Are we one step closer to the recognition that HHV-6 is the key to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, AIDS, Alzheimer's and the autism epidemic?

"In 2018, a landmark paper examining samples of tissue from a brain bank for evidence of HHV6 infection gave ammunition to end that argument. Among the control sample, 22% had HHV6 protein and a larger percentage had HHV6 DNA in neurons. In contrast, among cases with depression, 73% of the cases had HHV6 protein and 87% had HHV6 DNA in neurons. Prusty and colleagues shook the ground with this paper. Not only did they find proteins of HHV6 inside brain cells, but confirmed the presence of the virus by a second set of distinct antibodies of different proteins, direct visualization using electron microscopy, and amplification and identification of the DNA of HHV6 inside the neurons of the same brains."

Want to know the whole controversial history of HHV-6? Read this epic narrative.

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