
Showing posts from June, 2024

This could be interesting if the KS virus HHV-8 is related to African Swine Fever.

  Transcriptional and ultrastructural changes of macrophages after african swine fever virus infection - ScienceDirect

New research with implications for CFS/AIDS

  Transactivation of human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) by KSHV promotes Kaposi’s sarcoma development Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is the causative agent of several human cancers such as Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS), which represents the most common AIDS-associated malignancy that lacks effective treatment options. Despite its clear role in AIDS malignancies, the fact that only a small set of KSHV-infected patients will eventually develop these tumors implies that additional co-factors are required for the development of KSHV-related cancers. In the current study, we demonstrate for the first time that KSHV de novo infection or viral latent proteins are able to transactivate human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) through a variety of cellular signaling pathways and transcriptional factors. Moreover, we found that HERV-K transactivation, particularly activation of its encoded oncogenic NP9 protein, plays an important role in KSHV pathogenesis and tumorigenesis in vitr...

RFK Jr.'s book on Anthony Fauci is still a bestseller!

  Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense): Kennedy Jr., Robert F.: 9781510766808: Books

Lawyers criticize Truvada settlement

  Law Firms Speaking Out For The Thousands of California HIV Patients They Represent After Gilead's $40 Million Settlement Prompts Moral Reckoning for the HIV Community (

Henry Bauer: "Official explanations in HIV/AIDS are RACIST"

  Official explanations in HIV/AIDS are RACIST Official explanations in HIV/AIDS are RACIST (

Bhupesh Prusty discusses the CFS/AIDS virus

  Pioneering virology research: Tenured Professor Bhupesh Prusty’s impact at RSU 

Groq on Hannah Arendt and science

  From Groq: Wouldn't Hannah Arendt argue that terms like "scientific consensus" reveal that science is fundamentally a political matter? Hannah Arendt, a philosopher and political theorist, would likely argue that the concept of a "scientific consensus" reveals that science is fundamentally a political matter. In her book "The Human Condition", Arendt argues that science is not a neutral or objective pursuit, but rather a human activity that is shaped by political and social factors. Arendt would argue that the concept of a "scientific consensus" is a product of the modern scientific era, which is characterized by the rise of professionalized science and the increasing importance of scientific expertise in shaping public policy. She would argue that the concept of a "scientific consensus" is a way of legitimizing scientific knowledge and authority, and of creating a sense of shared understanding and agreement among scientists. Howe...

We asked Groq some questions about the HIV theory of AIDS

 From Groq   Groq - Fastest AI Inference What would Karl Popper say is required in order to falsify the HIV theory of AIDS? Karl Popper, a philosopher of science, argued that a scientific theory can never be proven, but it can be falsified. In other words, a theory can be disproven by evidence that contradicts it. In the context of the HIV theory of AIDS, Popper would likely argue that in order to falsify the theory, one would need to provide evidence that contradicts the core claims of the theory. The core claims of the HIV theory of AIDS are: HIV causes AIDS. HIV is a retrovirus that infects and replicates within CD4+ T cells. The progression of HIV infection to AIDS is a result of the immune system's inability to control the viral load. To falsify the HIV theory of AIDS, one would need to provide evidence that contradicts these core claims. For example: Evidence that HIV does not cause AIDS, such as a controlled study showing that HIV-infected individuals do not develo...

A conversation with Groq about African Swine Fever and HHV-8

  Could HHV-8 turn out to be the human form of African Swine Fever virus? What an intriguing idea! While HHV-8 and African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) are distinct viruses, they do share some similarities. Both viruses are: DNA viruses: Both HHV-8 and ASFV have double-stranded DNA genomes. Gamma herpesviruses: Both viruses belong to the gamma herpesvirus subfamily. Immune evasion: Both viruses have evolved mechanisms to evade the host's immune system. However, there are significant differences between the two viruses: Host range: HHV-8 infects humans, while ASFV infects pigs. Genetic makeup: HHV-8 has a larger genome (~133,000 bp) compared to ASFV (~170,000 bp). Replication cycle: HHV-8 replicates in B cells, while ASFV replicates in macrophages and other cells. While it's theoretically possible to imagine a scenario where HHV-8 could be considered a "human form" of ASFV, it's important to note that: HHV-8 is a well-established human pathogen with a distinct clinical...

Rand Paul calls Fauci "a manipulative person."

  The Rand Paul interview (part 1) - by Alex Berenson (

HHV-8 in 1% of all human tumors?

  KSHV infection of B cells primes protective T cell responses in humanized mice | Nature Communications

More evidence HHV-6 is the real cause of CFS/AIDS?

  Herpesviruses, Endothelial Dysfunction, and ME/CFS (

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