Do pigs harbor HHV-6 and HHV-8?
"In domestic pigs, the distant relationship of a putative genogroup II
gammaherpesvirus to the PLHVs
may preclude its detection by PCR-based assays
developed for PLHVs. Moreover, the virus would share much more identity
HHV-8 than with PLHVs"
Robert Gallo's Laboratory's Research on the relationship between HHV-6 (originally called HBLV) and African Swine Fever Virus.
Novel herpesviruses of Suidae: indicators for a second genogroup of artiodactyl gammaherpesviruses
Are HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8 really Porcine Lymphotropic Herpes Viruses? And what is the real relationship between the so-called Porcine Lymphotropic Herpes Viruses (PLHV) and African Swine Fever Virus? Are they related?
Are pigs and pork infected with variants of HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8? Is the pig version of these viruses causing the PRRS epidemic of immune deficiency in pigs all over the world? Is PRRS really a disease that is connected to African Swine Fever Virus? Are Porcine Lymhoroic Herps Viruses which are found in pigs afflicted with PRRS being confused with ASFV? Would pigs make the best model for HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8 treatment experiments? A lot of issues need to be sorted out. Gallo's Laboratory's Research on the relationship between HHV-6 (originally called HBLV) and African Swine Fever Virus.