
Showing posts from September, 2014

"Patients with CFS who have been ill for months may have abnormal cardiac dynamics. This means that the rhythmic, symmetrical, harmonious closure of the left ventricle is asymmetric. This indicates that there is some weakening of the left ventricular muscle"

Concern Trolling Explodes as New Patricia Goodson Piece Questions Government's HIV Theory of AIDS

 By Patricia Goodson: Since 1984, when the hypothesis that HIV-causes-AIDS was announced, many scholars have questioned the premise and offered alternative explanations. Thirty years later, competing propositions as well as questioning of the mainstream hypothesis persist, often supported by prominent scientists. This article synthesizes the most salient questions raised, alongside theories proposing non-viral causes for AIDS. The synthesis is organized according to four categories of data believed to support the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: retroviral molecular markers; transmission electron microscopy (EM) images of retroviral particles; efficacy of anti-retroviral drugs; and epidemiological data. Despite three decades of concerted investments in the mainstream hypothesis, the lingering questions and challenges synthesized herein offer public health professionals an opportunity to reflect on their assumptions and practices regarding HIV/AIDS. ā€œThe HIV/AIDS h...

Okay, connect these dots: HHV-6, CFS, MS and (drum roll) AIDS.

"MS and CFS/ME are two common conditions with increased prevalence in middle aged females. As the diagnosis of CFS/ME is clinical with no positive clinical signs or investigations; it can be made with difficulty in the presence of another clear explanation for the disabling fatigue. Our results suggest that the two conditions may co-exist. Considering CFS/ME as a potential co-morbidity may lead to more focused and appropriate management."

The African swine fever (ASF) virus, may in the future become dangerous for humans, according to the head of the Russian Epidemiology Service Was John Beldekas the first scientist to discover African Swine Fever Virus in human serum? In August, 1986, John Beldekas was invited to go to the NCI and present his findings on the link between ASFV [African Swine Fever virus] and AIDS, which he did. Beldekas gave samples of all his lab work to Gallo. Later, the government asked Beldekas to turn over all his reagents and lab work to the government, which he did. Beldekas had found ASFV presence in nine of 21 AIDS patients using two standard procedures. At the meeting, Gallo was reported saying: ā€œwe know it is not ASFV.ā€ How could Gallo know this as he hadnā€™t done any of his own tests to look for ASFV? Two months later, Gallo published an article in Science (Oct 31, 1986) that he discovered a new possible co-factor in AIDS, a virus he called Human B Cell Lymphotropic Virus which he named HBLV. Like ASFV, HBL...

Do Endogenous Retroviruses make AIDS and CFS Tweedledum and Tweedledee? Are endogenous retroviruses interfering with our understanding of AIDS and CFS as one epidemic?

Author Hillary Johnson calls for Anthony Fauci to resign

Clinical features associated with Macrophagic Myofasciitis Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) is an emerging condition characterized by specific muscle lesions assessing abnormal long-term persistence of aluminium hydroxide within macrophages at the site of previous immunization. Affected patients usually are middle-aged adults, mainly presenting with diffuse arthromyalgias, chronic fatigue, and marked cognitive deficits, not related to pain, fatigue or depression. Clinical features usually correspond to that observed in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. Representative features of MMF-associated cognitive dysfunction include dysexecutive syndrome, visual memory impairment and left ear extinction at dichotic listening test. Most patients fulfil criteria for non-amnestic/dysexecutive mild cognitive impairment, even if some cognitive deficits appear unusually severe. Cognitive dysfunction seems stable over time despite marked fluctuations. Evoked potentials m...

Human herpesvirus 6 infection in febrile children: frequency in an Iranian referral hospital

Infectious Causes of Psychiatric Illnesses

 "Over the years, numerous studies have demonstrated a link between chronic viral infections and a number of conditions that alter brain function. For example, research has shown a number of chronic viral infections can be found in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), CMV, and several herpes viruses (e.g., Herpes 1, 6, 7 ā€“ HSV-1, HHV-6, HHV-7) cause or contribute to the symptoms of a large percentage of patient with CFS." "Careful studies have shown 70% of patients with CFS had active HHV-6 infection through the use of primary cell cultures and confirmation using assays of monoclonal antibodies specific for HHV-6 proteins and by PCR. Moreover, a higher proportion of CFS patients have multiple simultaneous infections, such as HHV-6 and HHV-7."

Virologic and Immunologic Evidence Supporting an Association between HHV-6 and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

HHV-6 is a far bigger public health issue than anyone realizes.

When will HHV-6 come out of the closet?   54% reactivation of HHV-6 in patients in emergency rooms for various conditions.

Llewellyn King on lobbying Congress to take CFS seriously


Does this make HHV-6 look more like the real AIDS/CFS virus?

High-Throughput Sequencing of Plasma MicroRNA in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis MicroRNAs from human herpesvirus 6 "Recently, many members of the herpesvirus family have been shown to express their own microRNAs (microRNAs)."

Palmitoylethanolamide: Could it be used as a treatment for HHV-6?

Strategies to increase the activity of microglia as efficient protectors of the brain against infections palmitoylethanolamide Read more: Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) ā€“ A Medical Food for Fibromyalgia and (ME/CFS)? palmitoylethanolamide Read more: Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) ā€“ A Medical Food for Fibromyalgia and (ME/CFS)?  

Evidence for human herpesvirus-6B infection of regulatory T-cells in acute systemic lymphadenitis in an immunocompetent adult with the drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome: A case report

HHV-6 encephalitis presenting as status epilepticus in an immunocompetent patient

Whenever anyone dies of brain cancer, one has to ask whether they were a victim of HHV-6 and its cover-up

The etiology of glioma remains unclear so far. Human her- pesvirus 6 (HHV-6) might be associated with glioma, but there is no direct evidence to support this. High percentages of HHV-6 DNA and protein were detected in tissue from gliomas, compared with normal brain tissue. In addition, a strain of HHV-6A was isolated from the fl uid specimens from glioma cysts. High levels of interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 8 (IL-8), tumor necrosis factor Ī± , and transforming growth factor Ī² (TGF- Ī² ) were detected in the cyst fl uid specimens from HHV-6 ā€“ positive patients with glioma. Furthermore, HHV-6A infection promoted IL-6, IL-8, and TGF- Ī² produc- tion in astrocyte cultures. Our studies strongly suggest the in-

Scientific Misconduct Should Be a Crime

Relation between psychoneuroendocrine profile in stressful conditions and antibodies to herpesvirus 6 and 7 Abstract The aim of the present study is to evaluate whether the individual susceptibility to infectious disease is influenced by the psychological profile of cadets exposed to stressful events associated with military lifestyle in academy and if the neuroendocrine responses to stressful events is related with humoral immunity estimated by measuring antibody titres to human herpesvirus (HHV-6)7 (HHV-7) and to what extent it is influenced by personality traits. It has been observed that cadets with lower psychoaptitude scores (1-2) have a significant higher susceptibility to infectious disease (x2=7.95; p=0.019) compared to subjects with higher scores. A positive relationship between cortisol and antibody titers to HHV-6 (r=0.304; p=0.024) it has been found. It can be interesting to observe that antibody titers on HHV-6 are also related to psychoaptitude profile (r=0.239; p=0.044). The antibody titers to HHV-7 are negat...

Does HHV-6 cause CFS and autism by infecting the basal ganglia?

Good Question for Hillary Clinton

Will HHV-6 and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome continue to be covered up during your administration the way they were when your husband was president from 1993 to 2001?

Disturbing new piece on the Ebola epidemic

Konstance Knox Deserves a Nobel Prize for Her Work on HHV-6

Dr. Konstance Knox explains why HHV-6 may be the key to dealing with AIDS. by Neenyah Ostrom New York Native, issue #678, April 15, 1996 Konstance Knox, Ph.D., is an HHV-6 researcher who has just published a study with extraordinary implications for AIDS research and treatment strategies. Along with colleague Donald R. Carrigan, Ph.D., Knox demonstrated that 100 percent of HIV-infected patients studied (ten out of ten) had active Human Herpes Virus 6 Variant A infections in their lymph nodes early in the course of their disease. Seventy-five percent of these patients, in fact, had CD4 cell counts higher than 200 (the cut-off for receiving a diagnosis of AIDS), up to as high a CD4 count as 700. This finding led Knox and Carrigan to conclude that "active HHV-6 infections appear relatively early in the course of HIV disease and in vitro studies suggest that the A variant of HHV-6 is capable of breaking HIV latency, with the potential for helping to catalyze t...

The Big Breakthrough?

Activity of broad-spectrum T cells as treatment for AdV, EBV, CMV, BKV, and HHV6 infections after HSCT.

Chimerix CEO on treatment for viruses like HHV-6

Are HHV-6 and HHV-8 actually PLHV-1 and PLHV-2 Pigs? "We recently reported the discovery of DNA sequences of two closely related gammaherpesviruses in pigsā€”the porcine lymphotropic herpesviruses 1 and 2 (PLHV-1 and -2) . These viruses are widespread in domestic pigs and are closely related to several ruminant gammaherpesviruses , most of which are etiologically implicated in the occurrence of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF), a lymphoproliferative and inflammatory disease with an often fatal outcome. PLHV-1 and -2 are also related to EBV, HHV-8, and other gammaherpesviruses , but more distantly Ehlers et al 1999b  and  Ulrich et al 1999 ."

HHV-6-positivity in diseases with demyelination.

How HHV-6 may cause AIDS, CFS, Autism etc., etc.

Inhibition of Interleukin-2 Gene Expression by Human Herpesvirus 6B U54 Tegument Protein.

Can Ampligen, the effective treatment for HHV-6, also work for Ebola?

Episode 66 - Llewellyn King, "You Are Not Alone"


Verbal autopsies may ultimately be the only way to grasp all the damage HHV-6 has done

Is HHV-6 autism's cerebellum virus?

US District Court: HHS/NIH Violated Federal Law in Response to FOIA Request for IOM Documents

The big question about HHV-6

Why has no public health war against HHV-6 been declared?

Plague The Book: Teaser Trailer


10 of the most evil medical experiments in history

CDC: ā€œPossibilityā€ that vaccines rarely trigger autism

A Complex Role of Herpes Viruses in the Disease Process of Multiple Sclerosis " . . .we detected a strong intrathecal enrichment of Epstein-Barr virus- and human herpes virus 6 -specific (but not cytomegalovirus-specific) reactivities of the Th1-phenotype throughout all patients."

One way of looking at HHV-6

HHV-6 is the American Ebola epidemic the CDC has been hiding from the American public for over three decades. Important and provocative books about HHV-6 The Virus Within by Nicholas Regush (Print Edition) What Really Killed Gilda Radner? Frontline Reports on the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic by Neenyah Ostrom (Print Edition) 50 Things You Should Know About the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic by Neenyah Ostrom (Print Edition) America's Biggest Cover-Up: 50 More Things Everyone Should Know About the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic And Its Link to AIDS by Neenyah Ostrom (Print Edition) The Closing Argument by Charles Ortleb (Available on Kindle and in a Print Edition. Free for Kindle Unlimited.)

The human cost of the HHV-6 cover-up

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