
Showing posts from June, 2015

The HHV-6 Foundation Interview with Louis Flamand

Is Louis Flamand an honest scientist or a big supporter of the Montagnier-Agut HIV Fraud Ponzi Scheme and HHV-6 Cover-up? If HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS, here are some of the implications: 1. HIV is a massive scientific fraud. Something akin to a Ponzi scheme. Scientists who challenged the HIV theory of AIDS (the ones who have been thuggishly censored and silenced) turn out to be on the money. 2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism (and many other so-called HHV-6 related mysterious epidemics) are part of the so-called AIDS epidemic.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Autism both are clearly the results of the ravages of HHV-6. 3. AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been artificially and politically separated into two epidemics. We are living in a period of CFS/AIDS apartheid. So-called AIDS patients have to sit in the back of the HHV-6 epidemic bus while the befuddled HHV-6/CF...

Human herpesvirus 6B reactivation and delirium are frequent and associated events after cord blood transplantation


With FOCMA did Harvard's Max Essex create his own mini-Ponzi Scheme before AIDS? Feline oncornavirus-associated cell-membrane antigen (FOCMA): distinction between FOCMA and the major virion glycoprotein.  J R Stephenson, M Essex, S Hino, W D Hardy, Jr, and S A Aaronson     THE AIDS WINDFALL By Barry Werth New England Monthly June 1988    But Gallo was not the first to envision that AIDS was caused by the kind of virus he'd been pursuing. Dr. Myron Essex, a Harvard virologist and friend of Gallo's, had suggested the possibility much earlier, soon after the first cases were reported. Max Essex, as he is known, was perhaps the first to propose publicly that what was killing gay men was probably a new virus, that it was quite likely spread sexually, and that the profound devastation it wrought was the result of a collapsing immune system. Incredibly, he had even foreseen all this. Esse...

A Special Gift to the Students of HHV-6 University

The world's first work of fiction on HHV-6, and the racist and homophobic nature of the lies that the Centers for Disease Control and the Pasteur Institute have told the public about AIDS. The Closing Argument is one of the first works of fiction to raise the awareness about the worst scientific, medical and epidemiological injustice of our time. For a limited time, the complete text: The Closing Argument A Courtroom Novella Charles Ortleb Rubicon Media New York City The Closing Argument: A Courtroom Novella Published in the United States by Rubicon Media Copyright Ā© 2000 by Charles Ortleb All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without the express permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations contained in critical articles and reviews. Publisher's note: This novella is a work o...

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