What is the relationship between Classical Swine Fever Virus and Zika Virus in Brazil? Both cviruses are from the Flaviviridae family.

"ABSTRACT Classical swine fever (CSF) is a highly contagious viral disease of Suidae animals, caused by a Pestivirus from Flaviviridae family, considered one major cause of economic losses to the swine producers. The CSF eradication and control program (CSFECP) established from 1992 evolved to 2001, divide the country in CSF Free Zone, without CSF vaccination and CSF infected area. The purpose of this work was to analyze the CSFECP efficacy in all Brazilian territory from 2000 to 2011 including CSF outbreaks in infected area of North and Northeast regions. CSF epidemiological data were obtained mainly from Federal Agriculture Defense Secretary and States Official Inspection Agencies. The CSF outbreaks occurred in CSF infected area were plotted and the tendency line analyzed by quadratic trend model (Minitab). The results of Brazilian statutory for CSF point to a gradual CSF-eradication in all country since the number of Federal States including at CSF Free Zone, is increasing and reached 15 of 27 Brazilian States, in period from 2001 to 2009. In seven States of infected area, 49 CSF outbreaks occurred. The stamping out was the main sanitary measure but in two Federal States Amapá and Rio Grande do Norte the emergency vaccination was also applied. In conclusion, the eradication of CSF of all Brazilian territory is in progress but depend on the continuity of official swine diseases surveillance jointed with a rigorous control of animal movement, serological and viral activities investigations until no more outbreaks could be cited in all country."

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