
Showing posts from September, 2015

Bulletin #72 from the Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in At Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)

The faces of the victims of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cover-up   Don't miss these important pages about the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard (November 9-11, 2015) Art, Cartoons, and Posters for the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)   *   Bulletins from The Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in At Harvard (November 9-11, 2015) The Harvard Declaration of the HHV-6 Rights of Man 1. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in AIDS. 2. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 3. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Autism. 4.The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Multiple Sclerosis. 5. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Brain Cancer. 6. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Heart D...

Bulletin #71 from the Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in At Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)

  Don't miss these important pages about the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard (November 9-11, 2015) Art, Cartoons, and Posters for the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)   *   Bulletins from The Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in At Harvard (November 9-11, 2015) The Harvard Declaration of the HHV-6 Rights of Man 1. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in AIDS. 2. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 3. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Autism. 4.The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Multiple Sclerosis. 5. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Brain Cancer. 6. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Heart Disease. 7. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Encephalitis. 8. The right ...

Bulletin #70 from the Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in At Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)

Dan Peterson's Simmaron Research Foundation makes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome look more and more like just another part of the AIDS epidemic.   Don't miss these important pages about the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard (November 9-11, 2015) Art, Cartoons, and Posters for the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)   *   Bulletins from The Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in At Harvard (November 9-11, 2015) The Harvard Declaration of the HHV-6 Rights of Man 1. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in AIDS. 2. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 3. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Autism. 4.The right not to be lied to about the ro...

Bulletin #69 from the Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in At Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)

Nicola Childs, Lisa Robinson, Sonya Chowdhury, Clare Ogden and Julia L. Newton say Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "is a common condition."   Don't miss these important pages about the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard (November 9-11, 2015) Art, Cartoons, and Posters for the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)   *   Bulletins from The Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in At Harvard (November 9-11, 2015) The Harvard Declaration of the HHV-6 Rights of Man 1. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in AIDS. 2. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 3. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Autism. 4.The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Multiple Sclerosis. 5. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 i...


"Depletion of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and mtDNA-encoded respiratory chain proteins in subcutaneous (SC) fat from patients with HIV lipoatrophy have clearly demonstrated the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in this syndrome." The Aerobic Energy Production and the Lactic Acid Excretion are both Impeded in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Check out these HHV-6 University pages first!

Art, Cartoons, and Posters for the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard   *   Bulletins from The Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in At Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)

Bulletin #68 from the Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in At Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)

The Harvard Declaration of the HHV-6 Rights of Man 1. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in AIDS. 2. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 3. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Autism. 4.The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Multiple Sclerosis. 5. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Brain Cancer. 6. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Heart Disease. 7. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Encephalitis. 8. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Cognitive Dysfunction. 9. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome. 10. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Bone Marrow Suppression. 11. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Lymphadenopathy.  12. The right not to be lied to about the role of HH...

The Dharam Ablashi Teach-in at the International HHV-6 Protest at Harvard Nove3mber 9-11, 2015

The Role of Dharam Ablashi in the HIV Fraud Ponzi Scheme and HHV-6 Cover-up "Dharam Ablashi (born October 8, 1931) is an American biomedical researcher born in India. He is best known for his co-discovery of Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), an immunosuppressive and neurotropic virus that can cause encephalitis and seizures during a primary infection or when reactivated from latency in immunosuppressed patients. He has contributed more than 95 papers on HHV-6 and has authored or co-authored over 300 journal articles on herpes viruses. He is internationally known for his research on Human and Simian herpesviruses and has also been a major contributor to research in HIV , EBV and the field of immunovirology." "Ties between that company, Pan-Data Systems, and another Gallo assistant , Dr. Dharam Ablashi, are being investigated by Richard Kusserow, inspector-general of the Department of Health and Human Servic...

Art, Cartoons, and Posters for the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard


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