
Showing posts from October, 2022

Is HHV-6 the cause of MS?

  Viruses | Free Full-Text | Studying the Interactions of U24 from HHV-6 in Order to Further Elucidate Its Potential Role in MS | HTML (

Is the truth about CFS/AIDS finally coming out?

  Opinion | Protesters So Ill, They Couldnā€™t Get Arrested - The New York Times (

The day Fauci was actually right about the AIDS epidemic


The trailer for "The Real Anthony Fauci"


Why the HHV-6 cover-up threatens everyone's health.

  Metagenomic analysis reveals differences in the co-occurrence and abundance of viral species in SARS-CoV-2 patients with different severity of disease | BMC Infectious Diseases | Full Text ( Metagenomic analysis reveals differences in the co-occurrence and abundance of viral species in SARS-CoV-2 patients with different severity of disease Genetic material from respiratory viruses was detected in 25% of all samples, whereas human viruses other than SARS-CoV-2 were found in 80% of them. Samples from hospitalized and deceased patients presented a higher prevalence of different viruses when compared to ambulatory individuals. Small circular DNA viruses from the  Anneloviridae  (Torque teno midi virus 8, TTV-like mini virus 19 and 26) and Cycloviridae families (Human associated cyclovirus 10), Human betaherpesvirus 6, were found to be significantly more abundant in samples from deceased and hospitalized patients compared to samples from ambulatory individu...

How retroviral grifters covered up the truth about AIDS

  HIV & AIDS - Retroviruses: The Recollections of an Electron Microscopist ( RETROVIRUSES The Recollections of an Electron Microscopist By Etienne de Harven Reappraising AIDS  Nov./Dec. 1998 For an electron microscopist who spent most of his research career studying retroviruses associated with murine leukemias and who followed closely their hypothetical impact on the field of human oncology, it was predictable that contemporary AIDS research was completely on the wrong track. The following "Recollections" are presented to explain why. The importance of electron microscopy in the emergence of modern cell biology, between 1945 and 1965, is unanimously recognized. Unquestionably, the relationships between cell structures and cell functions would never have been elucidated without the high resolving power of the electron microscope (EM). What is less generally recognized, however, is the role virus research had in the study of cell ultrastructure. Historically,...

How biomarkers have been able to cover up the truth about HIV

  HIV & AIDS - Remarks on methods for retroviral isolation ( REMARKS ON METHODS FOR RETROVIRAL ISOLATION By Etienne de Harven Continuum  Spring 1998 Dr. Etienne de Harven is emeritus Professor of Pathology, University of Toronto. He worked in electron microscopy (EM) primarily on the ultrastructure of retroviruses throughout his professional career of 25 years at the Sloan Kettering Institute in New York and 13 years at the University of Toronto. In 1956 he was the first to report on the EM of the Friend virus in murine (mouse) leukemia, and in 1960, to coin the word "budding" to describe steps of virus assembly on cell surfaces. He will deliver a speech at the 12th World AIDS Conference in Geneva (June 28-July 3) at the session "HIV-testing: Open Questions about Specificity". The most impressive developments of molecular genetics over the past 20 years do not make Robert Koch's postulates obsolete. The first of these postulates indicates that ...

How HIV research went terribly wrong

  HIV & AIDS - Pioneer Deplores HIV (

HHV-6 is the key to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The New York Native's reporting is being vindicated.

  Frontiers | Biomarkers in the diagnostic algorithm of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome ( New York Native's reporting on HHV-6 is being vindicated big time. What is being ignored here, of course, is the role of HHV-6 in AIDS. We all know what that is about. Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex disease that is mainly diagnosed based on its clinical symptoms. Biomarkers that could facilitate the diagnosis of ME/CFS are not yet available; therefore, reliable and clinically useful disease indicators are of high importance. The aim of this work was to analyze the association between ME/CFS clinical course severity, presence of HHV-6A/B infection markers, and plasma levels of autoantibodies against adrenergic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. A total of 134 patients with ME/CFS and 33 healthy controls were analyzed for the presence of HHV-6A/B using PCRs, and antibodies against beta2-adrenergic receptors (Ī²2AdR)...

New trailer for the forthcoming film based on RFK Jr.'s book on Fauci

The Truvada Tragedy

  Team 10: Man fights HIV drugmaker - YouTube

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book an Anthony Fauci is now the basis of a new documentary

  During more than a year of painstaking and meticulous research and interviews, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unearthed shocking truths about collusion, deceit and manipulation affecting the freedom, health and safety of our families And, despite censorship, boycotts from bookstores and libraries, and hit pieces against the author, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.ā€™s book, The Real Anthony Fauci is a New York Times bestseller with over 1,000,000 copies sold. The Real Anthony Fauci (

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The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HHV-6 Scientist of the Year

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