
Showing posts from July, 2014

HHV-6 and HHV-7 Co-Infection in MS 7

Chronic Active Herpesvirus Co-Infections in Patients with CFS/ME

HHV-6 Pioneer Konnie Knox's New Research IACFS/ME March 20-23, 2014

"Recently, HHV-6 has been detected in the olfactory bulbs and tracts and frequently in the nasal cavities of MS patients, supporting the hypothesis that this virus uses olfactory pathways as a route to enter into the CNS and then trigger the MS"

HHV-6-positivity in diseases with demyelination

Does focusing on the HHV-6 infection of the vagus nerve help cover up the fact that HHV-6 is a multisystemic virus in both AIDS and CFS?

Books about HHV-6 on Kindle Unlimited

MoBiTec, Germany, Announces Availability of Human Herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6) Assay Kits

CD4+ T-cells are Screwed Up in CFS Just Like in AIDS (Surprise! Surprise!)

Human herpesvirus 6 and the nervous system.

Llewellyn King on the CFS Crisis


HHV-6 and Cancer: No Surprise Here

What is the Second Leading Cause of Cancer; The CBCD Reviews Surprising Data ā€œEpidemiological data imply that viruses are the second most important risk factor for cancer,ā€ according to a study published on June 6, 2014 in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry (1). The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) reviews the medical literature and explains the relationship between cancer and Dr. Hanan Polanskyā€™s discovery. Rochester, NY (PRWEB) June 20, 2014 Science may be finally catching up to the ground breaking ideas presented in Dr. Hanan Polanskyā€™s book, ā€œMicrocompetition with Foreign DNA and the Origin of Chronic Disease,ā€ which was published more than 10 years ago. Doctor Dey and his team of researchers suggest that ā€œEpidemiological data imply that viruses are the second most important risk factor for cancer (1).ā€ Yet, Dr. Polanskyā€™s work in 2003 identified latent viruses a...

Pathogenesis From the Reactivation of Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus Type 6: Facts Rather Than Fiction.

Does new research on Natural Killer cell impairment in CFS show yet another connection to the AIDS epidemic?

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