
Showing posts from December, 2015

Who says CFS doesn't kill anyone?

A plea from Dr. Ronald Davis for more research funding before his son, and others like him, die from this horrific disease. Please donate today, before the year ends, so that maybe in the year 2016 we can find answers for all of the patients suffering in silence. "My son Whitney woke me this morning to inform me that he is dying. Whitney has severe chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). He did not say h e is dying ā€“ he cannot speak. He did not write he is dying ā€“ he cannot write. He used scrabble tiles to spell out his message. I did not answer him ā€“ he cannot tolerate anyone speaking to him. The note said he is willing to go to the hospital even though the experience will be unbearable ā€“ hospitals are totally naĆÆve on how to treat CFS patients because of years of denying the existence of the disease. We need to surgically insert a feeding-tube into his small intestine because he cannot eat. This tells me I am running out of time. I must find out soon what is causing the...

Not to worry!

Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent in science in general and in research of HHV-6-related diseases in particular. HHV-6-releated diseases include so-called "AIDS" and "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," but are ...

The perfect metaphor.

Anthony Fauci's empire of HIV/HHV-6 scientific fraud is eerily similar to the banking system in The Big Short .

Is HHV-6 contagious and oncogenic? Does a bird have lips?

New contagious form of cancer discovered Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent in science in general and i...

Flashback: This was posted by HHV-6 University in 2005

 A Summary of HHV-6's Destructivenss From an article by Abdel-Haq NahedM, Asmar BasimI in The Indian Journal of Pediatrics (2004,Volume 71, Issue 1, Page 89-96) HHV-6 preferentially infects CD4+ T-lymphocytes;[17] but can also infect other cell lines of epithelial, fibroblastic and neuronal origins with different efficiency.[18],[19],[20] The surface marker CD46 acts as part of a co-receptor for infection by both HHV-6A and HHV-6B.[21] Although CD46 is expressed by most nucleated human cells and may explain the wide cellular tropism of HHV-6, the virus does not infect all CD46-positive cells. Following infection, HHV-6 persists and establishes latency in different cells and organs including monocytes/macrophages, salivary glands, the brain and the kidneys. Because the main target cells for infection are the CD4-positive lymphocytes and monocytes, HHV-6 infection has important effects on the immune system. These include enhancement of natural killer cells, inhibition of T-c...


Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent in science in general and in research of HHV-6-related diseases in particular. HHV-6-releated diseases include so-called "AIDS" and "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," but ar...

Will Dan Peterson and Ian Lipkin be able to keep the lid on the truth about HHV-6?

Image Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent in science in general and in research of HHV-6-related diseases in particular...

Ian Lipkin: Three to Five Years to Solve Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

Ian Lipkin drops one of his famous Hollywood bombshells. Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent in science in gen...

NIH considering Ampligen and Rituximab trials Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent in science in general and in research of HHV-6-related diseases in particular. HHV-6-releated diseases in...

More evidence of a multisytemic HHV-6/AIDS epidemic in the general populaton????

Are these fungal issues just another example of an HHV-6 pandemic causing opportunistic issues?

HHV-6 T-shirts of the Year!

The Top HHV-6 University Messages of 2015  

The Top Ten HHV-6 Stories of 2015

1. The Harvard Declaration of the HHV-6 Rights of Man 2. The Historic Harvard HHV-6 Teach-ins 3. The Rachel Maddow and Tony Fauci HHV-6 cartoons 4. How Brigitte Huber may have inadvertently proven that HHV-6 is the real cause of AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 5. Are HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8 really Porcine Lymphotropic Herpes Viruses? 6. Only One Publication Told the Truth about the Relationship between HHV-6, AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 7. How can any AIDS research be ethical if it is all based on the premises of the Montagnier-Agut HIV-Fraud Ponzi Scheme and HHV-6 Cover-up? 8. Did Gallo and Ablashi steal credit from John Beldekas for the discovery of HHV-6? 9. Art, Posters and Cartoons for the Harvard HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in. 10. Mary Schweitzer's shocking story about HHV-6.

Fatal Myocarditis Associated With HHV-6 Following Immunosuppression in Two Children Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent in science in general and in research of HHV-6-related diseases in particular. HHV-6-releated diseases includ...

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