
Showing posts from December, 2021

More people urging Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to run for President

  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for President! (

The Duesberg section of the Kennedy book on Fauci is starting to get more attention

  American Pravda: AIDS and the Revival of the Duesberg Hypothesis American Pravda: AIDS and the Revival of the Duesberg Hypothesis, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talks about AZT in new interview

If you want to reverse-engineer all the fraud in AIDS research, you need to read Kennedy's book on Fauci.


America is preparing for an African Swine Fever pandemic

  Oregon State Veterinary Diagnostic lab receives 3 grants to expand emergency response capacity | Oregon State University

Neenyah Ostrom on the promise of Ampligen

  The Promise of Ampligen This experimental drug not only stops HHV-6, it helps AIDS and CFS patients function. First published in: New York Native, issue #663, January 1, 1996 During 1995, a series of extremely disturbing facts were revealed about the damage Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6) is able to inflict. The virus was linked to the brain and nervous system damage seen in Multiple Sclerosis; scientists warned that HHV-6 is a dangerous contaminant of the blood supply, which is not screened for its presence, and is therefore probably being transmitted via transfusion; HHV-6 was found to be the most common infection in AIDS patients, rather than CMV as was previously assumed; it was implicated as a cause of the blinding AIDS retinitis; Italian research linked HHV-6 (Variant A) not only to AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but also to AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma; and, perhaps most importantly, HHV-6 has been shown to be present in the lymph nodes of AIDS patients right from the...

The Kennedy book on Fauci presents a career in medicine that is full of fraud and deceit.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. challenges Jake Tapper to debate him

  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Lays Down The Gauntlet For CNN's Jake Tapper Who Cowers & Deflects [VIDEO] (

Can Dr. Oz end Tony Fauci's Reign of Terror in science?

  Dr. Oz Quits Show, Runs for Senate to Hold Fauci Accountable - News Concerns

Will the huge success of Kennedy's book about Fauci lead to a run for President?


An excerpt from Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic


"A modern day book-burning"

  LISTEN: Tony Lyons Talks Censorship of New Book "The Real Anthony Fauci" | KCOL | KCOL Mornings with Jimmy Lakey (

Anthony Fauci now being called "Tuskegee Tony"

  Tuskegee Tony ā€ŗ American Greatness (

How Fauci and Collins Shut Down Covid Debate

  How Fauci and Collins Shut Down Covid Debate How Fauci and Collins Shut Down Covid Debate - WSJ

The public's getting wise about Anthony Fauci

  Fauci, Emails, and Some Alleged Science ā€“ AIER

Isn't HHV-6 an obvious suspect in Covid Thrombocytopenia?

Will Long-Haul Covid help end the HHV-6 cover-up?

  For These 17 COVID Long Haulers, Reactivated Viruses May Be to Blame (

Why is the media ignoring the most important part of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book on Anthony Fauci?

  Attacking RFK, Jr.ā€™s book, six AP hacks say NOT ONE WORD about its most explosive part, on Fauciā€™s HIV/AIDS scam Attacking RFK, Jr.ā€™s book, six AP hacks say NOT ONE WORD about its most explosive part, on Fauciā€™s HIV/AIDS scam ā€“ NEWS FROM UNDERGROUND (

A unique promotional campaign is launched for Kennedy's book on Fauci.

  Snap a Selfie to Help Us Expose ā€˜The Realā€™ Anthony Fauci ā€¢ Children's Health Defense (

Hatchet job by Associated Press sends Kennedy book on Fauci back up the Amazon best seller list. Best Sellers: The most popular items on Amazon

Joe Rogan talks to Dr. Peter McCullough about COVID treatment


It's time to remove Fauci from the office he has mishandled for 40 years

  . @DrOz : ā€œI believe Anthony Fauci should be held accountable for misleading, whether willfully or unintentionally, the American public and the United States Congress.ā€ ā€” Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) December 14, 2021

Atlas: Fauci misled Americans

  Fauci Undermined Trump, Misled Americans on COVID; 'I Was Stunned at What I Saw,' Dr. Scott Atlas Says (

Need a must-read book to give the avid reader in your life? Charles Ortleb: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

Dr. Oz: Dump Dr. Fauci

  Dr. Oz: Fauci Should Be 'Held Accountable' for Misleading Americans, Congress (

Oliver Stone on RFK Jr.'s book about Anthony Fauci

  ā€œRFK Jr.ā€™s story of Fauciā€™s failure as the governmentā€™s AIDS coordinator is a highly disturbing prologue to his COVID mandate as head of NIAID. So, who is Dr. Fauci in the end? Has American medicine truly become a ā€˜racket,ā€™ as corrupt as a mafia organization? Does everything in our country turn on the size of the money involved? How can we begin to solve this?  The Real Anthony Fauci  is a fascinating starting point. RFK Jr. has written a strong, strong book.ā€  ā€”Oliver Stone , award-winning director, producer, and screenwriter

Thanks to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. everyone is talking about Anthony Fauci


Has Robert Gallo himself pulled the rug out from under the HIV theory of AIDS?

  Extracellular vesicles and viruses: Are they close relatives? (

Publisher blasts total media blackout of RFK Jr.'s bestseller about Fauci

  Publisher blasts 'total media blackout' of Robert Kennedy's bestseller on Dr. Fauci - Washington Times

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The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HHV-6 Scientist of the Year

More evidence HHV-6 is the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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Dr. Bhupesh Prusty and Professor Thomas Rudel discuss their HHV-6 research

Anthony Fauci was part of the gang that silenced and destroyed Judy Mikovits.

Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome the other AIDS epidemic in the gay community?

Was Judy Mikovits destroyed because her XMRV work would have ultimately shown HIV is a total fraud?