
Showing posts from December, 2018

The HHV-8 epidemic may be definitive proof that the most incompetent scientists in the world work at the CDC in Atlanta.

On World AIDS Day it is important to discuss the massive kissing-disease epidemic of a cancer-causing virus (HHV-8) that HIV fraud has created. Do petechiae in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome connect it to Kaposi's Sarcoma, HHV-8, and AIDS? Because of HHV-8, AIDS is still an active fraud situation Do researchers into Castleman's Disease know that HHV-8 may have come from pigs? Fauci and the CDC have used the fraudulent HIV paradigm to cover up the HHV-8 epidemic in the gay community. The CDC can't call HHV-6, HHV-7 & HHV-8 the Chronic Fatigue...

Oral Kaposi's Sarcoma looks like the Crimson Crescents in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients.

This is what oral Kaposi's Sarcoma looks like. Source: Compare it to these crimson crescent lesions in the mouths of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. "Burke A. Cunha, MD, discovered what he called crimson crescents in the mouths of 80% of his CFS patients. After the word got out, Cunha received calls from other parts of the country. Physicians began telling him that they also were finding the crimson crescents in their patients once they looked for them." Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients may have undiagnosed internal Kaposi's Sarcoma. Susan Levin found HHV-8, the Kaposi's Sarcoma virus, in half of CFS patients she looked at. Prevalence in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of the Following Infectious Agents in a Cohort of 12 CFS Subjects Susan Levine Published online: 04 Dec 2011 ABSTR...

Carol Head on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as a civil rights issue.


Were oral crimson crescents the first obvious sign of Kaposi's Sarcoma in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients?

"Burke A. Cunha, MD, discovered what he called crimson crescents in the mouths of 80% of his CFS patients. After the word got out, Cunha received calls from other parts of the country. Physicians began telling him that they also were finding the crimson crescents in their patients once they looked for them." Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients may have undiagnosed internal Kaposi's Sarcoma. Susan Levin found HHV-8, the Kaposi's Sarcoma virus, in half of CFS patients she looked at. Prevalence in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of the Following Infectious Agents in a Cohort of 12 CFS Subjects Susan Levine Published online: 04 Dec 2011 ABSTRACT Over the last decade a wide variety of infectious agents has been associated with the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) as potential etiologies for this disorder by researchers from all over the world. Ma...

Did Paul Cheney ever consider the possibility that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients have internal Kaposi's Sarcoma?

Source: This paper (below) by Dr. Paul Cheney and Dr. Charles Lapp was written more than two decades ago. It contains detailed descriptions of numerous test abnormalities found in ME/CFS patients, all which can be used for diagnosis. ____________________________ The Diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Assertive Approach by Paul R. Cheney, MD, PhD and W. Charles Lapp, MD, FAAP Introduction: The Case for Diagnosis by Objective Criteria Over the past ten years, a considerable and diverse medical literature has arisen concerning the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Like all medical literature written on an emerging disorder, these published findings include a range of views and some discrepancies. Systematic errors exist among the tools used to discern differences between CFS cases and "healthy" controls. The central problem, however, is case selection. Many patients with CFS are excluded from studies becau...

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