
Showing posts from October, 2014

Steadily rising increases in mitochondrial DNA mutations cause abrupt shifts in disease

Prevalence of Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus 6 in Patients with Human Herpesvirus 6-Central Nervous System Dysfunction.

Hemispherx Biopharma Reports New Evidence -- Based Potential of Ampligen(R) Against Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)


Lipkin's anellovirus findings in CFS may just be more evidence that AIDS and CFS are part of the same epidemic

Lipkin, Anellovirus and CFS: The Anellovirus was found in 75% of ME cases and evidence of Retroviruses were found in 85% of cases, in research conducted by Dr. Hornig and Dr. Lipkins study in September 2013.  Anellovirus is found in a significant percentage of healthy controls as well. If Lipkin found a much higher viral load in ME/CFS patients this could be a very important finding because the Stanford study suggests that the anellovirus load is a good proxy for overall immune status. Read more: The Lipkin Study, The Vagus Nerve Infection Hypothesis and HHV-6: Kristin Loomis of the HHV-6 Foundation Talks – Pt. I Anellovirus is found in a significant percentage of healthy controls as well. If Lipkin found a much higher viral load in ME/CFS patients this could be a very important finding because the Stanford study suggests that...

Do White Matter Integrity Issues Also Link AIDS to CFS and HHV-6?

Clinical contributors to cerebral white matter integrity in HIV-infected individuals.     "It seems wherever HHV-6 is going, you're bound to bump into HIV. It's like a cohabitation." --Robert Gallo    

Damage to the anterior arcuate fasciculus predicts non-fluent speech production in aphasia


Findings of brain anomalies may shed light on chronic fatigue (Caused by HHV-6???)

 Radiology researchers have discovered that the brains of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome have diminished white matter and white matter abnormalities in the right hemisphere. Three key findings The analysis yielded three noteworthy results, the researchers said. First, an MRI showed that overall white-matter content of CFS patients’ brains, compared with that of healthy subjects’ brains, was reduced. The term “white matter” largely denotes the long, cablelike nerve tracts carrying signals among broadly dispersed concentrations of “gray matter.” The latter areas specialize in processing information, and the former in conveying the information from one part of the brain to another. That finding wasn’t entirely unexpected, Zeineh said. CFS is thought to involve chronic inflammation, quite possibly as a protracted immunological response to an as-yet unspecified viral infection. Inflammation, meanwhile, is known to take a particular toll on white matter. B...

IN SEARCH OF HIV Analysis of the value of the tests used for 'HIV infection' By Fabio Franchi

Moronic AIDS Researchers Still Not Focused on HHV-6

Image "Is there a danger, in molecular biology, that the accumulation of data will get so far ahead of its assimilation into a conceptual framework that the data will eventually prove an encumbrance? Part of the trouble is that excitement of the chase leaves little time for reflection. And there are grants for producing data, but hardly any for standing back in contemplation" . -- John Maddox Finding wood among the trees. Nature 1988; 335:11.

"The most consistently reported syndrome associated with HHV-6 infection among transplant patients is encephalitis. Patients can have mental status changes, behavioral disturbance, memory loss, and seizures. Other manifestations of HHV-6 in this patient population include: fever and rash, hepatitis, gastro-duodenitis, colitis, pneumonitis, and encephalitis. "

(HHV-6/7 & EBV) Viral load and T-helper-1-cell cytokines in myalgic encephalomyelitis

  "Objectives: Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a polymorphic clinical entity. In some patients, chronic infection with Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), and human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7) is regarded as an important pathogenetic factor that contributes to chronic neuroinflammation. We determined a relationship between EBV, HHV-6 and HHV-7 viral load in the saliva and serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IFNalpha, IFNgamma, IL-1, IL-2) in a group of ME patients."

HHV-6-HERV-K18 as the Cause/Trigger (Whatever You Want To Call It) of Serious Digestive Disorders in AIDS/CFS/etc.

Human herpesvirus 6B infection of the large intestine of patients with diarrhea. Colitis in a renal transplant patient with human herpesvirus-6 infection.  Case report: severe gastrointestinal inflammation and persistent HHV-6B infection in a paediatric cancer patient. Case report: human herpesvirus 6 reactivation associated with colitis in a lung transplant recipient. HHV-6B is frequently found in the gastrointestinal tract in kidney transplantation patients. Possible interference of human beta-herpesviruses-6 and -7 in gastrointestinal cancer development.   HHV-6 antigen and HHV-6 DNA expression in sporadic adenomatous polyps of the colon.   http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih....

The search for the cause of CFS


Most ironic quote of our time

"His biggest fear was that he had ME (chronic fatigue syndrome) so he was amazed when they said it was leukaemia.”

HHV-6 and Natural Killer Cells

P.P. Banerjee on IFN-gamma-Dependent Demyelinating Activity by Natural Killer Cells is Regulated by HLA-G Upregulation on Oligodendrocytes During HHV-6 Infection. HHV-6 Modulates Natural Killer Cells Via IL-15 Production H HV-7 and N atural Killer Cells The Human Herpesvirus-7 (HHV-7) U21 Immunoevasin Subverts NK-Mediated Cytoxicity through Modulation of MICA and MICB Christine L. Schneider and Amy W. Hudson Abstract Herpesviruses have evolved numerous immune evasion strategies to facilitate establishment of lifelong persistent infections. Many herpesviruses encode gene products devoted to preventing viral antigen presentation as a means of escaping detection by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The human herpesvirus-7 (HHV-7) U21 gene product, for example, is an immunoevasin that binds to class I major histocompatibility complex molecules and redirects them to the lysos...

Breaking News


Anthony Fauci explains HHV-6 and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to Rachel Maddow


Rachel Maddow's New BFF


How Dr. Richard Podell treats CFS (and HHV-6) " These approaches include: 1. Antivirals, if Epstein Barr or HHV6 or CMV titers are very high. I prefer to use Valtrex or Famvir over Valcyte. Even though Valcyte is probably stronger, it's much more toxic and very expensive. 2. It might make sense to add an immune boosting product such as AHCC (a shiitake mushroom derivative) to the antiviral or to use this on its own. I've just started using this. 3. There's considerable evidence that there's inflammation in the brain in many CFS/ME patients"

HHV-6 Foundation Funds Study: Subunit Composition of Neurotransmitter Receptors in the Immature and in the Epileptic Brain

Earth to Kris Newby: "Ever heard of HHV-6?"

Immune system disruption The search for answers By Kris Newby

Fifth and sixth diseases: More than a fever and a rash.

"While most parvovirus B19 or HHV-6 infections resolve without sequelae, rheumatologic and hemolytic complications and seizures can develop."

The human herpesvirus 6 U21-U24 gene cluster is dispensable for virus growth

One thing you'll never see Tony Fauci doing with a HHV-6/CFS patient

Detection and quantification of EBV, HHV-6 and CMV DNA in the gastrointestinal tract of HIV-positive patients

"Falasca F, et al. – In the present study, the detection rate and viral load of Epstein Barr virus (EBV), HHV–6 and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) were assessed in the GI tract of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive patients and of uninfected patients. Therefore, the data suggest that the HIV infection status may increase the persistence of these viruses in the GI compartment. Intriguingly, CMV DNA was undetectable in all biopsy specimens analyzed."

HHV-6 and Glioblastoma

  What is a glioblastoma and how is it treated? Glioblastoma risk factors: Like most tumors, there is no known cause of brain tumors like glioblastomas, however, some people believe there is a link between alcohol consumption, ionizing radiation, and the viruses HHV-6 , SV40, and cytomegalovirus. More common risk factors include: Age, particularly for those over 50 Gender, with a slight skew towards men than women. Being diagnosed with a low-grade astrocytoma (brain tumor), which can develop into a higher-grade tumor. If you are Caucasian, Hispanic, or asian. Having a diagnosis of neurofibromatosis, Von Hippel-Lindau disease, Turcot syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, or Li-Fraumeni syndrome


Don't Panic about Ebola Unless You Live in Africa.


Confusion again between CMV and HHV-6?

Unknown link between common viral infections and autoimmune disease found

Is there, in all likelihood, an undetected epidemic of *internal* Kaposi's sarcoma in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients? HHV-8 and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Prevalence in the cerebrospinal fluid of the following infectious agents in a cohort of 12 CFS subjects: human herpes virus-6 and 8; chlamydia species; mycoplasma species; EBV; CMV; and Coxsackievirus. Levine, S. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 2001, 9, 1/2, 41-51. Abstract: Over the last decade a wide variety of infectious agents have been associated with the CFS as potential etiologies for this disorder. Many of these agents are neurotrophic and have been linked previously to other diseases involving the central nervous system (CNS). Human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6), especially the B variant, has been found in autopsy specimens of patients who suffered from MS. Because patients with CFS manifest a wide range of symptoms involving the CNS as shown by abnormalities on brain MRIs, SPECT scans of the brain and results of tilt ...

Human herpesvirus-6A/B binds to spermatozoa acrosome and is the most prevalent herpesvirus in semen from sperm donors. PLoS One. 2012;7(11):e48810. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048810. Epub 2012 Nov 7. Abstract An analysis of all known human herpesviruses has not previously been reported on sperm from normal donors. Using an array-based detection method, we determined the cross-sectional frequency of human herpesviruses in semen from 198 Danish sperm donors. Fifty-five of the donors had at least one ejaculate that was positive for one or more human herpesvirus. Of these 27.3% (n = 15) had a double herpesvirus infection. If corrected for the presence of multiple ejaculates from some donors, the adjusted frequency of herpesviruses in semen was 27.2% with HSV-1 in 0.4%; HSV-2 in 0.1%; EBV in 6.3%; HCMV in 2.7%; HHV-6A/B in 13.5%; HHV-7 in 4.2%, whereas none of the samples had detectable VZV or HHV-8. Subsequently, we examined longitudinally data on ejaculates from 11 herpesvirus-positive donors. Serial analyses revealed that a donor who ...

Human Herpesvirus 6 Latent Infection in Patients With Glioma

Poll: CDC approval drops since Ebola crisis

Research shows the rats of NYC are infected with at least 18 new viruses

HHV-6-positivity in diseases with demyelination Conclusion Patients with HHV-6-positive OCBs appear to form a separable group. In progressive neurological diseases HHV-6 may have a role in long-term infection with demyelination.

Michelle Malkin: "The CDC also misspent $22.7 million appropriated for chronic fatigue syndrome"

Ad Blames GOP Budget Cuts For Ebola Outbreak


Defreitas, CFS and HHV-6-induced HERV-K18: Putting it all together

Connecting all of these may ultimately explain the retroviral involvement in CFS (as well as HIV-positive and HIV-negative AID S). Konnie Knox was looking into the HTLV connection to HHV-6: The goals of the proposed studies are: to use contemporary molecular diagnostic techniques in an attempt to confirm the findings of Dr. DeFreitas with respect to the presence of HTLV-2 DNA sequences in the white blood cells of patients with CFS To correlate the presence of HTLV-2 DNA sequences with the presence of active infections with human herpesvirus six (HHV-6) or Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), two viruses that have been implicated in CFS Role of the Human Endogenous Retrovirus HERV-K18 in Autoimmune Disease Susceptibility: Study in the Spanish Population and Meta-Analysis  Conclusion Association of the HERV-K18.3 haplotype in chromosome 1 with autoimmune-disease susceptibility was confirmed thro...

Roseola in HHV-6 infected children shown to actually be rare

Mollaret's meningitis due to human herpesvirus 6 in an adolescent

"We report the first pediatric case of Mollaret meningitis in an adolescent female with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in remission. This patient had signs and symptoms consistent with meningitis, with three episodes over a 3-month period. Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) was identified during her last episode from polymerase chain reaction assay of a cerebrospinal fluid specimen. She was treated successfully with foscarnet, after which HHV-6 was undetectable in her cerebrospinal fluid."

Serum cytokines in patients with moderate and severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME)

New CFS Quakery: "There is strong evidence that female sex and certain personality traits predispose to this condition."

Use of anti HHV-6 transfer factor for the treatment of two patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Two case reports.

A show-stopping Gallo flashback

"Another way of doing it would be to find an animal model not infected with a parallel virus to HHV-6 which can be infected by SIV [simian immunodeficiency virus]. SIV can induce some immune deficiency not the acute sort but there are monkeys in which SIV induces nothing, there are monkeys in which some strains of SIV induce an acute AIDS, and there are monkeys where some strains of SIV induce a disease more similar to the human disease, where it takes time. We used such a system. This is not published data. With the SIV alone, there was a little immune deficiency, and with the HHV-6 alone nothing, but with the two together they got it. I think we have proven the point with that rhesus virus and that we can publish that soon. So, I believe human herpesvirus-6 is a factor in AIDS progression" Gallo on HHV-6 Here's what Robert Gallo had to say about HHV-6 in an NIH interview in 1995: Have we ever argued for ...

Innate Immune Changes in the Peripheral Blood of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients: Risk Factors for Disease Progression and Management

Authors:  (Deborah L.S Goetz, Judy A. Mikovits, Jamie Deckoff-Jones, Francis W. Ruscetti, LANDRES Management Consultant, MAR Consulting Inc., Private CFS Practice, and others) Open Access item.  Click below PDF icon for free download.

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