Bulletin #114 from the Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)

Richard DuBois and the Tragedy of First

Epidemiological Impressions

     If there’s one thing to be learned from what could be called "Holocaust II" and the HHV-6/AIDS/CFS era, it is that epidemics never have a second chance to make a first impression. Especially ones whose first official impression involves a not very beloved, politically weak and terrified minority group that is put in the safekeeping of a powerful majority‘s biased epidemiologists. The mistaken first impression of what ultimately turned out to be the HHV-6 spectrum pandemic was, as they say, a real doozy.
     The HHV-6 spectrum catastrophe might never have happened to the extent it did if there wasn’t a major mix-up of its first significant clinical manifestation in the United States. It would never have been “gayified” by convoluted heterosexist politics into the “Gay = Got-AIDS-Yet?” diagnoses of “Gay Related Immunodeficiency,” “The Gay Plague,” “Gay Cancer” or “Gay Pneumonia.” It would never have been crammed by fraud and deceit and evolving financial opportunity into the diabolical HIV/AIDS paradigm. A political and biomedical hell on earth may have never have materialized if the following scientific abstract about novel cases of immune dysfunction—seen in a doctor’s office as early as 1980—had been recognized as the very first clinical snapshot of the impending HHV-6 spectrum pandemic:

"We present data on 14 patients with chronic symptoms of disabling fatigue in association with serologic evidence of active Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. Two thirds were women, and the average age at onset was 29.6 years. Forty-three percent were known to have had previous infectious mononucleosis, but the usual criteria for that diagnosis were not helpful with the present syndrome. Eighty-six percent had serologic evidence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. Profound immunodeficiency was not present, but 71% had partial hypogamma-globulinemia, and minor abnormalities of T cell subsets were noted in six of seven patients studied. Fifty-seven percent achieved temporary serologic and symptomatic remission after an average duration of 33 months. Only one patient has a sustained remission. Comparison is made with other reported chronic, recurrent, and persistent EBV syndromes, and tentative diagnostic criteria for chronic mononucleosis syndrome are presented. Recently available EBV serologic techniques allow for identification of patients who have reactivated EBV infection, and this reactivation may be related to symptoms."
—Richard DuBois, et. al., Southern Medical Journal

     That text was an abstract from a medical article about a mysterious disease that was actually first seen by Dr. Richard DuBois in Atlanta, Georgia as early as 1980. If these 1980 cases had been immediately acknowledged as the first American cases of Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CIDS) and the first recognized manifestations of what would turn out to be the HHV-6 spectrum catastrophe rather than as a mysterious kind of chronic mono that eventually was disingenuously called, among other things, “chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS),” everything would have been different. Absolutely everything. One of the greatest catastrophes in history might have been averted if the Centers for Disease Control had astutely recognized—a year before the official gay-obsessed coinage of "AIDS"—that some of the first real cases in the HHV-6 spectrum pandemic occurred in a non-risk, normal, general population group—folks otherwise known as the proverbial average Americans—right beneath the CDC’s institutional nose in Atlanta. The actual "Patients Zero" of the HHV-6 spectrum pandemic were probably just a short car drive away from 1600 Clifton Road in Atlanta, the CDC headquarters at which the fraud, bias and incompetence riddled HIV paradigm for AIDS was subsequently created and where the pseudoscience and pseudo-epidemiology of "Holocaust II" was launched in all of its glory. If there is such a thing as a “tipping mistake,” from which an infinity of other derivative mistakes cascade, then the non-recognition of the DuBois 1980 Atlanta cases as the actual beginning of the real AIDS epidemic is a true “tipping mistake.” In some ways one can trace the beginning of the “chronic fatigue syndrome isn’t AIDS” paradigm to the DuBois report on his Atlanta cases. From the beginning the medical community was staring at the real manifestation of the AIDS epidemic in the general population and refusing to admit what they were seeing.
     If the CDC had decided that the DuBois 1980 Atlanta cases were suffering from “DuBois Syndrome” or some other moniker like Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CIDS), then when the first so-called gay cases were recognized a year later in 1981, gays would never have been used politically to create the balkanized medical apartheid paradigm that HIV/AIDS turned out to be. The opportunity to build a virtual postmodern concentration camp of an HIV/AIDS paradigm would have evaporated overnight. Heterosexism would have had to look elsewhere for medical and scientific opportunities to scapegoat and humiliate the gay community and trap it in a biomedical nightmare.
     Susan Sontag inadvertently nailed the underlying sexual politics of the mistaken AIDS paradigm (a paradigm she herself, unfortunately seems to have supported) when she said in AIDS as Metaphor, “In the twentieth century it has become almost impossible to moralize about epidemics—except those which are transmitted sexually.”(p.56) The DuBois 1980 Atlanta Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndrome cases, if they had been recognized for what they really were the beginning of, would have made the subsequent orgy of HIV/AIDS moralizing around sexual transmission a virtual impossibility.
     Hillary Johnson reported on the DuBois Atlanta cases in Osler’s Web Inside the Labyrinth of Chronic FatigueSyndrome Epidemic, her epic work of journalism detailing the CDC’s failure to acknowledge the true nature of the chronic fatigue syndrome epidemic. It is now all too painfully obvious that the DuBois cases—with the telltale signs of hypergammaglobulinemia, t-cell perturbations and persistent reactivated EBV and CMV infections—were the beginning of the real AIDS/CFS/autism disaster. According to Johnson, in 1980 Richard DuBois “saw a thirteen-year old girl who suffered from a seemingly endless case of mono. As the months passed, he identified several more cases of the curious syndrome in his practice.” (OW p.7)  He wasn’t alone. According to Johnson he was in touch with other clinicians who had seen similar cases and he and his colleagues eventually had a research article published about it in the Southern Medical Journal in 1984, the same year the big consequential government mistake of certifying HIV as the official AIDS virus occurred. According to Johnson, “they [DuBois and his colleagues] had believed that they were describing a new syndrome, one that would have increasing importance and was worthy of national attention.” (OW p.7) Unfortunately, at the time of publication, the nation’s attention was being monopolized by an epidemic that was epidemiologically framed to be gay as a goose. And millions of future HHV-6 sufferers were about to get lost in the political and scientific confusion of “AIDS.”
     The mind begins to reel when one thinks of all the specific and astonishingly awful things that would have been existentially different during the last three decades if the DuBois cases had been pounced on by sober, attentive epidemiologists and recognized as one of the gravest medical threats in history.
     The first thing that would have been different is that scientists might quickly have found the actual cause of AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome etc.. The DuBois cases would most likely never have ended up in the hands of a handful of retrovirologists of questionable integrity. Given the size and the prevalence of the virus HHV-6 in the bodies of those actively infected with it (AIDS patients and CFS patients), the virus would not have been particularly hard to find. It seems eminently reasonable to theorize that the relatively large and very pathologically versatile DNA virus would have been discovered earlier than 1986 if the DuBois cases had been taken seriously in 1980. And surely it would have not gotten caught up in the labyrinthine politics of HIV and the mega-sociopathic character of the National Cancer Institute scientist, Robert Gallo, who under the most convoluted and suspicious circumstances claimed to have “discovered” HHV-6 (which was originally called “HBLV“). A viral epidemic of chronic-to-severe immunodeficiency and multi-system dysfunction in the general population—which CFS, AIDS (and autism) were and are—would certainly have gotten more than perfunctory attention from the CDC, Congress and the Reagan White House had the CDC accurately presented to the world a true picture of what was actually going on in the general population. The Reagan administration would not have had to be dragged into action if it had been clear from the DuBois cases in 1980 that the entire public was at risk for the insidious HHV-6 and the variable acquired immunodeficiency and multi-system dysfunctions represented by those first 14 cases DuBois and his colleagues wrote about. Given that one would expect that a viral epidemic of multisystemic dysfunction would have to have been seen as a major public health threat, it is hard to believe that there would have been much political obfuscation or scientific foot-dragging at the CDC and NIH. It’s hard to believe that private organizations and activists would have had to rally the country to do what needed to be done financially and scientifically if the DuBois CIDS cases had been seen as the beginning of the HHV-6 spectrum crisis. There would have been no need for AIDS walks, red ribbons, desperate fund raising and public service announcements by clueless celebrities to get the world’s attention. Everyone would have seen themselves as a possible DuBois-type Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndrome case, a possible victim of HHV-6. The political battle lines between right and left (and gay and straight) would most likely never have been drawn if the real HHV-6 spectrum epidemic had not been cast in terms of sin and sexual identity with all the messy psychological baggage they always come with. The DuBois Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndrome cases were never presented as specifically heterosexual. Presumably, in the context of our society, that means that they were assumed to be heterosexual.
     The recognition of the import of the DuBois CIDS cases might have prevented America from entering three decades of severe moral judgmentalism and scapegoating about a horrific pandemic. A totally different kind of non-judgmental, un-heterosexist objective epidemiology might have been pursued rather than the biased "homodemological" kind that ensued after the first cases of AIDS were announced in gay men, leading to the framing of the whole gay community by the HIV/AIDS paradigm.
     The distorted, simplistic, obsessive view of AIDS as mainly a T-4 cell disease would never have materialized because the DuBois CIDS cases, like all the different chronic fatigue syndrome cases that eventually surfaced everywhere over the next three decades would have resulted in a more variable clinical and therefore realistic picture of how HHV-6 can manifest itself pathologically in the human body. “Multisystemic” might have been recognized as the word that best characterized the HHV-6 pandemic.
     There were all kinds of practical issues that would have been different. The blood supply would have been screened for HHV-6 early in the 80s if the DuBois CIDS cases had prevailed as the operative paradigm. God only knows how many people received HHV-6 in their blood transfusions for three decades because of the original epidemiological mistake made in the CDC‘s backyard.
     To put it bluntly, if the DuBois CIDS cases had been perceived to be the manifestation of an HHV-6 spectrum of illness, the AIDS patients—who were really just severe Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndrome cases—would not have been humiliated and compromised medically and politically. The scientific community would surely have been able to do something more effective about the pathological effects of HHV-6 in the so-called AIDS patients—and everyone else affected—sooner rather than later. Defenseless patients wouldn’t have spent years trying insane, almost hateful toxic therapies on a retrovirus that wasn’t even the real cause of their ailments. At the very least, sick patients and their doctors would have known what actual viral enemy they were really dealing with rather than shooting in the dark at a phantom of a retrovirus that wasn’t even the cause of the horrific pathology they were trying to cope with. Lives were lost needlessly because of this primal CDC epidemiological mistake. Surely scientists would have gone to work on the problem of HHV-6 as if their own lives and the lives of their own families had depended on it. They wouldn’t have ended up medically slumming in the gay and black communities.
     In the shocking summer of 1981, the swollen lymph nodes in AIDS patients would have come as no surprise if those 1980 DuBois CIDS cases had been recognized as the beginning of the HHV-6 pandemic, because HHV-6 is capable of destroying the lymphocytes in the lymph nodes—again, something that was incorrectly blamed on HIV because of the mistake of not seeing the DuBois cases for what they were.
     If the DuBois cases had been recognized as the beginning of the HHV-6 spectrum pandemic, by the time so-called AIDS broke out there would be no mystery as to what was destroying or causing dysfunction in the t-cells, the natural killer cells, the monocytes, macrophages, B-cells and almost every other components of the immune system. It would have been painfully simple and straightforward: it was HHV-6 (and the rest of its family, HHV-7 and HHV-8). The DuBois CIDS cases, had they quickly revealed the destructive talents of HHV-6, would have taken the mystery out of what was really destroying the lungs of AIDS patients. The world would not have had to wait for a decade to know that HHV-6 could be found infecting the lungs, livers and kidneys and spleens of AIDS patients at the time of their deaths. It the DuBois cases had revealed the true nature of HHV-6 disaster, those patients might not even have died.
     Some of other important facts about the HHV-6 and the HHV-6 spectrum that might have saved millions of lives and ameliorated the chronic suffering of exponentially more, had the truth about HHV-6 emerged from the DuBois cases and the real epidemic they represented, include:

*The world would have known that anyone with active HHV-6 infection was infected by a virus that is both immunosuppressive and neurotoxic and every mysterious disease that involved those issues would have been tested for HHV-6. That would have helped provide an earlier picture of the scope of the HHV-6 pandemic and the full character of the HHV-6 Spectrum.

*It would have been clear that people on the HHV-6 spectrum were at risk for all kinds of cancer.

*It would have been clear that it was possible for people infected by HHV-6 to die from hemorrhagic complications.

*It would probably not have taken a decade or so before HHV-6 was recognized as a major problem compromising the prospects of transplant patients.

*Scientists would have recognized that HHV-6 can persist in a sub-acute form causing Central Nervous System dysfunction.

*Scientists and doctors would have learned earlier that HHV-6 can cause selective immune suppression and alterations in cytokines that make it more difficult for the body to fend off intracellular viruses and mycobacterium.

*Scientists and doctors would have learned that it had potent transactivating properties that cause it to stimulate other viruses, such as EBV, CMV, and HHV-8.

*The medical establishment would have learned that there is very little free virus circulating in the serum but that HHV-6 remains active only in the tissues—often the central nervous system.

*Scientists would have learned earlier that it was difficult to distinguish between active and latent HHV-6 infections.

*Scientists would have learned that antibodies to HHV-6 fall gradually after an infection and can persist at high levels for several years before falling to lower levels.

*Scientists wouldn’t have waited decades to understand that elevated antibodies to HHV-6 may be a patient’s only clue that a chronic infection is ongoing in the CNS, cardiac or other tissues.

*Scientists would have had a better understanding on how HHV-6 was altering immune function by selectively blocking dendritic cell maturation and causing an elevation in cytokines such as IL-6 which contributed to encephalopathy.

*They would have found that HHV-6 contributes to Drug-hypersensitivity Syndrome and causes the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-a.

*Most ominously, in terms of the future autism epidemic they might have discovered in the 80s that HHV-6 is found to be integrated into human chromosomes in high copy numbers producing unusually high viral levels in the whole blood and serum. They  might have discovered that HHV-6 was integrated into t-cells and monocytes.

*The scope of the HHV-6 disaster would have been seen in the fact that over one percent of children suspected of viral encephalitis had chromosomal integration in the spinal fluid.

*Scientists might have understood way before 2009 that some individuals with chromosomally integrated HHV-6 could have an increased risk of lymphoproliferative disease or encephalitis/encephalopathy.

*Scientists might have discovered earlier that HHV-6 was capable of molecular mimicry which could cause autoimmunity, an issue in the parts of the HHV-6 spectrum that had been gerrymandered into “AIDS,” “CFS,” and “autism.” All the patients on the HHV-6 spectrum would have benefited if they had quickly discovered that certain residues on the HHV-6 genome are identical to residues of myelin basic protein.

*People on the HHV-6 spectrum would have benefited from an earlier discovery that HHV-6 infection of the central nervous system can influence the neural repair mechanisms.

*Scientists would have probably soon learned that HHV-6 was causing impaired information processing speed, enlarged cerebral ventricular volumes and altering glucose metabolism in the prefrontal cortex in many of the people on the HHV-6 spectrum. CFS and MS patients who often had as much as a 11% reduction in prefrontal grey matter and who had HHV-6 in their spinal fluids, plaques and other neural cells would have benefited greatly.

     The list of things that could have been discovered quickly could go on and on, and will go on and on as the world starts to recognize that because the DuBois cases were not immediately or subsequently recognized as the beginning of the HHV-6 pandemic, science now has decades of catch-up research to do. Hopefully that research will be done by scientists who are smarter and have more integrity than the ones who turned a blind eye to the DuBois Chronic Immune Dysfunction Syndrome cases and the HHV-6 spectrum pandemic they represented.
     Perhaps most importantly, had the DuBois cases been accepted as beginning of the real pandemic, there would never have been the powerful rise of a corrupt HIV/AIDS establishment who dominated the field of AIDS research and through incompetence and dirty politics turned the AIDS HHV-6 catastrophe into "Holocaust II." The CDC would not have created a world of abnormal, psychotic and totalitarian science. Misguided epidemiologists and "homodemiologists" would not have had to do all kinds of constant, self-deceiving intellectual gymnastics to make HIV look like it was the real cause of AIDS to themselves and the rest of the world. They would not have had to enter into the egregious fraud and cover-up by always calling cases of AIDS something else when it was discovered that there were cases of AIDS that were HIV-negative. They would not have been able to create the dystopian world of HIV testing based on tests that didn’t even work for a virus that wasn’t even the cause of AIDS. HHV-6 may be a difficult virus to test for, but it is certainly a real virus for a real disease, doing very real damage and when someone is infected with it, it can actually be isolated from their bodies, as opposed to HIV.

Recognition of the DuBois CIDS Cases Might Have Meant No Crooked Clowns like Robert Gallo and His Sycophantic Cronies in AIDS Research

     If fate had allowed the DuBois CIDS cases to be seen for what they were, HHV-6 would not have gotten caught up in a bizarre kind the cult of personality centered in the laboratory of Robert Gallo, the man who accomplished one of the greatest scientific coups in history by getting the United States to declare the retrovirus he claimed to have discovered (but actually had lifted from the French) was the cause of AIDS—based on the flimsiest of evidence and the most imperfect of epidemiological correlations. There was not hard evidence that HTLV-3 which was eventually named Human Immunodeficiency Virus by an outrageous act of scientific or pseudo-scientific legerdemain, could do any of the things that it was necessary to do to cause the severe problems in AIDS patients. As many of its critics eventually pointed out, it wasn’t even found in such an impressive number of patients with the disorder—there shouldn’t have been any immediate confidence that it was the cause of AIDS.
     As bad luck would have it, in 1986 it would be Gallo’s lab that would also claim to have discovered HHV-6 in AIDS patients and chronic fatigue syndrome patients, which tragically drew this important virus into the web of sinister power politics of HIV science and public health policy. Gallo was already in two HIV fights when he supposedly discovered HHV-6 (which was called Human B-lymphotropic Virus when it was first identified). One fight was with the French who basically accused him of appropriating their virus, LAV, renaming it, and rushing to publish before the French had a chance to clinch the deal. The other fight involved growing doubts that HIV was even the cause of AIDS, no matter who discovered it or stole it. Gallo himself years later claimed that the fight with the French prevented him from doing more work on HHV-6 beyond suggesting that it played a contributing role in AIDS. When the virus was discovered to be widespread, instead of scientists and the media worrying that wherever HHV-6 was one could also expect to find some kind of pathology, the supposed ubiquitousness of the virus erroneously and tragically translated into the assumption of the harmlessness of HHV-6. It was one of the most wrongheaded assumptions in history. When other scientists (like Konnie Knox and Donald Carrigan) eventually started working out the difficult technical problems of testing for active HHV-6 infections and when they realized that there were at least two distinct forms of the virus, (HHV-6A and HHV-6B) a shocking picture of a pandemic of HHV-6-triggered multi-system, variable pathologies began to emerge. In some ways Gallo was the boy who cried wolf in that he had insisted so vociferously that HIV killed AIDS patients “like a truck” and didn’t really need anything else to do its dirty work that he undercut any argument that it was actually caused interactively by two viruses, HIV and HHV-6. Given Gallo’s ham-fisted, often nasty, assertions about HIV, his HIV critics were also ready to pounce—the ones who thought that the admission that more than HIV was necessary was basically an admission of defeat, that HIV was not the one true cause of AIDS. All of this might have not transpired if the CDC had discovered right away or within a year or so that the DuBois Atlanta cases of 1980 were infected with HHV-6.
     If, in 1980, the DuBois CIDS cases had been seen as the beginning of the worldwide HHV-6 spectrum epidemic of severe and chronic immune dysfunction, the heterosexist clap doctors who called themselves AIDS researchers at the CDC would never have gotten control of the politics and science of AIDS. There also would not have been a small, long-suffering AIDS dissent movement of honest and courageous scientists, journalists and outraged citizens desperately trying to get the public to realize that HIV is not the cause of AIDS. Distinguished scientists like Peter Duesberg, who argued that HIV could not be the cause of AIDS, would not have had their careers harmed or even destroyed for speaking out. Independent thinkers who dissented from the HIV orthodoxy might not have been told by the leading Canadian HIV/AIDS researcher that they should be imprisoned for their critical views because he considered them threats to the public health. There would simply never have been the full scale war against AIDS dissent. People who knew that AIDS was in the hands of scientists who were deceitful, incompetent and downright vicious would not have had to live their lives in a state of near despair. (And they suffered not just for a few years. For some it was almost three decades of watching the despicable fascistic antics of the HIV establishment. Some died before they could see the last days of "Holocaust II.")
     If the DuBois CIDS cases had been seen as the beginning of the HHV-6 spectrum epidemic of multi-systemic dysfunction, the gay community would not have been tempted to create such self-stigmatizing, self-defeating organizations like “Gay Men’s Health Crisis.” That title alone may represent the first time in history that a community created its own blood libel organization against itself. GMHC haplessly and uncritically enabled the government’s propaganda and processed the gay community into a paradigm of public humiliation, scientific fraud and death. GMHC will take its place in history along with the Jewish Councils who will always be a source of shame to the Jewish community for assisting the Nazis in their evil deeds. Historians will ponder for centuries the fact that GMHC helped the government march the gay community en masse into the fraudulent and genocidal HIV/AIDS paradigm, foolishly convinced in the face of all reasonable dissent that they were helping themselves and their community. GMHC, along with organizations like the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) and ACT-UP turned the three decades of "Holocaust II" into a spectacle that was part Danse Macabre and part Jonestown. But if only the DuBois cases had formed the paradigm of HHV-6-caused acquired immunodeficiency or immune dysfunction, the gay community would never have been hoodwinked by the celebrity-infused public relations campaigns into getting tested for a virus that didn’t cause AIDS, and duped into taking treatments that would ultimately harm them and turn many into hapless human toxic dumps.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard November 9-11, 2015

Art, Cartoons, and Posters for the International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in at Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)


Bulletins from The Coordinating Committee of The International HHV-6 Protest and Teach-in At Harvard (November 9-11, 2015)

The Harvard Declaration of the HHV-6 Rights of Man
1. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in AIDS.
2. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
3. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Autism.
4.The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Multiple Sclerosis.
5. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Brain Cancer.
6. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Heart Disease.
7. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Encephalitis.
8. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Cognitive Dysfunction.
9. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome.
10. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Bone Marrow Suppression.
11. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Lymphadenopathy.
 12. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Colitis.
13. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Endocrine Disorders.
14. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Liver Disease.
 15. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
 16. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Glioma.
17. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Cervical Cancer.
18. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Hypogammaglobulinemia.
 19. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Optic Neuritis.
20. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Microangiopathy.
21. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Mononucleosis.
22. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Uveitis.
23. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.
24. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Rhomboencephalitis.
25. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Limbic Encephalitis.
26. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Encephalomyelitis
27. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Pneumonitis.
28. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in GVHD.
29. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Ideopathic Pneumonia.
30. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in Pediatric Adrenocortical Tumors
31. The right not to be lied to about the role of HHV-6 in the reactivation of endogenous retroviruses.
32. The right not to be lied to about the impact of HHV-6 on T-Cells.
33. The right not to be lied to about the impact of HHV-6 on B-Cells
34. The right not to be lied to about the impact of HHV-6 on Epithelial Cells.
35. The right not to be lied to about the the impact of HHV-6 on Natural Killer Cells.
36. The right not to be lied to about the the impact of HHV-6 on Dendritic Cells.
37. The right not to be lied to about the the impact of HHV-6 infection of the brain.
 38. The right not to be lied to about the the impact of HHV-6 infection of the liver.
39. The right not to be lied to about the ability of HHV-6 to affect cytokine production.
40. The right not to be lied to about the ability of HHV-6 to affect Aortic and Heart Microvascular Endothelial cells.
41. The right not to be lied to about the role of an HHV-6 cover-up in a massive HIV Fraud Ponzi Scheme that in a number of ways resembles the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment and Nazi medicine.

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