
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome AIDS Treatment Revolution in Germany Raises Serious Questions.

Does the successful treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with AIDS drugs in Germany show that CFS and AIDS are really one epidemic? Listen to this podcast. A German woman's daughter with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome shows amazing improvement after taking AIDS drugs. This could be the game changer everyone has been waiting for. Successful treatment with AIDS drugs could change the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome paradigm. Perhaps all CFS patients should immediately be put on AIDS drugs. Excerpt:  As many people know , my two daughters are very severely affected by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. One of my daughters who is severely ill for 8 years now and completely bedridden for 5 years was suffering so badly that she had to spend her days and nights in a darkened room, wearing ear and eye protectors, unable to perform any activity, including the most elementary hygiene measures. She could hardly speak, some days she couldnā€™t talk at all, sometimes she could only whisper a few ...

Why are American Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients so pessimistic if Germany has found a treatment?

A patient predicts there will never be a cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:   Meanwhile, in Germany . . .  A German woman's daughter with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome shows amazing improvement after taking AIDS drugs. This could be the game changer everyone has been waiting for. Successful treatment with AIDS drugs could change the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome paradigm. Perhaps all CFS patients should immediately be put on AIDS drugs. Excerpt:  As many people know , my two daughters are very severely affected by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. One of my daughters who is severely ill for 8 years now and completely bedridden for 5 years was suffering so badly that she had to spend her days and nights in a darkened room, wearing ear and eye protectors, unable to perform any activity, including the most elementary hygiene measures. She could hardly speak, some days she couldn...

AIDS drugs help these Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. Does it help prove the two epidemics are really one?

A German woman's daughter with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome shows amazing improvement after taking AIDS drugs. This could be the game changer everyone has been waiting for. Successful treatment with AIDS drugs could change the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome paradigm. Perhaps all CFS patients should immediately be put on AIDS drugs. Excerpt:  As many people know , my two daughters are very severely affected by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. One of my daughters who is severely ill for 8 years now and completely bedridden for 5 years was suffering so badly that she had to spend her days and nights in a darkened room, wearing ear and eye protectors, unable to perform any activity, including the most elementary hygiene measures. She could hardly speak, some days she couldnā€™t talk at all, sometimes she could only whisper a few words and on a good day she couldnā€™t say more than three sentences. [2] Today, in October 2017, she can talk again and can have longer conversations, she can read...

When the cover-up of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome picked up speed.

Image If you hav e Amazon Prime or Kindle Unlimited you can immediately begin reading about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome cover-up in this book. If you have Amazon Prime or Kindle Unlimited, you can immediately begin reading The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic Cover-up and you will soon understand why the facts about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic have been hidden from the public for almost four decades. Click here to begin reading Or purchase a print copy for only $20 shipped by Amazon Prime  This is the book causing heated debates about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HHV-6, "The Fifty Shades of AIDS Virus," in laboratories, doctor's offices, and homes all over the world.                                                   ...

If Chronic Fatigue Syndrome came from pigs, this could be a research breakthrough.

Image If you have Amazon Prime or Kindle Unlimited you can immediately begin reading this book about the connection between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and a disease of pigs.. If you have Amazon Prime or Kindle Unlimited, you can immediately begin reading The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic Cover-up and you will soon understand why the facts about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic have been hidden from the public for almost four decades. Click here to begin reading Or purchase a print copy for only $20 shipped by Amazon Prime  This is the book causing heated debates about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HHV-6, "The Fifty Shades of AIDS Virus," in laboratories, doctor's offices, and homes all over the world.                                         ...

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