
Showing posts from October, 2019

More evidence AIDS research has become a totalitarian enterprise

A shocking new incident of censorship in AIDS research. No challenges to the HIV dogma are now allowed. It's time for a resistance movement of scientists and intellectuals to start speaking truth to power. Retraction: Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissent Frontiers Editorial Office * A Retraction of the Opinion Article Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissent by Goodson, P. (2014). Front. Public Health 2:154. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00154 In 2014, Frontiers in Public Health published an article by Dr. Patricia Goodson, Texas A&M University: ā€œQuestioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissentā€. The article was submitted under our ā€œHypothesis and Theoryā€ article-type and purported to review ā€œthe most salient questions raised, alongside theories proposing non-viral causes for AIDS.ā€ The utility of the article as a historical summary of dissenting theories of AIDS was recognized by the reviewers and editors, who a...

Disgraced Congresswoman refers to gays as "queers"

Time Magazine covers the African Swine Fever disaster. Why does the media ignore threat to human health?

Image African Swine Fever is a big story already because, when and if it spreads to all of Western Europe, all of Asia and the USA (where it may already be in pigs), it will cause the collapse of a major portion of the agricultural export economies of the affected countries. We're talking about many billions of dollars of losses. And the problem is not temporary because those countries will be suspected of harboring the disease in their wild boar and ticks for decades to come. The disease could easily become endemic.  But the issue is so much more important because of the disturbing body of evidence that shows that African Swine Fever Virus can infect humans (despite what authorities currently insist). Thus far, Europe and America's leading publications and journalists have failed to warn the public of the impending ASFV risk to their health. Here are the biggest African Swine Fever stories they have missed. 1. T...

Kaposi's Sarcoma may still prove HIV is not the cause of AIDS.

Image The author of The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic Cover-up discusses the coming Kaposi's Sarcoma epidemic, or AIDS/CFS 2.0. My recent discussion with a scientist who has AIDS researcher contacts in the NIH suggest that there is a growing sense of concern that KS is going to explode in the gay community among people who are being treated with the various AIDS cocktails. The drugs are not preventing KS. The scientist is alarmed that this problem is not being taken seriously. He thinks that HHV-8 should be declared a notifiable infection. From my 38 years on this story, I can guarantee that such a move will turn the gay community and the medical community upside down. Based on my discussion with my source, it seems like there may be an attempt to keep this quiet until a treatment is found. I find this approach highly unethical, but typical of AIDS researchers. I believe the coming Kaposi's Sarcoma epi...

If HHV-6, HHV-7 and HHV-8 are pig viruses, it means Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS may have begun in pigs.

A bestselling book covers the connection between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, AIDS and sick pigs. Now an audiobook! On April 16, 1996, Congressman Jerrold Nadler spoke on the floor of Congress about his request for a General Accounting investigation into how the CDC had handled the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic. Nadler did that at the urging of Charles Ortleb, the publisher and the New York Native and his reporter Neenyah Ostrom. Ortleb and Ostrom had made the case to Nadler that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the virus it had been linked to, HHV-6, were serious public health issues.                                                 In an interview in New York Native with Neenyah Ostrom,Congressman Nadler said, "Congress can mandate research into CFS as a viral disease. Maybe it will turn out that HHV-6A is the cause of CFS; maybe it w...

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