Is the Classical Swine Fever epidemic in Colombia the real cause of deformities blamed on Zika virus?

Zika: Colombia cases in pregnant women double in a week

 Zika Virus and Classical Swine Fever virus are from the same family. Is there a link between the pig and human epidemics in Colombia?

"Mechanical transmission by vehicles and equipment, as well as by personnel (notably veterinarians) travelling between pig farms, are also significant means of spread of CSF [Classical Swine Fever Virus, a flavivirus like Zika] within infected areas. The persistence of CSFV within herds for long periods has been observed. Infections of sows during pregnancy with low to moderately virulent strains of CSFV may lead to in utero infections of fetuses. These infections lead to litters born persistently infected with CSFV that are carriers of the virus and source for new infections. Persistently infected carrier pigs usually do not show clinical signs but constantly shed CSFV into the environment. Therefore, it is particularly important to consider CSFV infections while investigating herds presenting with unexplained reproductive failures that include clinical manifestations in piglets such as congenital tremor or congenital abnormalities."

Is Brazil covering up the connection between pigs, Classical Swine Fever, and the supposed "Zika" epidemic?

Classical Swine Fever in Brazil: An Update - David Publishing
by TRP Freitas - ‎Cited by 1 - ‎Related articles
Aug 20, 2012 - Key words: Classical swine fever, CSF-outbreaks, Brazil. 1. Introduction ... economic losses to the swine industries and pig farmers for beyond ...

 Are pigs in Recife, Brazil the real source of the Zika-related problem in Brazil?

World Cup Brazil 2014: Part 1 – Sao Paulo-Recife-Natal for USA vs. Ghana and Japan vs. Greece

Luckily I negotiated a price beforehand instead of going by the meter, as there was massive traffic. Recife, Brazil’s 5th largest city, with a population of about 5m in the metro area, has an amazing coast line, but the interior of the city is very poor.
I immediately could see why Brazilians had been protesting the world cup. There’s no highway that goes across the city. The roads are pocked with pot holes that are big enough to eat your car. There’s a decent homeless population living in the streets. And you can tell people are struggling to get by.
Because traffic was so bad, the taxi driver asked me if we could take an alternate route. I agreed and we went through neighborhoods instead of the main road. I saw feral pigs eating trash, kids wearing shorts and nothing else, dilapidated houses and people with just their basic needs being met."

 If the World Health Organization says that the reservoir of Zika Virus is "unknown," shouldn't scientists be checking the pigs in Brazil for antibodies to it?

Zika virus is an emerging mosquito-borne virus that was first identified in Uganda in 1947 in rhesus monkeys through a monitoring network of sylvatic yellow fever. It was subsequently identified in humans in 1952 in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania. Outbreaks of Zika virus disease have been recorded in Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific.
  • Genre: Flavivirus
  • Vector: Aedes mosquitoes (which usually bite during the morning and late afternoon/evening hours)
  • Reservoir: Unknown

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