
Showing posts from May, 2016

A Crime Against Humanity: What Anthony Fauci and the CDC's Empire of Sociopathic Science has done to people:

"Sean Strub took the drug Viread until a doctor told him his bones had deteriorated so much that they resembled an 85-year-old woman's." For more on the sociopathic science of AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome visit Sociopathic Science University .

How the CDC's James Curran helped create the sociopathic science that formed the foundation of CFS/AIDS apartheid.

     The Centers for Disease Control’s James Curran was one of the chief architects of the original AIDS paradigm. Curran had the perfect medical background for laying down the formative heterosexually-biased interpretations of the early data that epidemiologists gathered about the sick gay men who were thought to be the patients zero of a new supposedly gay epidemic. Jacob Levinsen described Curran in The Story of AIDS and Black America : “ . . . Jim Curran, the Chief of the CDC’s Venereal Disease Control Division was tapped to head up a Kaposi’s Sarcoma and Opportunistic Infection Task Force. Despite being short staffed and underfunded, the Task Force managed to bring together experts from diverse fields like virology, cancer, and parasitic diseases in addition to a small team of epidemiological intelligence officers, who were the agency’s foot soldiers for disease prevention. . . . He had done quite a bit of work on hepatitis B with gay men in the 1970s, and h...

The Woman Who Confronted the Sociopathic Science of AIDS

How Rebecca Cul shaw Tried to Fix the Corrupted Hard Drive of AIDS Research      Hopefully, when filmmakers finally start to realize how many rich narrative possibilities there are in the real history of "Holocaust II," Rebecca’s Culshaw’s dramatic awakening to the dark nature of HIV/AIDS science or pseudoscience will be recognized as a compelling story that deserves to be a movie by itself. Culshaw received her Ph.D. in 2002 for work constructing mathematical models of HIV infection, a field of study she had entered in 1996. In an essay, “ Why I Quite HIV ,” (published online) she said that her entire adolescence and adult life “has been overshadowed by the belief in a deadly, sexually transmittable pathogen and the attendant fear of intimacy and lack of trust that belief engenders.” During her work on AIDS she came to realize “that there is good evidence that the entire basis for this theory is wrong. AIDS, it seems is not a disease so much as a sociopolitical constr...

WTF? Does AIDS Prevention Drug Truvada Cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome????

This should raise eyebrows!   "I am trying to find out what I am currently going through and I have developed several hypotheses. Perhaps you could tell what you think? a) exposure to HIV and subsequent PEP treatment triggered a chronic fatigue syndrome . Would this be a possible long-term effect of PEP? Might PEP have caused a dysfunction of my immune system ?" Study of possible correlation between CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME and TRUVADA

May 24 Editorial: How Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Threatens to Expose Fauci and the CDC's Perfect Scientific Crime

HHV-6 Editorial How Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Threatens to Expose AIDS Czar Fauci and the CDC's Perfect Scientific Crime Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers are constantly puzzled by the remorselessly contemptuous manner in which they are treated by AIDS Czar Anthony Fauci and government scientists at the CDC. Hillary Johnson did a wonderful job of capturing that contempt in her masterpiece Osler's Web. The treatment has been uncanny and never seems to really change. The patients cry, "Why, why, why, why?" To many it makes no sense. Many of the sufferers are white middle class heterosexuals are used to being treated with a modicum of respect from their government and its bureaucrats. They feel a certain amount of white heterosexual privilege and just can't fathom why they are being so ruthlessly disrespected and "disappeared." The patients don't realize that they are being gaslighted by a grotesque empire of sociopathic science . The patie...

The impact of the HHV-6 cover-up is getting bigger and more tragic by the day.

Caregiver burden and fatigue in caregivers of people with dementia: Measuring human herpesvirus (HHV)-6 and -7 DNA levels in saliva. Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent in scie...

Is HHV-6 causing Alzheimers????????????????

Editorial May 25, 2016: Send your CFS shoes to Collins and Fauci

HHV-6 Editorial The Millions Missing campaign utilizing shoes is perhaps the most effective effort we have yet seen on behalf of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Congratulations to everyone behind it. You're hitting it out of the park. We have a suggestion. Everyone involved should now send one of their shoes to Francis Collins at the National Institutes of Health (9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892). The other shoe should be sent to Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ( 3012 43rd St NW, Washington, DC 20016). We have little doubt that every major media outlet in the country would eventually cover this story.

Shoes of the victims of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cover-up..

Shoes donated by the #MillionsMissing who've had their lives taken by ME. @RachaelMaskell @kevinhollinrake Help ? — Bill Clayton (@clanman3) May 25, 2016

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