
Showing posts from June, 2013

The T-cell Killer HHV-6 May Not Even Need HIV to Destroy The Cells That Prevent Opportunistic Infections

by Neenyah Ostrom NEW YORK NATIVE/May 22, 1995 What sets off the cascade of events that results in the destruction of the immune systems of "AIDS" patients? Although the putative causal agent of the syndrome, HIV, is believed to orchestrate the immune system's collapse, no one has been able to explain how it does it. Meanwhile, another virus, Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6), has been found to kill immune system cells directly-including T-cells, the loss of which is the agreed-upon hallmark of the syndrome-without any mystery or putative indirect mechanisms that have been attributed to HIV. Now, new research from Robert Gallo's National Cancer Institute of Tumor Cell Biology reveals that HHV-6 infection is required for HIV to be able to infect some T-cells. Not only is HHV-6 able to infect and kill these T-cells that HIV is unable to infect, these are the very T-cells that are meant to defend against HHV-6 infection. Therefore, HHV-6 is able to elude de...

Dr. Konstance Knox explains why HHV-6 may be the key to dealing with AIDS.

by Neenyah Ostrom New York Native, issue #678, April 15, 1996 Konstance Knox, Ph.D., is an HHV-6 researcher who has just published a study with extraordinary implications for AIDS research and treatment strategies. Along with colleague Donald R. Carrigan, Ph.D., Knox demonstrated that 100 percent of HIV-infected patients studied (ten out of ten) had active Human Herpes Virus 6 Variant A infections in their lymph nodes early in the course of their disease. Seventy-five percent of these patients, in fact, had CD4 cell counts higher than 200 (the cut-off for receiving a diagnosis of AIDS), up to as high a CD4 count as 700. This finding led Knox and Carrigan to conclude that "active HHV-6 infections appear relatively early in the course of HIV disease and in vitro studies suggest that the A variant of HHV-6 is capable of breaking HIV latency, with the potential for helping to catalyze the progression of HIV infection to AIDS." This new study, in other words, pres...

HHV-6 and the Promise of Ampligen

This experimental drug not only stops HHV-6, it helps AIDS and CFS patients function. Written by Neenyah Ostrom, first published in: New York Native, issue #663, January 1, 1996 During 1995, a series of extremely disturbing facts were revealed about the damage Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6) is able to inflict. The virus was linked to the brain and nervous system damage seen in Multiple Sclerosis; scientists warned that HHV-6 is a dangerous contaminant of the blood supply, which is not screened for its presence, and is therefore probably being transmitted via transfusion; HHV-6 was found to be the most common infection in AIDS patients, rather than CMV as was previously assumed; it was implicated as a cause of the blinding AIDS retinitis; Italian research linked HHV-6 (Variant A) not only to AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but also to AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma; and, perhaps most importantly, HHV-6 has been shown to be present in the lymph nodes of AIDS patie...

Important and provocative books about HHV-6 and the epidemics it may be causing available from Amazon in print editions or on Kindle:

The Virus Within by Nicholas Regush (Print Edition) What Really Killed Gilda Radner? Frontline Reports on the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic by Neenyah Ostrom (Print Edition) 50 Things You Should Know About the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic by Neenyah Ostrom (Print Edition) America's Biggest Cover-Up: 50 More Things Everyone Should Know About the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic And Its Link to AIDS by Neenyah Ostrom (Print Edition)

HHV-6 and Thymocyte Depletion

Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) Causes Severe Thymocyte Depletion in SCID-hu Thy/Liv Mice Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) is a potentially immunosuppressive agent that may act as a cofactor in the progression of AIDS. Here, we describe the first small animal model of HHV-6 infection. HHV-6 subgroup A, strain GS, efficiently infected the human thymic tissue implanted in SCID-hu Thy/Liv mice, leading to the destruction of the graft. Viral DNA was detected in Thy/Liv implants by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as early as 4 d after inoculation and peaked at day 14. The productive nature of the infection was confirmed by electron microscopy and immunohistochemical staining. Atypical thymocytes with prominent nuclear inclusions were detected by histopathology. HHV-6 replication was associated with severe, progressive thymocyte depletion involving all major cellular subsets. However, intrathymic T progenitor cells (ITTPs) appeared to be more severely depleted than the o...

Virologic and Immunologic Evidence Supporting an Association between HHV-6 and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results of the ravages of HHV-6. 3. AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been artificially and politically separated into two epidemics. We are living in a period of CFS/AIDS apartheid. So-called AIDS patients have to sit in the back of the HHV-6 epidemic bus while the befuddled HHV-6/CFS patients and HHV-6/Autism victims sit up front. Nobody is well-served. 4. AIDS is not a sexually transmitted disease. Th...

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