What passes for journalism (on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) at Forbes
Tweet Julian Vigo on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: "Take for instance the illness Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), where researchers and practitioners have been regularly harassed and threatened should resultant research suggest anything unpopular. Simon Wessely , professor of epidemiological and liaison psychiatry at Kingās College School of Medicine in London, has been under attack for many years by those in the CFS community who decry any suggestion of a psychiatric approach to this condition. While CFS is a highly politicized condition, Wesseley suffered death threats for his work in this field because activists refuse that certain aspects of this condition frame CFS as psychiatric. And CFS is not the only health condition which is accompanied by a vocal, even aggressive, patient-advocate lobby." https://www.forbes.com/sites/julianvigo/2018/06/27/resistance-to-science-and-technology/#27ded9102bd4 The HHV-6 University ...