
Showing posts from March, 2015

Chronic fatigue syndrome: Features of a population of patients from northern Italy

Once again, a Major CFS Study Fails to also Test AIDS Cases (We're shocked! We're shocked!)

 "Our results indicate a markedly disturbed immune signature in the cerebrospinal fluid of cases that is consistent with immune activation in the central nervous system, and a shift toward an allergic or T helper type-2 pattern associated with autoimmunity."  

The Anti-CFS/AIDS Apartheid Epidemiological Civil Rights Movement of the 21st Century

  Visit the HHV-6 Store Help Raise HHV-6 Awareness with a T-shirt!

Will Molecular Psychiatry be the Way that Information about the HHV-6 Pandemic is Sneaked into the Public Discourse?

Molecular Psychiatry: Cytokine network analysis of cerebrospinal fluid in myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome

From the HHV-6 University Department of Humor


Co-Pilot Body Parts Could Be Tested to See if He Had Underlying HHV-6/CFS Infection Associated with Behavioral and Visual Issues

Did German Co-pilot Suffer from CFS and/or Aerotoxic Syndrome?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may be intertwined with "Aeotoxic Syndrome ." Prevalence of fatigue among commercial pilots

HHV-6 New York Native Flashback #10

"San Francisco was host on April 15, 1989 to the largest Chronic Fatigue Syndrome conference ever held in the United States. Approximately 500 health care professionals from across the nation attended the symposium, which was sponsored by San Francisco's Department of Public Health, the San Francisco Medical Society, and the medical and nursing schools at the University of California at San Francisco. "The disease has left hundreds of Bay Area patients so disabled that they cannot work," wrote San Francisco Chronicle science editor David Perlman in a front-page story on April 17 ("Fatigue Syndrome Still a Mystery"). "In addition to flu-like symptoms--exhaustion, swollen lymph glands, sore throat and fever--researchers report that some patients more exotic symptoms, including confusion, depression, and sleep disturbances."   --Neenyah Ostrom, New York Native , May 1, 1989   Visit New York Native University

The Countess of Mar, Medical Politics, and ME/CFS

  ā€œLadies and gentlemen, I know how very difficult it is to say ā€˜Sorry, I got it wrongā€™, especially when your whole career has been based on a particular belief. I have been told that, in medicine, nothing will change until the old guard moves on. The history of medicine is littered with instances of this phenomenon. It is my very sincere wish that the situation will change radically long before the changing of the guard.ā€

Leading CFS Journalist Hillary Johnson Raises Question about what CFS Does to Pilots:

Did German Co-pilot have CFS-Related Eye Issues? And more? When Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Harms Vision Keep Your Eye on CFIDS "Eye problems are another part of CFIDS that have been poorly studied, but the neuro-ophthamological manifestations are varied and quite common. A few years ago, Alfredo A. Sadun, MD, Ph.D, made a surprise appearance at a CFIDS support group in California. Only the leader knew the reason he came. The other 44 PWCs filled out a questionnaire and, before leaving, had a simple examination. Dr. Sadun, a professor of ophthalmology and neurosurgery at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, found all 44 reported some ocular complaint. Nearly every PWC had asthenopic symptoms (t...

Do Endogenous Retroviruses Connect Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS?

Etienne de Harven may have inadvertently connected AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Human Endogenous Retroviruses and AIDS Research: Confusion, Consensus, or Science? (.pdf file) (2010)  

HHV-6 New York Native Flashback #9

"A blistering attack upon 'CFS expert' Stephen Straus at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and [NIAID's] director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is delivered in the January/February issues of CFIDS Chronicle . An editorial and two articles detail the inadequacies and mean-spiritedness that characterize Straus and the NIH's lame efforts to address Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS or Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndrome CIDS). The charges leveled at Straus and the NIH appear to lay the groundwork for a class-action suit on behalf of people with CIDS. . . .The constructive action that the editors recommend is pressuring Congress to remove Dr. Stephen Straus from his position as 'CFS expert' at NIAID. Straus is the leading proponent of a 'psychoneurotic ' theory of CIDS, and his research attempts to establish that 'chronic fatigue syndrome represents a psychoneurotic...

Kramer accuses Rachel Maddow's "Great American," Anthony Fauci, of letting people die

Image s "Thirty-four years is a long time for Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is in charge of AIDS research, to watch his and our President and his and our Congress and their National Institutes of Health let us die. Allowing people to die is evil and genocidal."   Rachel Maddow on Tony Fauci: MADDOW: Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Great American, sir. Thank you very much for being with us tonight. I really appreciate it. FAUCI: Good to be with you. Thank you, Rachel. MADDOW: Thank you. Not like I get to bestow the title great American, but Tony Fauci is really a big deal. A big deal that he agreed to come on this show. I`ve impressed my...

Why doesn't Carol Head join forces with Judy Mikovits?

Judy Mikovits and Carol Head should hold a joint press conference in Washington D.C. and urge that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome be renamed "Non-HIV AIDS." That would get the ball rolling.   Judy Mikovits on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Interviewer: "If HHS gave you the power to re-name CFS, what would you call it?" Mikovits: "Non-HIV AIDS. It is an acquired immune deficiency, beyond a shadow of a doubt. " Read the full interview:  

Gene expression studies of lytic infection and chromosomal integration of human herpesvirus 6.

Hillary Johnson: "Fauci must go."

Once again, HHV-6's role in AIDS Neurological Problems Ignored


CFS Briefing in Washington

SMCI hosted a briefing on the IOM report in Washington D.C. The briefing, which included media, congressional leaders and executive branch decision-makers, was intended to further the IOM report momentum and turn the report into action, particularly by urging additional federal research funding. Hillary Johnson on Carol Head:

Major publisher retracts 43 scientific papers amid wider fake peer-review scandal

When will the White House Weigh in on the HHV-6 Crisis?

Yes, antibiotics are a crisis, but what about HHV-6, an exponentially much more serious problem?  

HHV-6 is the Epidemic that Should Be Keeping Bill Gates Awake at Night

HHV-6 New York Native Flashback #8

"Straus's continued assertions that [chronic fatigue syndrome] 'represents a psychoneurotic condition' and that 'a history of affective disorders is frequent among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome' are rather inexplicable, particularly in light of some of the results that he and his colleagues report. . . . Indeed Straus appears to have an adversarial relationship with those very people whose illness he is trying to elucidate and ameliorate. He has written that, 'It is difficult and at times unpleasant to address the demands of such [chronic fatigue syndrome] patients or to test hypotheses as to the aetiology of their woes.' "   --Neenyah Ostrom, New York Native, January 23, 1989 The New York Native 1980-1997 A 20th Century Newspaper of Firsts 1. First newspaper to break the story of AIDS. 2. First newspaper to make AIDS its signature story. 3. First newspaper the Centers for Disease Control leaked news of the discovery ...


Another Victim of HHV-6 at The New Yorker?


Huffington Post: "A February Institute of Medicine report said up to 91 percent of people with chronic fatigue syndrome have not been diagnosed."

A cockamamie end to the HHV-6 cover-up? A psychiatrist leading the way?

 Using Antivirals to treat HHV-6 in depressed CFS patients? Psychiatrists leading the way? Thomas Henderson: The Role of Antiviral Therapy in Chronic Fatigue Treatment "Patients were treated with the antiviral, valacyclovir (Valtrex), at a dose of 1000 mg twice a day. Only one patient experienced nausea and discontinued the antiviral. Improvement occurred over the course of 3-5 months. Eighty-six percent of the patients responded by 3 months, and 92% responded by 5 months. Symptoms of fatigue, exertion induced malaise, excessive sleep, napping, unrefreshing sleep, headaches, cognitive symptoms, and emotional symptoms all resolved." "These data are also consistent with prior studies of antiviral treatment of SEID. Lerner and colleagues found significant and persistent improvement in symptoms and in cardiovascular function in SEID patients who wer...

Huffington Post on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Image   Visit the HHV-6 Store Help Raise HHV-6 Awareness with a T-shirt!

A child with acute encephalopathy associated with quadruple viral infection (including HHV-6)

Image   Visit the HHV-6 Store Help Raise HHV-6 Awareness with a T-shirt!

Also in AIDS?????

Identification of a MicroRNA Signature for the Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia

An autoimmune disease?

Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome an autoimmune disease?

HHV-6 New York Native Flashback #7

"A promising treatment for the immune dysfunction seen in [chronic fatigue syndrome] and "AIDS" comes from a surprising source: mushrooms. Two extracts from shiitake mushrooms act as immune system stimulators and possess anti-viral activities, according to scientists in Japan. LEM, an extract from immature shiitakes, and lentinan, which is an extract from the mushroom's fruit body, both appear to stimulate immune responses but differ in their anti-viral properties."    --Neenyah Ostrom, New York Native , January 9, 1989 The New York Native 1980-1997 A 20th Century Newspaper of Firsts 1. First newspaper to break the story of AIDS. 2. First newspaper to make AIDS its signature story. 3. First newspaper the Centers for Disease Control leaked news of the discovery of what the institution thought was the "cause of AIDS. 4. First newspaper to do an in-depth interview with Robert Gallo. 5. The first newspaper to raise questions on a re...

Julian Lake's Forthcoming Cartoon Book

Check out Julian Lakes Previous Cartoon Book!   The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Follies: Cartoons about an epidemic of lies. Now in print or on Kindle and free on Kindle Unlimited.

Major Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Documentary May Launch in May


Can Fecal Transplants Cure Autism? Herpesviruses and the microbiome.   "Herpesviruses are highly adapted to lifelong infection of their human hosts and thus can be considered a component of the human "microbiome" in addition to their role in illness triggered by primary infection."

HHV-6 New York Native Flashback #6

"Chest pain, several types of arrhythmias, heart murmurs, and tachycardias (an abnormally rapid beating of the heart) occur in Cheney's [chronic fatigue syndrome] patients. He has a few patients with 'focal myocarditis,' and inflammation of a section of hear muscle."   -- Neenyah Ostrom, New York Native , January 2, 1989 The New York Native 1980-1997 A 20th Century Newspaper of Firsts 1. First newspaper to break the story of AIDS. 2. First newspaper to make AIDS its signature story. 3. First newspaper the Centers for Disease Control leaked news of the discovery of what the institution thought was the "cause of AIDS. 4. First newspaper to do an in-depth interview with Robert Gallo. 5. The first newspaper to raise questions on a regular basis about Robert Gallo's so-called  "discovery," and to provide thorough coverage of the Gallo scandal. 6. The first newspaper to cover the scientists who found holes in the H...

Did HHV-6 Come from Pigs?

A study of lymphoid organs and serum proinflammatory cytokines in pigs infected with African swine fever virus genotype II. Arch. Virol. Arch Virol 2015 Mar 24. Epub 2015 Mar 24. Hovakim Zakaryan , Victorya Cholakyans , Lusine Simonyan , Alla Misakyan , Elena Karalova , Andranik Chavushyan , Zaven Karalyan "African swine fever virus (ASFV), the causative agent of one of the most important viral diseases of domestic pigs for which no vaccine is available, causes immune system disorders in infected animals. In this study, the serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines, as well as the histological and cellular constitution of lymphoid organs of pigs infected with ASFV genotype II were investigated. The results showed a high degree of lymphocyte depletion in the lymphoid organs, particularly in the spleen and lymph nodes, where...

HHV-6 New York Native Flashback #5

"HHV-6 is an extremely efficient killer of T-cells and Robert Gallo and co-workers at the National Cancer Institute are currently considering 'the possible cofactor role of HHV-6 in the T-4 depletion seen in AIDS.' They state that 'HHV-6 replication may increase with declining immune function,' and also that 'HHV-6 may sometimes enhance disease progression.' "     --Neenyah Ostrom, New York Native , November 28, 1988 The New York Native 1980-1997 A 20th Century Newspaper of Firsts 1. First newspaper to break the story of AIDS. 2. First newspaper to make AIDS its signature story. 3. First newspaper the Centers for Disease Control leaked news of the discovery of what the institution thought was the "cause of AIDS. 4. First newspaper to do an in-depth interview with Robert Gallo. 5. The first newspaper to raise questions on a regular basis about Robert Gallo's so-called  "discovery," and to provide thor...

More on Pigs and HHV-8, a virus found in CFS and AIDS patients

"Recently, new porcine lymphotropic gammaherpesviruses (PLHV-1, -2 and -3) have been identified, which are highly prevalent in domestic and feral pigs. The genomes of these viruses are homologous to those of the human gammaherpesviruses Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8), which are frequently associated with important diseases in transplant recipient."

Do pigs harbor HHV-6 and HHV-8?

"In domestic pigs, the distant relationship of a putative genogroup II gammaherpesvirus to the PLHVs may preclude its detection by PCR-based assays developed for PLHVs. Moreover, the virus would share much more identity with HHV-8 than with PLHVs" Novel herpesviruses of Suidae : indicators for a second genogroup of artiodactyl gammaherpesviruses     Are HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8 really Porcine Lymphotropic Herpes Viruses? And what is the real relationship between the so-called Porcine Lymphotropic Herpes Viruses (PLHV) and African Swine Fever Virus? Are they related? Are pigs and pork infected with variants of HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8? Is the pig version of these viruses causing the PRRS epidemic of immune deficiency in pigs all over the world? Is PRRS really a disease that is connected to African Swine Fever Virus? Are Porcine Lymhoroic Herps Viruses which are ...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in cats

HHV-6 New York Flashback #4

"Dr. Dharam Ablashi (National Cancer Institute) and Professor Gerhard Krueger (University of Cologne, West Germany) were interviewed by CBN news reporter Cynthia Glaser. Krueger stated that four of 1,000 patients in West Germany had developed [Chronic Fatigue Syndrome] during a year-and-a-half observation period, and that, 'I think AIDS is not such a serious problem as compared to the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.' "    --Neenyah Ostrom, New York Native , November 28, 1988 The New York Native 1980-1997 A 20th Century Newspaper of Firsts 1. First newspaper to break the story of AIDS. 2. First newspaper to make AIDS its signature story. 3. First newspaper the Centers for Disease Control leaked news of the discovery of what the institution thought was the "cause of AIDS. 4. First newspaper to do an in-depth interview with Robert Gallo. 5. The first newspaper to raise questions on a regular basis about Robert Gallo's so-called  "di...

Dr. Thomas Glass on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Pets

"The bad news is it appears that the agent . . . which causes [chronic fatigue syndrome] can be transmitted from human to animal to human. There is no reason to believe based on [my] previous report that [chronic fatigue syndrome] cannot be transmitted from animal to human. This fulfills Koch's Postulate the acceptable scientific criteria) for disease transmission. We were able to recognize a disease in an animal and human; we were able to isolate the agent, and we were able to produce the same disease in a healthy animal.The answer to your most obvious question is probably--yes--you can transmit your [chronic fatigue syndrome] to your pet and --yes--your pet can transmit their [chronic fatigue syndrome] to you." Source : Glass, R.T. 1998. "Autopsy findings of chronically ill animals of patients with chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome and autopsy findings of acutely ill animals who receive the agent which produces chronic fatigue and immune dysfun...

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