Memo to the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Community from the Centers for Disease Control.

You people really should stop wasting your time. We are never, ever going to come clean about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Never. Ever. We can't. It would mean the total destruction of our credibility. The CDC is too important. And it is not just us. The entire public health infrastructure in on the line. You people don't know what you are dealing with. You don't have a clue about how big this is. You think this is just about you . It's helpful that most of you are so focused on yourselves and don't see the bigger picture. It does scare us a little that a handful of you do see what is going on. But as long as it's just a few of you, we're safe. We can easily gaslight the ones who know what is going on. What is even better, many in your community will help us gaslight the truthtellers among you. Some of you are really good at gaslighting your own community. Especially a few of the so-called CFS researchers. We are grateful for that. Keep up the good...