Who says CFS doesn't kill anyone?
A plea from Dr. Ronald Davis for more research funding before his son, and others like him, die from this horrific disease. Please donate today, before the year ends, so that maybe in the year 2016 we can find answers for all of the patients suffering in silence. "My son Whitney woke me this morning to inform me that he is dying. Whitney has severe chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). He did not say h e is dying ā he cannot speak. He did not write he is dying ā he cannot write. He used scrabble tiles to spell out his message. I did not answer him ā he cannot tolerate anyone speaking to him. The note said he is willing to go to the hospital even though the experience will be unbearable ā hospitals are totally naĆÆve on how to treat CFS patients because of years of denying the existence of the disease. We need to surgically insert a feeding-tube into his small intestine because he cannot eat. This tells me I am running out of time. I must find out soon what is causing the...