
Showing posts from January, 2020

Anthony Fauci, who has never cared about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic, tells Americans not to worry about the Wuhan coronavirus


Can Chronic Fatigue Syndrome drug Ampligen be effective against Wuhan coronavirus?

NIH-sponsored studies of potential therapies for SARS identified rintatolimod [Ampligen] as having unusually high and consistent antiviral activity against human coronavirus.

Is the Wuhan SARS coronavirus coming from pigs?

SARS-associated Coronavirus Transmitted from Human to Pig

Will Justin Bieber coming out as a victim of Lyme Disease and Chronic Mono result in more attention to the CDC's cover-up of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?


Anthony Fauci on the Lyme Disease Hotseat!

TOUCHED BY LYME: Senators ask NIAIDā€™s Fauci pointed questions about Lyme

Is African Swine Fever causing pneumonia in Wuhan, China?

Detection of Novel Sequences Related to African Swine Fever Virus in Human Serum and Sewage. Loh J, Zhao G, Presti RM, Holtz LR, Finkbeiner SR, Droit L, Villasana Z, Todd C, Pipas JM, Calgua B, Girones R, Wang D, Virgin HW. Departments of Pathology & Immunology and Molecular Microbiology, Department of Medicine and Department of Pediatrics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri; Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. "The family Asfarviridae contains only a single virus species, African swine fever virus (ASFV). ASFV is a viral agent with significant economic impact due to its devastating effects on populations of domesticated pigs during outbreaks, but has not been reported to infect humans. We report here the discovery of novel viral sequences in human serum and sewage which are clear...

Pork is also sold at Seafood Market linked to mysterious cases of pneumonia in humans. Is African Swine Fever the cause?

China: Wuhan Seafood Market Closed - Still No Clarity On Cause Of Unidentified Pneumonia "While much has been made about this virus coming from a `seafood' market, we learn that one of the earliest cases involved a man and his mother who ran a poultry shop in the market. Other non-seafood items, including pork, are also reportedly sold at the South China Seafood Market." China confirms cases of African Swine Fever in Hubei Province. Wuhan is the capital of Hubei Province. "The World Health Organization said it is in ongoing contact with authorities in China over an unidentified outbreak of viral pneumonia in the central city of Wuhan, amid concern it may have been transmitted from animals."

African Swine Fever has broken out in the same China province with human cases of mysterious pneumonia

China confirms cases of African Swine Fever in Hubei Province. Wuhan is the capital of Hubei Province. "The World Health Organization said it is in ongoing contact with authorities in China over an unidentified outbreak of viral pneumonia in the central city of Wuhan, amid concern it may have been transmitted from animals." African Swine Fever is a big story already because, when and if it spreads to all of Western Europe, all of Asia and the USA (where it may already be in pigs), it will cause the collapse of a major portion of the agricultural export economies of the affected countries. We're talking about many billions of dollars of losses. And the problem is not temporary because those countries will be suspected of harboring the disease in their wild boar and ticks for...

Is the mysterious pneumonia in humans in China caused by African Swine Fever virus?

"The World Health Organization said it is in ongoing contact with authorities in China over an unidentified outbreak of viral pneumonia in the central city of Wuhan, amid concern it may have been transmitted from animals." African Swine Fever is a big story already because, when and if it spreads to all of Western Europe, all of Asia and the USA (where it may already be in pigs), it will cause the collapse of a major portion of the agricultural export economies of the affected countries. We're talking about many billions of dollars of losses. And the problem is not temporary because those countries will be suspected of harboring the disease in their wild boar and ticks for decades to come. The disease could easily become endemic.  But the issue is so much more important because of the disturbing body of evidence that shows that African Swine F...

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