
Showing posts from February, 2016

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome = AIDS

Another reason to ask if pigs are the source of the Zika problem in Brazil

Pig-to-Pig Transmission of Mosquito-Borne Virus

If you really want to understand what's going on at HHV-6 University, read this book.

Will the corrupt Pasteur Institute dare to infect pigs with Zika virus?

Will pigs be the best animal for Zika virus experiments?

View all posts on Zika

Click here to see all our posts on the Zika epidemic.

Don't worry, we know what we're doing!


Oh no!


Do Paralysis and Birth Defects suggest that Zika is really Classical Swine Fever Flavirus contracted from pigs in the ars of Brazil where both Zika and Classical Swine Fever are occurring?

Classical Swine Fever (CSF) - Hog Cholera (HC) Classical swine fever (CSF), otherwise known as hog cholera (HC) or just swine fever, is a specific viral disease of pigs. It affects no other species. It is a notifiable disease in most countries of the world. Importance of CSF CSF is one of the most economically-damaging pandemic viral diseases of pigs in the world. Many governments take it very seriously and adopt strict control policies, which include compulsory vaccination or slaughter and eradication policies. In a susceptible (unvaccinated) herd almost all the pigs are affected. It causes generalised disease, including fever, malaise, lack of appetite, diarrhoea, paralysis, abortion, mummification and the birth of shaking piglets. Mortality is high. Fortunately, there is only one serotype of the virus and attenuated vaccines are highly effective. Also, it does not spread on the wind or on insects or birds so standard precautions of farm biosecurity should...

Is Zika really Classical Swine Fever which is still a problem in pigs in Brazil? How to spot classical swine fever The signs of classical swine fever are very similar to African swine fever . The main clinical signs are: fever loss of appetite lack of energy sudden death with few signs beforehand Other signs can include: vomiting diarrhoea red or dark skin, particularly on the ears and snout swollen red eyes laboured breathing and coughing abortions, still-births and weak litters nervous signs, eg convulsions and tremors in newborn piglets weakness There are several different strains of classical swine fever. Pigs infected with mild strains may not become ill or show clinical signs. Severe strains of the disease are generally fatal.

Zika: Fluid can build up inside a fetus' body for several reasons, Zecavati said. "The fluid typically collects in the heart, lung, abdomen and skin tissue," she said. "The fluid overwhelms the body's ability to function, leading to failure or collapse of major organs, resulting in mortality as high as 50%

Does the transmission of Classical Swine Fever Flavivirus teach us about the real transmission issues in Brazilian Zika disease?

Classical Swine Fever - APHIS - US Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Classical Swine Fever - The Center for Food Security and ... classical _ swine _ fever .pdf

Is Zika really a pig disease?

Visit Zika Virus University.

Put two and two together: Are pigs in Caera, Brazil the real source of the Zika problem?

Zika is a problem in Caera, Brazil: Classical Swine Fever Virus (also a Flavivirus like Zika) is also a problem in Caera, Brazil. It causes birth defects in pigs and rashes. Connect the dots. Do the research  [PDF] Classical Swine Fever in Brazil: An Update - David Publishing If you're in Brazil, urge you scientists to consider the possibility that Zika is really another flavivirus, Classical Swine Fever virus. Read this description of Classical Swine Fever Virus (which is infecting pigs in areas of Brazil with the so-called Zika problem) Molecular Characterization of Classical swine fever virus Involved in the Outbreak in Mizoram  Does this sound like Zika?   "Highest mortality in young animal...

Memo to Brazilian visitors to this site concerned about Zika

If you're in Brazil, urge you scientists to consider the possibility that Zika is really another flavivirus, Classical Swine Fever virus. Read this description of Classical Swine Fever Virus (which is infecting pigs in areas of Brazil with the so-called Zika problem) Molecular Characterization of Classical swine fever virus Involved in the Outbreak in Mizoram  Does this sound like Zika?   "Highest mortality in young animals was observed during the outbreaks. Percent mortality in pre-weaned and weaned piglets was 50% while 10% in pigs above 1 year of age. The disease showed a variable course and clinical symptoms. The affected animals exhibited clinical signs of inappetance, high fever and constipation followed by diarrhea and haemorrhagic patches in skin, characteristic signs of classical swine fever. There were rashes in the belly , medial aspects of thigh and on the base of ears. Necrotic les...

With Zika cases growing rapidly in US, will anyone look at pigs as a possible reservoir????

How HHV-8, a virus found in 50% of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, may be causing cancer Prevalence in the cerebrospinal fluid of the following infectious agents in a cohort of 12 CFS subjects: human herpes virus-6 and 8 ; chlamydia species; mycoplasma species; EBV; CMV; and Coxsackievirus. Levine, S. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 2001, 9, 1/2, 41-51. Abstract: Over the last decade a wide variety of infectious agents have been associated with the CFS as potential etiologies for this disorder. Many of these agents are neurotrophic and have been linked previously to other diseases involving the central nervous system (CNS). Human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6), especially the B variant, has been found in autopsy specimens of patients who suffered from MS. Because patients with CFS manifest a wide range of symptoms involving the CNS as shown by abnormalities on brain MRIs, SPECT scans of the brain and results of tilt table testing we sought to determine the prevalence of HHV-6, HHV-8, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)...

Is this a clue that Zika problems is caused by Classical Swine Fever Virus in Brazil's pigs?

Zika Virus Linked to Stillbirth Brazil Develops Contingency Plan for Classical Swine Fever  "The latest cases were reported in Brazil in August 2009, in AmapĆ”, ParĆ” and Rio Grande do Norte." Abortion in Pigs "Many agents that cause reproductive failure in sows produce a broad spectrum of sequelae, including abortions and weak neonates, as well as stillbirth, mummification, embryonic death, and infertility. Mummification is seen more frequently in swine than in many other species because of the large litter size. If only a few fetuses die, abortion rarely occurs; instead, mummies are delivered at term, along with live piglets or stillbirths. . . The major infectious causes...

Unwelcome Questions for Zika Researchers

Are Zika babies suffering from a congenital infection of a new or old strain of HHV-6. Are pigs in the Zika areas of Brazil infected with a new or old strain of HHV-6? Are scientists even aware that HHV-6 may also be a porcine infection?  Is the Guillain-Barre problem also a hint that the underlying problem is HHV-6? HHV-6 has been isolated from various tissues, cells, and fluid in association with the following conditions: Kikuchi lymphadenitis Lymphoma Lymphadenopathy Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS), [10] or drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) Sjƶgren syndrome Sarcoidosis Systemic lupus erythematosus Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) Guillain-BarrĆ© syndrome Multiple sclerosis (MS)   http://emedicine....

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients have a new quack to contend with.

The big question for Atlanta:

The CDC says 1 in 2 gay black men will be diagnosed with HIV, but how many white heterosexual women will be diagnosed with what Judy Mikovits calls "Non-HIV AIDS"? Read what Judy Mikovits has to say about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome here .

Join an army of truthtellers!

Wear one of these and be a part of the army of truthtellers waking the world up to the facts about HHV-6.

Here we go again.

Does Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have a new Rosemary's Baby? Meet Brian Walitt, the spawn of Anthony Fauci and Stephen Straus.

Thanks Atlanta!


Sounds like a plan!


HHV-6 Disease is the new normal.

"Almost everyone worldwide is infected with HHV-6 by age 3." Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent ...

Help end Fauci's Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment!

Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent in science in general and in research of HHV-6-related diseases in particular. HHV-6-releated diseases include so-called "AIDS" and "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...

The Big Question


Is hiding fraudulent data and mistreating patients the basic lifestyle of British scientists? /

The National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control at their very best.


Scientists still not asking the question about the connection of Zika to sick pigs:

List of misconceptions about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome leaves out the one about it NOT being contagious and caused by a transmissible agent.

February 19, 2016


Read these pages first!

About HHV-6 University The Harvard Declaration of the HHV-6 Rights of Man The Historic Harvard HHV-6 Teach-in  Things Dan Peterson and Ian Lipkin Can Do to Continue the Cover-up of the Truth about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Pandemic Before the Racist HHV-6 Cover-up there was the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.  Fauci Must Go! Help Make it Happen!    Are HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8 really Porcine Lymphotropic Herpes Viruses? Visit the HHV-6 Store and Become an HHV-6 Activist! Books about HHV-6 available on Kindle Unlimited Pigs, Kaposi's Sarcoma and African Swine Fever: Is... Gallo on HHV-6 Neenyah Ostrom on the truth about HHV-6, AIDS and ... Some of the most interesting statements about HHV-6 HIV versus HHV-6: Will the real cause of AIDS please stand up! It's time for Hollywood to get involved! See all the cartoons on this site How Brigitte Huber may have solved the mystery of AIDS and HHV-6 Laura Hillenbrand On Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Does this mak...

After covering up the CFS relationship to AIDS for over three decades.

The CDC calls Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "a devastating disorder."   How Dan Peterson's Friend Mary Guinan Helped the CDC Corrupt the Hard Drive of AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research      Historians who want to trace the series of missteps that led to the HHV-6 pandemic and Holocaust II may benefit from taking a close look at a little known researcher at the CDC who played a curious role in both of the supposedly separate AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome epidemics. Her surprising inability to see an obvious link between the two syndromes may be one of the important seeds of the whole HHV-6 disaster. She is mentioned in both the Shilts history of the early AIDS epidemic and Hillary Johnsonā€™s journalistic account of the CDCā€™s bungling of the epidemic of facetiously-labeled chronic fatigue syndrome.      According to Shilts, Mary Guinan worked for James Curran...

Zika: "Or it could be something else."

 ". . . the final baffling effect of Zika. Is it causing Guillain-Barre syndrome, an inflammation of the nerves that can cause sometime-serious paralysis after any number of infections?" Or are we looking at the new face of the HHV-6 pandemic?   Human Herpesvirus 6 and Neuroinflammation /

More evidence Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS are part of the same epidemic?

A Preliminary Comparative Assessment of the Role of CD8+ T Cells in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Multiple Sclerosis "HIV disrupts proper CD8+ T-cell signaling"

Thought for the Day, February 18, 2016


We're in the middle of an HHV-6 pandemic. Why isn't it being considered as the possible underlying infection in Zika-related disease?

It could not be simpler.


Is the Flavivirus called Clasical Swine Fever Virus the real Zika culprit in Colombia?

Are Pig diseases in Colombia causing human disease? "In the last decade, there has been a serious increase in Colombiaā€™s pig production. Its pig inventory almost doubled from 2.5 million in 2005 to 4.6 million in 2015. In the most pig dense province Antioquia the pig population almost quadrupled: from 465,000 in 2005 to 1.6 million in 2015." Classical Swine Fever Outbreaks Hit Colombia Or is this Pig Disease related to the Zika epidemic? Animal health situation The first outbreak of PEDv in Colombia took place in March 2014. Since then there has been a steady increase in the number of new cases. Between December 2014 and January 2015 there was unofficial information about a possible case of PEDv in the most pig-dense province of Colombia, Antioq...

Are scientists certain that Zika isn't the new tragic face of the multisystemic HHV-6 epidemic?

If Zika Virus variants are found in Brazil's pigs, will the data be shared?

The truth is gonna be huge!

The Fauci Policy on telling the public the truth about HHV-6 and the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic:  

With friends like these . . .

How Dan Peterson's Friend Mary Guinan Helped Corrupt the Hard Drive of AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research      Historians who want to trace the series of missteps that led to the HHV-6 pandemic and Holocaust II may benefit from taking a close look at a little known researcher at the CDC who played a curious role in both of the supposedly separate AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome epidemics. Her surprising inability to see an obvious link between the two syndromes may be one of the important seeds of the whole HHV-6 disaster. She is mentioned in both the Shilts history of the early AIDS epidemic and Hillary Johnsonā€™s journalistic account of the CDCā€™s bungling of the epidemic of facetiously-labeled chronic fatigue syndrome.      According to Shilts, Mary Guinan worked for James Curran in the CDCā€™s venereal disease division. She was the person who sent James Curran the first ill-fated report on the first cases of what would eventually be...

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