Chromosomally integrated human herpesvirus 6 in heart failure: prevalence and treatment
European Journal of Heart Failure, 11/12/2014 Clinical Article
Kühl U, et al. – Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV–6) A and B are two
betaherpesviruses that are associated with many conditions including
roseola, drug–induced hypersensitivity syndrome, limbic encephalitis,
and myocarditis. The data suggest that virus replication in cardiac
tissue of ciHHV–6 heart failure patients suggests that ciHHV–6
reactivation causes persistence of unexplained heart failure symptoms.
The authors demonstrated that antiviral treatment, effective in
decreasing viral transcripts and clinical complaints of
cardiomyopathies, is a new therapeutic option for ciHHV–6–associated