright Institute, said: 'Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that infect a wide range of different species including humans, cattle, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats and wild animals Will this video force scientists to consider pigs as the possible intermediate vectors of Covid-19? #Breaking #usda Will this video force scientis...

Can the new African Swine Fever test detect the virus in humans?

Image African Swine Fever is a big story already because, when and if it spreads to all of Western Europe, all of Asia and the USA (where it may already be in pigs), it will cause the collapse of a major portion of the agricultural export economies of the affected countries. We're talking about many billions of dollars of losses. And the problem is not temporary because those countries will be suspected of harboring the disease in their wild boar and ticks for decades to come. The disease could easily become endemic.  But the issue is so much more important because of the disturbing body of evidence that shows that African Swine Fever Virus can infect humans (despite what authorities currently insist). Thus far, Europe and America's leading publications and journalists have failed to warn the public of the impending ASFV risk to their health. Here are the biggest African Swine Fever stories they have missed...

The day Anthony Fauci told journalists they could lose their access to scientists.

The AAAS Observer, September 1989 From the September 1, 1989 AAAS Observer Writing for My Sister Denise     AIDS has created a whole new interaction between scientists and the press. When I first got involved in AIDS research, I was reluctant to deal with the press. I thought it was not dignified. But there was a lot of distortion by people who were speaking to the press, so I changed my mind.      What is the media’s responsibility in recording science? My interpretation frequently does not jibe with what even competent journalists think. Is it to report what is important, or what is newsworthy? Sometimes those two are not the same.      One crucial area of AIDS research is our attempts to understand the regulatory genes of HIV. It is magnificent science, and it is not only going to tell us things about HIV, but also how the cell is controlled by viral genes and how the virus is controlled by cellu...

A brief excerpt from the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic publishng event of the year.


Remdesivir is beginning to look like one of the biggest scams in the history of science and medicine

Remdesivir price is out now. As I suspected, it’s not cheap Gilead is charging hospitals between $3,120 and $5,720 per patient Payment will begin in July, likely in anticipation of making a profit in the second wave of COVID-19 Lot of money for a drug w/ no mortality benefit. — James Todaro, MD (@JamesTodaroMD) June 29, 2020

Is HHV-6 a major issue in Covid-19 ICU patients?

Intensive care (ICU) patients with co-infections of HHV-6 and CMV are 7.5x more likely to die or have an extended stay in the hospital (95% confidence interval, 1.9-29.9), according to investigators at the University of Washington who studied viremia in 115 acutely ill adults,who%20studied%20viremia%20in%20115%20acutely%20ill%20adults. Reactivation of human beta-herpesviruses (cytomegalovirus [CMV], human herpesvirus [HHV]-6, and HHV-7) in nonimmunocompromised hosts is rare. Because these viruses are susceptible to reactivation by cytokines and stress-related mechanisms, the incidence of their reactivation was investigated among 120 patients during stress related to critical illness and compared with findings among 50 healthy volunteers. Human beta-herpesvirus DNA was found i...

Is HHV-6 driving Covid-19 morbidity and mortality? Will Covid-19 bring the HHV-6 and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome pandemic out of the closet?

Positive detection of SARS‐CoV‐2 combined HSV1 and HHV6B virus nucleic acid in tear and conjunctival secretions of a non‐conjunctivitis COVID‐19 patient with obstruction of common lacrimal duct Want to know more about HHV-6? Check out this book:

The latest on the Lancetgate scandal

RECOVERY releases preprint *justifying* high doses of HCQ. In FIVE patients with good renal function, high doses of HCQ did not reach toxic levels. I’m not sure this 5-patient sample is generalizable in a 1,542 patient study with a ~25% mortality rate. — James Todaro, MD (@JamesTodaroMD) June 25, 2020

Politico digs into Lancetgate, the fraudulent study on hydroxychloroquine published in Richard Horton's publication, The Lancet

Bungled Lancet study casts shadow over health data industry

Covid-19 Game Changer: A third of asymptomatic people had lung damage.

The New York Times : "About a third of the asymptomatic people had the “ground-glass opacities” characteristic of Covid-19 and abnormalities in the lungs and in cell types, however."

Why there can be no discussions about the relationship between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS.


The HHV-6 paradox has been solved! Now can it be treated in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients?


Are we one step closer to recognizing HHV-6 is a public health crisis?

Scientists discover ‘fatigue’ protein that raises hope of blood test to diagnose depression  "Prof. Kondo’s team was able to confirm that the human herpes virus type 6, or HHV6, increases sharply in a person’s saliva when fatigue and stress build up. Virtually everyone is infected with the virus during infancy and it typically remains dormant in the body. When a person becomes tired, however, HHV6 can become active again and can be detected in saliva. Some of the virus also travels to the olfactory bulb, the part of the brain that is connected to the sense of smell. Should the olfactory bulb become infected, it produces SITH1 proteins – which Prof. Kondo first identified a decade ago and jokingly named after the Dark Lord of the Sith in the Star Wars series of films because it “takes people to the dark side”, he said. The proteins produce excessive amounts of calcium, which then flow into brain cells and kill them. The death of cells also reduces the regeneration of nerves...

Scientists and editors roll out their excuses for the big Covid-19 fraud published by Richard Horton's publication, The Lancet


The Bhupesh Prusty ME/CFS hypothesis may explain why AIDS drugs have helped Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients.

Image — Bhupesh K Prusty (@BhupeshPrusty) June 12, 2020

The Bhupesh Prusty Chronic Fatigue Syndrome hypothesis sure sounds like the other face of the AIDS epidemic.

Image — Bhupesh K Prusty (@BhupeshPrusty) June 12, 2020

The doctor who exposed the fraudulent Covid-19 study in the Lancet.


What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?


Do dental issues in Covid-19 suggest a possible involvement of a cofactor like African Swine Fever virus?

Necrotizing periodontal disease: oral manifestation of COVID‐19 We read with interest the series of cases reported by Martín Carreras‐Presas et al. (2020). We believe that the described oral vesiculobullous manifestations were suggestive of coronavirus disease 20...

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HHV-6 and CMV

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Dr. Bhupesh Prusty and Professor Thomas Rudel discuss their HHV-6 research

Anthony Fauci was part of the gang that silenced and destroyed Judy Mikovits.

Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome the other AIDS epidemic in the gay community?

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