
Showing posts from July, 2005

A Summary of HHV-6's Destructivenss

From an article by Abdel-Haq NahedM, Asmar BasimI in The Indian Journal of Pediatrics (2004,Volume 71, Issue 1, Page 89-96) HHV-6 preferentially infects CD4+ T-lymphocytes;[17] but can also infect other cell lines of epithelial, fibroblastic and neuronal origins with different efficiency.[18],[19],[20] The surface marker CD46 acts as part of a co-receptor for infection by both HHV-6A and HHV-6B.[21] Although CD46 is expressed by most nucleated human cells and may explain the wide cellular tropism of HHV-6, the virus does not infect all CD46-positive cells. Following infection, HHV-6 persists and establishes latency in different cells and organs including monocytes/macrophages, salivary glands, the brain and the kidneys. Because the main target cells for infection are the CD4-positive lymphocytes and monocytes, HHV-6 infection has important effects on the immune system. These include enhancement of natural killer cells, inhibition of T-cell proliferation, induction of cytokine rel...

Scientist says there is an urgent need for more research into HHV-6 and HHV-7

In the June, 2005 issue of Current Opinion in Infection Diseases , an article about HHV-6 and HHV-7 in children concludes that "is an urgent need for more research on HHV-6 and -7 in children, particularly in relation to chromosomal integration of HHV-6A and B, and clinical consequences of HHV-7 infection." The article by Katherine K. Ward, notes that "both viruses have been shown to contribute significantly and equally to the burden of disease in young children with suspected encephalitis or severe convulsions with fever." If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic F...

The Big Medical Story the Media is Ignoring

Any journalist who says that Non-HIV AIDS isn't an important story worthy of full investigative coverage is a clown who belongs in the same class as the clownish journalists who looked the other way when AIDS first broke out. On the website for Autoimmune Technologies, the story is virtually spelled out for any enterprising journalist: Idiopathic CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia, or ICL, is an immunodeficiency syndrome in which human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, cannot be detected. Because HIV is the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), ICL can be referred to as Non-HIV AIDS. As in AIDS patients, Non-HIV AIDS patients exhibit reduced numbers of CD4+ T-lymphocytes, and many Non-HIV AIDS patients have developed the opportunistic infections or otherwise rare cancers associated with AIDS. Non-HIV AIDS patients may comprise perhaps one percent of all AIDS patients. While the majority of Non-HIV AIDS patients do not belong to any of the risk groups such as bloo...

Finally, Some Dramatic Proof that CFS is an Immune Disorder

Anyone who thinks that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is part of the AIDS epidemic received a little support in a new study that indicates that there is a problem with the white blood cells in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. According to New Scientist , a team led by Jonathan Kerr "has compared levels of gene expression in the white blood cells of 25 healthy individuals with those in 25 patients diagnosed as having CFS according to strict criteria. The researchers found differences in 35 of the 9522 genes they analysed using DNA chip technology. The few similar studies done in the past have produced conflicting results, so the team double-checked their results using a more accurate method called real-time PCR. That confirmed that 15 of the genes were up to four times as active in people with CFS, while one gene was less active. The results will appear in the Journal of Clinical Pathology next month." The London Daily Mai...

HHV-8 and KS in CFIDS

A number of years ago, Neenyah Ostrom reported in the New York Native on the lesions in CFS patients which seem to resemble Kaposi's Sarcoma (KS). The current thinking is that a virus called HHV-8 is the cause of KS. (Although HHV-6 has recently also been implicated once again.) If KS is a problem in CFS (and we suspect it is) then one should be able to find HHV-8 and HHV-6 in CFS patients. Apparently, in this small study, one can. Below is a rather explosive abstract: Prevalence in the cerebrospinal fluid of the following infectious agents in a cohort of 12 CFS subjects: human herpes virus-6 and 8; chlamydia species; mycoplasma species; EBV; CMV; and Coxsackievirus. Levine, S. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 2001, 9, 1/2, 41-51. Abstract: Over the last decade a wide variety of infectious agents have been associated with the CFS as potential etiologies for this disorder. Many of these agents are neurotrophic and have been linked previously to other diseas...

Overview of HHV-6

This overview of HHV-6 is seven years old, but still very relevant. If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results of the ravages of HHV-6. 3. AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been artificially and politically separated into two epidemics. We are living in a period of CFS/AIDS apartheid. So-called AIDS patients have to sit in the back of the HHV-6 epidemic bus while the befuddled HHV-6/CFS patients and HHV-6/Autism victims sit up front. Nobody is well-served. 4. AIDS is...

HHV-6 Linked to Miscarriages

Neenyah Ostrom reported on the link between HHV-6 and miscarriages a number of years ago. If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results of the ravages of HHV-6. 3. AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been artificially and politically separated into two epidemics. We are living in a period of CFS/AIDS apartheid. So-called AIDS patients have to sit in the back of the HHV-6 epidemic bus while the befuddled HHV-6/CFS patients and HHV-6/Autism victims sit up front. Nobody is we...

Glycyrrhizin May Be Useful in Treating HHV-6

A Chinese study suggests that glycyrrhizin may be helpful in the treatment of HHV-6. Information about glycyrrhizin itself can be found here: The study of its effect on HHV-6: The Abstract: It has been demonstrated that glycyrrhizin inhibits the growth of different viruses in vitro, among which are some herpesviruses, of which HHV-6 and HHV-7 are the most recently discovered. HHV-6 is the etiol. agent of exanthem subitum, but it may be responsible for more severe pathologies. HHV-7 has been isolated from healthy subjects, patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and children with febrile illness but it has not been casually assocd. with any pathol. The aim of our study was therefore to test the activity of glycyrrhizin and of 18a-and 18b-glycyrrhetinic acids against HHV-6 and HHV-7. The antiviral activity of non-toxic concns. of each drug was assayed on lymphocytes infecte...

HHV-6 and AIDS

The following quotes provide an overview of the role of HHV-6 in AIDS: "Imagine the consternation created during 1990 by reports that HIV may be neither necessary nor sufficient to cause the syndrome. The key experiments have been performed in the laboratory of the discoverer of HIV himself, Luc Montagnier of the Institute Pasteur in Paris. If anyone has a stake in proclaiming that HIV is the primary cause of AIDS and that he is the primary discoverer of that cause, it is certainly Montagnier. Yet Montagnier has announced that HIV is not sufficient to cause AIDS." --Robert Root Bernstein Rethinking AIDS page 25 The response from most other HIV researchers has been to ignore Montagnier's data. A few, such as Robert Gallo, have responded by producing counter claims of their own. Gallo, for example, has published studies showing that both HTLV I (one of his earlier discoveries) and herpes simplex type 6, another virus, greatly increase HIV infectivity, replication, a...

A Question for Dr. Joseph Brewer

Dr. Joseph Brewer has offered an interesting paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as a kind of variable HHV-6A Syndrome. Click here for an explanation of the paradigm: Here's our question. Where is the HHV-6A Syndrome epidemic in the gay community? HHV-6A is transmitted in a number of ways , including sexually. One would expect there to be a major epidemic in the gay community. So where is it? If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results...

HHV-6 Transmission

"Sexual, horizontal, and vertical transmission have been suggested." From: "Epidemiology of human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) infection in pregnant and nonpregnant women," J Clin Virol 2000 May 1; 16(3):149-157. Departments of Pediatrics, and Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX, USA  If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results of the ravages of HHV-6. 3. AIDS and ...

Pig to Human Porcine CMV Transmission: What about HHV-6 transmission between people and pigs?

"Given the high frequency of seropositivity of swine for PCMV and the efficiency of transmission of HCMV from donor to transplant recipient (6), PCMV may represent another potential risk to humans." From "Quantitation of Porcine Cytomegalovirus in Pig Tissues by PCR" by Jacqueline F. L. Fryer, Paul D. Griffiths, Jay A. Fishman, Vincent C. Emery, and Duncan A. Clark published in Journal of Clinical Microbiology, March 2001, p. 1155-1156, Vol. 39, No. 3 It is interesting to see pigs and HHV-6 mentioned in the same paper which ends this way : "In conclusion, this report describes the development and application of a QC-PCR assay for the quantification of PCMV, similar to assays currently used in our laboratory for the quantification of human herpesviruses including HHV-6, HHV-7, and HCMV (2, 7, 9). This assay will be useful in further studying the pathogenesis of PCMV and will enable the detection ...

Joseph Brewer on HHV-6 Transfer Factor for CFS and HHV-6 Viremia

Administration of Transfer Factor for Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HHV-6 Viremia By Joseph H. Brewer MD, Plaza Internal Medicine-Infectious Disease and Saint Luke's Hospital (Infectious Diseases), Kansas City, Missouri and Greg B. Wilson PhD, BioLogics, Inc., Greenville, South Carolina Abstract Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has been associated with active HHV-6 infection. CFS has also been associated with immune dysfunction, especially with regard to natural killer (NK) cell function. Since the active infection may be playing a key role in CFS and the associated immune dysfunction, we wanted to study the effects of a transfer factor (TF) with activity for HHV-6 in CFS patients. 28 CFS patients were given a TF preparation derived from bovine colostrum that has activity against HHV-6. Patients were analyzed baseline and monthly for 6 months for symptoms utilizing a scored symptom profile analysis and natural killer cell function assa...

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