
Showing posts from April, 2015

Attention French and European intellectuals and honest scientists:

The Montagnier-Agut HIV Fraud Ponzi Scheme and HHV-6 Cover-up is endangering the health of people all over the world. To fully understand the scope of the disaster this fraud is causing, Google HHV-6 and look at all the illnesses HHV-6 is associated with. This tragedy is being hidden behind the  fraudulent HIV paradigm which has only enriched people like Luc Montagnier and Henry Agut. They have to pretend that HHV-6 is just a confusing opportunistic infection because they must keep their crooked HIV paradigm alive. Please remember the courage of heroes like Sartre and Camus and the French Resistance and do everything you can to end this atrocity. Don't let Montagnier and Agut turn France into a Vichy-like land of dishonest, totalitarian science based on fraud. We are living in the middle of one of the greatest crimes in the history of science. And Paris is the capital of that crime.  If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a ...

Study finds swine farming is a risk factor for drug-resistant staph infections Is there an underlying epidemic that pigs and people are victims of? One porcine virus with many outcomes in pigs and humans? One that leads to staph infections? French, European, and Russian scientist and intellectuals should read what John Beldekas had to say about HHV-6 and a pig virus. If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results of the ravages of HHV-6. 3. AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been artificially and politically separated in...

Is HHV-6 "The many roads to mitochondrial dysfunction in neuroimmune and neuropsychiatric disorders"???? If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results of the ravages of HHV-6. 3. AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been artificially and politically separated into two epidemics. We are living in a period of CFS/AIDS apartheid. So-called AIDS patients have to sit in the back of the HHV-6 epidemic bus while the befuddled HHV-6/CFS patients and HHV-6/Autism victims sit up front. Nobody is well-served. 4. AIDS is not a sexually transmitted disease. That paradigm has set a...

The Miami journalist who tried to blow the whistle

The Montagnier-Agut HIV Fraud and Ponzi scheme and HHV-6 cover-up might have been exposed years ago if this Miami journalist had been listened to. Excerpt:  The Doubters By 1987, three years after the HIV discovery was announced, retrovirologist Duesberg's doubts had hardened into a certainty that something was wrong. For one thing, the numbers weren't adding up. Each year since Heckler's announcement, the federal Centers for Disease Control has projected the number of people expected to turn up with the HIV infection. Initially, scientists were confident their projections would prove accurate: They knew from years of experience how quickly a toxic new virus spreads in a human population. But, the predictions were wrong. At the end of each year, the CDC was forced to revise its estimates downward dramatically. In 1986, for example, the CDC estimated that 1 million to 1.5 million Americans were infected with HIV...

A moment of truth every intellectual and scientist in France, Europe and Russia should be aware of!

A revealing moment in the Montagnier-Agut HIV Fraud Ponzi Scheme and HHV-6 Cover-up: In 1988 I was working as a consultant at Specialty Labs in Santa Monica, setting up analytic routines for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). I knew a lot about setting up analytic routines for anything with nucleic acids in it because I had invented the Polymerase Chain Reaction. That's why they had hired me. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), on the other hand, was something I did not know a lot about. Thus, when I found myself writing a report on our progress and goals for the project, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, I recog nized that I did not know the scientific reference to support a statement I had just written: "HIV is the probable cause of AIDS." So I turned to the virologist at the next desk, a reliable and competent fellow, and asked him for the reference. He said I didn't need one. I disagreed. While it's true that certain scientific...

Take it to court!

The Montagnier-Agut HIV Fraud Ponzi scheme and HHV-6 cover-up should be brought to the attention of the European Court of Human Rights. The human rights of millions of human beings have been violated as a result of the Montagnier-Agut HIV Fraud Ponzi scheme and HHV-6 cover-up. It times to organize lawyers all over the world to work on the most important human rights case in history. If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results of the ravages of HHV-6. 3. AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Synd...

The Harvard scholar who tried to blow the whistle

The Montagnier-Agut HIV Fraud and Ponzi scheme and HHV-6 cover-up might have been exposed years ago if this Harvard scholar had been listened to. If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results of the ravages of HHV-6. 3. AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been artificially and politically separated into two epidemics. We are living in a period of CFS/AIDS apartheid. So-called AIDS patients have to sit in the back of the HHV-6 epidemic bus while the befuddled HHV-6/CFS pati...

"Dogmatic Science Wrong About HIV-AIDS Connection" "Everything that I saw from the data about HIV testing did not fit with the idea of it being a sexually transmitted infection." If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results of the ravages of HHV-6. 3. AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been artificially and politically separated into two epidemics. We are living in a period of CFS/AIDS apartheid. So-called AIDS patients have to sit in the back of the HHV-6 epidemic bus while the befuddled HHV-6/CFS pati...

Mitochondria-Booster NIAGENĀ® Shows Promise in First Human Clinical Trial HHV-6 has a damaging effect on the mitochondria. If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results of the ravages of HHV-6. 3. AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been artificially and politically separated into two epidemics. We are living in a period of CFS/AIDS apartheid. So-called AIDS patients have to sit in the back of the HHV-6 epidemic bus while the befuddled HHV-6/CFS patients and HHV-6/Autism victims sit up front. Nobody is well-served. 4. AIDS is not a sexua...

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