
Showing posts from October, 2021

Poll: Majority say Fauci should resign.

  Poll: Majority of voters say Fauci should resign | TheHill

A cautionary tale about medical "experts."

  I Have Been Through This Before - Tablet Magazine

Why hasn't Fauci been fired?

  Kim Iversen: Why Hasnā€™t Fauci Been Fired? ā€¢ Children's Health Defense (

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. posts a preview of his book on Anthony Fauci

  My book, The Real Anthony Fauci, comes out Nov. 16, but today Iā€™m releasing an excerpt from the book where I write about some of the atrocities attributed to Fauci + NIAID over his long tenure with NIH. SIGN UP #TheDefender : ā€” Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) October 26, 2021

Is this the other face of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HHV-6 pandemic?

  Opinion | How I Became a Sick Person - The New York Times (

When will Fauci try to retire gracefully? Is it too late?

  Bipartisan legislators demand answers from Fauci on 'cruel' puppy experiments | TheHill

The media is coming to grips with Fauci's Covid cover-up

  The Wuhan Lab Cover-Up (

More early praise for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s forthcoming book on Anthony Fauci.

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Childrenā€™s Health Defense): Kennedy Jr., Robert F.: 9781510766808: Books   ā€œDr. Joseph Goebbels wrote that ā€˜A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.ā€™ Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Fauci and his minions. RFK Jr exposes the decades of lies.ā€ ā€”Luc Montagnier , Nobel laureate ā€œBobby Kennedy is one of the bravest and most uncompromisingly honest people Iā€™ve ever met. Someday heā€™ll get credit for it. In the meantime, read this book.ā€ ā€”Tucker Carlson   ā€œAs a trial lawyer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has taken on the worldā€™s most powerful corporations and held them accountable for harming people and the environment. Those companies denied any wrongdoingā€”but time and again, judges and juries were persuaded that Kennedyā€™s position was the right one. Kennedyā€™s information should always be considered, and ...

The AZT scandal is coming back to haunt Anthony Fauci

  AIDS and the AZT Scandal: 1989 Feature (

Kennedy's book about Fauci captures Laurie Garrett's attention.

  It's all-out war on #TonyFauci now, as #Republicans blame the NIAID Director for everything from #COVID19 to #HIV . Deflecting attention from #Trump admin failures, RFK, Jr has a book out (MORE) ā€” Laurie Garrett (@Laurie_Garrett) October 22, 2021

The most important book every written about Fauci's role in American science is about to be published.

  The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Childrenā€™s Health Defense): Kennedy Jr., Robert F.: 9781510766808: Books

Did Brigette Huber inadvertently reveal that the HHV-6 cover-up is also covering up a pandemic of reactivated superantigen endogenous retrovirus?

  HERV-K and HERV-W transcriptional activity in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Abstract Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFSMS) is an incapacitating chronic disease that dramatically compromise the life quality. The CFS/ME pathogenesis is multifactorial, and it is believed that immunological, metabolic and environmental factors play a role. It is well documented an increased activity of Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) from different families in autoimmune and neurological diseases, making these elements good candidates for biomarkers or even triggers for such diseases. Here the expression of Endogenous retroviruses K and W (HERVK and HERVW) was determined in blood from moderately and severely affected ME/CFS patients. HERVK was overexpressed only in moderately affected individuals and HERVW showed no difference. This is the first report about HERVK differential expression in moderate ME/CFS.

Did Etienne de Harven inadvertently reveal the retroviral connection between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS?

Human Endogenous Retroviruses and AIDS Research: Confusion, Consensus, or Science? HHV-6 If the endogenous retrovirus HERV-K18 is causing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, this ALS antiretroviral therapy could be a promising treatment. It could also be a treatment for all illnesses linked to HHV-6 and the endogenous retrovirus that it "induces." Editor's Note: We may be getting closer to a time when HHV-6 and HERV-K18 make it clear that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS are part of the same epidemic. HERV-K Suppression Using Antiretroviral Therapy in Volunteers With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) HERV-K and HERV-W transcriptional activity in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Abstract Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFSMS) is an incapacitating chronic disease that dramatically compromise the life quality. The ...

Does Endothelial Growth Factor link Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Covid-19 to AIDS, and the HHV-6 family of viruses????

What Oliver Stone has to say about the forthcoming book on Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

  ā€œRFK Jr.ā€™s story of Fauciā€™s failure as the governmentā€™s AIDS coordinator is a highly disturbing prologue to his COVID mandate as head of NIAID. So, who is Dr. Fauci in the end? Has American medicine truly become a ā€˜racket,ā€™ as corrupt as a mafia organization? Does everything in our country turn on the size of the money involved? How can we begin to solve this?  The Real Anthony Fauci  is a fascinating starting point. RFK Jr. has written a strong, strong book.ā€  ā€”Oliver Stone , award-winning director, producer, and screenwriter The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Childrenā€™s Health Defense): Kennedy Jr., Robert F.: 9781510766808: Books

Neenyah Ostrom on Ampligen

  HHV-6 and the Promise of Ampligen This experimental drug not only stops HHV-6, it helps AIDS and CFS patients function. By Neenyah Ostrom First published in: New York Native, issue #663, January 1, 1996 During 1995, a series of extremely disturbing facts were revealed about the damage Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6) is able to inflict. The virus was linked to the brain and nervous system damage seen in Multiple Sclerosis; scientists warned that HHV-6 is a dangerous contaminant of the blood supply, which is not screened for its presence, and is therefore probably being transmitted via transfusion; HHV-6 was found to be the most common infection in AIDS patients, rather than CMV as was previously assumed; it was implicated as a cause of the blinding AIDS retinitis; Italian research linked HHV-6 (Variant A) not only to AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but also to AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma; and, perhaps most importantly, HHV-6 has been shown to be present in the lymph nodes of...

The linking of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to Covid is beginning to look like an attempt to cover up the truth about both pandemics

  Healthcare | Free Full-Text | A Comprehensive Examination of Severely Ill ME/CFS Patients | HTML (

Could African Swine Fever become a human pandemic?

  Factory farming, zoonotic disease and the risk of pandemics (

The day Fauci told the world how he would deal with scientific dissent.

  pdvsaf1.pdf (

Is hypoperfusion another link between AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Covid?


Should Fauci resign for he sake of public health?

  Fauci pressed if he should 'step aside' as an 'impediment to public health': 'People won't listen to you' | Fox News

Robert f. Kennedy Jr. discusses his forthcoming book on Anthony Fauci


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