
Showing posts from October, 2020

Anthony Fauci discusses long-term Covid-19


Is this another study linking Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to the AIDS epidemic?


Does HHV-6 have a coinfection role in Yellow Fever? Herpes Infections in Suspected Cases of Yellow Fever in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Herpes Infections in Suspected Cases of Yellow Fever in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Is reactivation of HHV-6 major problem in Covid-19?

  " Dursun  et al .  noticed an increased rate of pityriasis rosea and Kawasaki disease in patients who presented to dermatology outpatient clinics during the COVIDā€19 pandemic.  The authors attributed that to coronavirus triggering of HHVā€6 (i.e. endogenous viral reactivation of HHVā€6 by SARSā€CoVā€2 infection)."

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The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HHV-6 Scientist of the Year

More evidence HHV-6 is the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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Dr. Bhupesh Prusty and Professor Thomas Rudel discuss their HHV-6 research

Anthony Fauci was part of the gang that silenced and destroyed Judy Mikovits.

Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome the other AIDS epidemic in the gay community?

Was Judy Mikovits destroyed because her XMRV work would have ultimately shown HIV is a total fraud?