June 29, 2016 Editorial: It's Not Just the Tummy, Stupid!

HHV-6 University Editorial The New Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Microbiome Bullshit Projects How could anybody be critical of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome microbiome research? It's really trendy right? And isn't the word "microbiome" the coolest? Shouldn't it be the name of a new CFS scent by Chanel? Natural Killer cells, B-cells, T-cells, mitochondria? So yesterday! While any research into CFS is better than nothing, the problem is that there is a tendency to take a little piece of a multisystemic disease and try to paradigm the whole disease around it. There are not shortage of narcissists like (fill in the blank) riding into town on white horses who want to dismiss all the credible work that predates them. Especially work which indicates that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is multisystemic, transmissible, and dare we say it again, intertwined with the AIDS epidemic . Chronic Fatigue Syndrome microbiome research has a little bit of the aroma of denialism and disinform...