
Showing posts from January, 2019

When will the Washington Post start to seriously cover the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic that is interfering with sleep?

Image Follow @HHV6_University Tweet On April 16, 1996, Congressman Jerrold Nadler spoke on the floor of Congress about his request for a General Accounting investigation into how the CDC had handled the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic. Nadler did that at the urging of Charles Ortleb, the publisher and the New York Native and his reporter Neenyah Ostrom. Ortleb and Ostrom had made the case to Nadler that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the virus it had been linked to, HHV-6, were serious public health issues.                                                 In an interview in New York Native with N...

Is it time for a Kaposi's Sarcoma revolution in our understanding of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Histological variants of cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma "Persons infected with KSHV can asymptomatically shed the virus. It is advised to practice safe sex with infected individuals and curtail activities where saliva might be shared during sexual activity." This is what oral Kaposi's Sarcoma looks like. Source: Compare it to these crimson crescent lesions in the mouths of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. "Burke A. Cunha, MD, discovered what he called crimson crescents in the mouths of 80% of his CFS patients. After the word got out, Cunha received calls from other parts of the country. Physicians began telling him that they also were finding the crimson crescents in their patients once they looked for them."

New Chronic Fatigue Syndrome research points to Natural Killer Cell issues as biomarkers

Image Follow @HHV6_University Tweet On April 16, 1996, Congressman Jerrold Nadler spoke on the floor of Congress about his request for a General Accounting investigation into how the CDC had handled the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic. Nadler did that at the urging of Charles Ortleb, the publisher and the New York Native and his reporter Neenyah Ostrom. Ortleb and Ostrom had made the case to Nadler that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the virus it had been linked to, HHV-6, were serious public health issues.                                                 In an interview in New York Native with Neenyah Ostrom,Congressman Nadler said, "Congress can mandate research into CFS as a viral disease. Maybe it will turn out that HHV-6A is the cause of CFS; maybe it will turn out that ot...

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