Leading CFS Journalist Hillary Johnson Raises Question about what CFS Does to Pilots:
Did German Co-pilot have CFS-Related Eye Issues? And more?
Nearly every PWC had asthenopic symptoms (tired eyes, sore, watery or weak). Blurred vision was reported in two-thirds of the group that was greater at near while one-half said blurred vision also occurred at a distance. Oscillopsia (bouncing or jiggling of the vision) as reported in one-quarter of the PWCs, while seven complained of double vision (diplopia)."
When Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Harms Vision
Keep Your Eye on CFIDS
"Eye problems are another part of CFIDS that have been poorly studied, but the neuro-ophthamological manifestations are varied and quite common. A few years ago, Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, Ph.D, made a surprise appearance at a CFIDS support group in California. Only the leader knew the reason he came. The other 44 PWCs filled out a questionnaire and, before leaving, had a simple examination. Dr. Sadun, a professor of ophthalmology and neurosurgery at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, found all 44 reported some ocular complaint.Nearly every PWC had asthenopic symptoms (tired eyes, sore, watery or weak). Blurred vision was reported in two-thirds of the group that was greater at near while one-half said blurred vision also occurred at a distance. Oscillopsia (bouncing or jiggling of the vision) as reported in one-quarter of the PWCs, while seven complained of double vision (diplopia)."