
Showing posts from November, 2016

The most important book about HHV-6, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and AIDS of our time.

Charles Ortlebā€™s Truth to Power takes you inside the New York Native , one of the most unique and consequential newspapers of the twentieth century. Shortly after starting his small gay New York City newspaper in late 1980, one of the biggest scientific and political stories of our time fell into his lap in the form of the AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic. What he did with that story has secured his newspaperā€™s place in history. Under his guidance, a succession of intrepid journalists did some of their greatest work uncovering the crucial facts about the labyrinthine epidemic. Ortleb made the decision to follow the facts wherever they led. His team of uncompromising investigative reporters inevitably stepped on the toes of the most powerful people in the medical and political establishment. Perhaps not surprisingly, the latter fought back by seeking to discredit the New York Nativ e and even, in time, close its doors. But Ortleb stood his ground for as lon...

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