
Showing posts from August, 2019

The New York Times is showing its true homophobic colors by calling gay people "queers"

How Queer People Brought Some Actual Reality to Dating-Reality TV  You get the sense on MTVā€™s ā€œAre You the One?ā€ that the contestantsā€™ identities arenā€™t as mediated, because they are all used to performing, whether or not theyā€™re being televised.

The real AIDS epidemic of HIV-negative Kaposi's Sarcoma may be about to explode. The CFS community should take note.

It may be a big lie that Kaposi's Sarcoma is rare in the United States. Just look at the K.S. virus found in 50% of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients according to one study. Company founded by Robert Gallo and Fred Volinksy suggests 65% of gay men are infected with Kaposi's Sarcoma virus. From CureToday: Seeking Immunity: Exploring Kaposi's Sarcoma A rare virus coupled with an ailing immune system can lead to Kaposiā€™s sarcoma. Restoring immune function can help fight it. BY Amy Patural, M.S., M.P.H. PUBLISHED August 30, 2019 Alex C.* was a teenager in 2007 when doctors told him he had Crohnā€™s disease, a chronic inflammatory intestinal condition that causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia and fatigue. For more than a decade, Alex managed the disease with lifestyle changes and medication. Then, in the summer of 2018, he unexpectedly lost weig...

Vaccine target found for HHV-6B


The HHV-8 epidemic could end Anthony Fauci's HIV Ponzi Scheme

Image These two explosive grant requests present a disturbing picture of a virus that could turn the AIDS epidemic paradigm upside down. Fauci's HIV Ponzi scheme has hidden the epidemic of Kaposi Sarcoma Virus (HHV-8) that is sweeping the country. 50% of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients have tested positive for it. And that is just the beginning.  DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Kaposi's sarcoma herpes virus (KSHV) also known as human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8) causes several cancers including Kaposi's sarcoma, primarily in immune-compromised patients. HHV-8 has been shown to be transmitted sexually, through saliva, and through infected blood and organs to recipients. While a number of serological assays have been devised in the research setting to detect HHV-8 infection, there are no FDA-approved assays. Furthermore, there is no g...

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