Previous HHV-6 University Editorials

June 4, 2016 HHV-6 University Editorial

Before Ron Davis, Ian Lipkin and Maureen Hanson start doing new rounds of CFS hocus-pocus in their laboratories, we suggest they test what could be called the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Metahypothesis.

The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Metahypothesis:

For over three decades, the Centers for Disease Control has been covering up the relationship between so-called AIDS and so-called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by a massive deception and self-deception involving nosology, epidemiology, HIV and HHV/6/7/8 fraud.


 (Please read and reread this metahypothesis very, very carefully and make sure you thoroughly understand it before any research commences. Ponder its implications before you even start to form your own hypotheses.)

Good luck testing the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Metahypothesis! If you ignore it may the best CFS hocus-pocus win!

June 1, 2016 HHV-6 Editorial

Ron Davis, CFS Reinvent-the-Wheelism and CFS Virgin Birtherism

Geneticist Ron Davis, who has a son suffering terribly with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, is getting involved with CFS research. According to the End ME.CFS Project, "Under the guidance of world-renowned geneticist Ronald W. Davis, PhD., we have brought in top experts in a variety of fields for a bold and new collaborative research project. Our ultimate goal is unlocking the mystery of myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and end the suffering caused by the disease. The project’s first study is the ME/CFS Severely Ill-Big DATA Study that is designed to find a clinically useful diagnostic biomarker."

Cool, right? Open the champagne, right? World-renowned? Whoopty do!

Not so fast.

We fear all this smells of  "CFS Reinventing-the-Wheelism" and "CFS Virgin Birtherism."

Anyone who comes to CFS and starts throwing around the word "mystery" has a serious ethical problem. Scientists are not supposed to ignore previous work on something they are researching. When they do that in the realm of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you pretty much know you are in the presence of "CFS Reinventing-the-Wheelism." You also know you are in the presence of the kind of naive folks who think that science is not political and government scientists never lie about anything. Poor things. Sad.

There are hundreds of studies about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that make this illness very unmysterious. Painfully so.

Read the work of Hillary Johnson and Neenyah Ostrom and ten years of reporting on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in New York Native.

To call it mysterious is to promote a very Big Lie.

All  of the science that has been published on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is bullshit? Says who? A renowned geneticist? One who wears his underpants on the outside of his pants and a cape?

What is mysterious is the cockamamie act of CFS scientists ignoring what has preceded them.What is mysterious is CFS scientists ignoring all the damage HHV-6 is doing to the bodies of CFS patients.

Over the years a number of scientific narcissists (Hello Ian Lipkin!) have entered the field who have basically implied that nobody should worry because now a real rootin'-tootin' scientist has arrived. These narcissists generally are anti-history and anti-intellectual and have have not bothered to do their homework, But then scientists are not paid to read deeply or widely, think or seriously challenge authority. (Read Betrayers of the Truth if you have any doubt about that).

Does Ron Davis have a clue about the sociopathic science that forms the foundation of the CFS and AIDS cover-up? We doubt it. We suspect that his illustrious colleagues are probably clueless, too. A new variation of an old-boy network is not the antidote to an ongoing era of sociopathic science.

One of the nonmysteries about CFS is that it is transmissible. Families come down with it. Orchestras, classes, people who have slept with the same woman who was suffering from CFS. (Go to the index in Johnson's Osler's Web and check out "transmission" in the index.)

To not talk about transmission is to go down the road of "CFS Virgin Birtherism," a belief that somehow, out of nowhere, one suddenly comes down with CFS, a disease that should be called AIDS Lite or AIDS Spectrum Disease, but never is by the politically correct CFS crowd that is trying to control the activist narrative. (They would rather die than talk about the intertwined relationship of CFS and AIDS. Unfortunately, many have.)

To talk about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS in the same breath results in the kind of exile that Judy Mikovits has experienced. First Mikovits was screwed by the scientific establishment for basically finding AIDS-like retroviral activity in CFS and now she is being screwed by the CFS community for referring to CFS as "Non-HIV AIDS." In a world of sociopathic science she just can win for losing.

The big questions directed at Ron Davis should be "Does your son possibly have a virus or some other agent that he is capable of spreading to you and the rest of your family? Are you already infected and showing the effects of that agent in different ways? Can people who come in close contact with your son develop the disease? Can they then infect other people? Has that agent been spreading for over three decades and are millions of people now on the CFS Spectrum or more appropriately, the AIDS Spectrum? Is your son just one of many millions of infected people who are victims of a pandemic that has been ignored at best and covered up at worst? Are scientists emphasizing genetics actually aiding and abetting a public health cover-up of a contagious illness capable of destroying the immune system?"

If Davis thinks that such questions don't really matter and we just need a genetics genius like him and a team of big names (all male) to ride in on white horses and reinvent the CFS wheel, then we suggest that he could be of more use running around the world with his underpants on the outside of his clothes (he is pictured below). Nothing gets the world's attention more than a world-renowned geneticist wearing his underwear outside of his pants. If his science is as good as his public relations strategies, all CFS patients should make sure their wills are in order.

A renowned geneticist who will save the world.

May 25, 2016 HHV-6 Editorial

The Millions Missing campaign utilizing shoes is perhaps the most effective effort we have yet seen on behalf of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Congratulations to everyone behind it. You're hitting it out of the park.

We have a suggestion.

Everyone involved should now send one of their shoes to Francis Collins at the National Institutes of Health (9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892). The other shoe should be sent to Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (3012 43rd St NW, Washington, DC 20016).

We have little doubt that every major media outlet in the country would eventually cover this story.

Shoe Display

May 24, HHV-6 Editorial

How Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Threatens to Expose AIDS Czar Fauci and the CDC's Perfect Scientific Crime

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers are constantly puzzled by the remorselessly contemptuous manner in which they are treated by AIDS Czar Anthony Fauci and government scientists at the CDC. Hillary Johnson did a wonderful job of capturing that contempt in her masterpiece Osler's Web.

The treatment has been uncanny and never seems to really change. The patients cry, "Why, why, why, why?" To many it makes no sense. Many of the sufferers are white middle class heterosexuals are used to being treated with a modicum of respect from their government and its bureaucrats. They feel a certain amount of white heterosexual privilege and just can't fathom why they are being so ruthlessly disrespected and "disappeared."

The patients don't realize that they are being gaslighted by a grotesque empire of sociopathic science. The patients are treated like they are whiny nuts. When they complain they are almost driven crazy by sadistically being told that they are crazy.

It's a shame that CFS community doesn't understand what is going on. Patients operate from a basis of naive good faith, totally unaware that they are petitioning a system full of all the bad faith and consciencelessness that is characteristic of sociopaths and sociopathic science.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients do not understand that they are potentially ruining and exposing a perfect sociopathic scientific crime. Sociopaths hate when they are recognized for what they are and the sociopaths who are in charge of AIDS are no different from classic sociopaths.

Wikipedia defines a perfect crime:  "Perfect crime is a colloquial term used in law and fiction (especially crime fiction) to characterize crimes  that are undetected, unattributed to a perpetrator, or else unsolved as a kind of technical achievement on the part of the perpetrator. In certain contexts, the concept of perfect crime is limited to just undetected crimes; if an event is ever identified as a crime, some investigators say it cannot be called 'perfect.'"

By not recognizing exactly what Fauci and the CDC are doing, CFS patients help keep a perfect crime "perfect."

Serious research into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome from day one has always pointed to a relationship between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS. Anyone who disputes that is either seriously uninformed or lying to themselves. Newbies should start their research with the 1990 paper by Nancy Klimas in which she describes as "a form of acquired immunodeficiency." Hello!

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ruins the perfect crime of systemic AIDS fraud. 

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome threatens to expose the perfect crime of AIDS epidemiological fraud.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome threatens to show that AIDS Czar Anthony Fauci has been in charge of one of the most perfect scientific crimes in the history of mankind.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome threatens to expose the massive retroviral fraud that has been used to cover up what HHV-6 is and what it does. (This goes for HHV-7 and HHV-8 too.)

When Elaine DeFrieitas detected some retroviral activity in CFS and tried valiantly to sort it out, she came too close to exposing the fraud of HIV and the cover-up of HHV-6 and HERV-K18. She had to be derailed.

The same thing happened to Judy Mikovits when she detected retroviral activity in CFS and got too close to exposing the perfect scientific crime of HIV fraud and the cover-up of HHV-6 and HERV-K18. Mikovits now sadly and pathetically travels around the country doing talk shows and giving interviews in which she describes CFS as "Non-HIV AIDS." CFS patients don't like to talk about her as much as they once did because "Non-HIV AIDS" is just a little too much truth for their tastes. And the AIDS establishment must also be terrified of that expression because it is yet another threat to the perfect scientific crimes that AIDS pseudoscience and pseudo-epidmiology are.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients who treat AIDS as a separate epidemic have basically become accessories to AIDS Czar Fauci and the CDC's perfect scientific crime. The inconvenient truth is that they have become Fauci's useful idiots and his enablers. 

Until CFS patients can accept the relationship between CFS and AIDS, the sociopathic science of Fauci and the CDC will continue to roll over them with impunity. 

May 21, 2016 HHV-6 University Editorial

Is Ian Lipkin Some Kind of Idiot?

“ME/CFS is a global problem that we need to address – it robs people
of the most productive years of their lives, it causes immunological
dysfunction, profound fatigue, cognitive dysfunction. It really
destroys peoples’ lives. It is underappreciated, it is underfunded,
and with your support we hope to find solutions to this crippling
problem”. ~Dr. Ian Lipkin

If Ian Lipkin doesn't see Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as part of the AIDS  epidemic and if he doesn't examine the role of HHV-6 in CFS as well as the endogenous superantigen retrovirus HERV-K18 it transactivates, then he is just playing games with people's lives and money. At best he is an enabler of the socipathic science that has characterized CFS/AIDS research for over three decades. At worst he is just another CFS/AIDS charlatan and rip-off artist.

Lipkin needs the members of the CFS community to play his patsies. Don't oblige him.

May 16, 2016 HHV-6 University Editorial

Dating while Disabled (Uhhhh, with a Contagious Disease)???? 

Litsa Dremousis has written a an op-ed piece in The Washington Post that raises questions she seems to not even be aware of. The title of the piece, "Dating while disabled: From Day One with someone new, I feel vulnerable" immediately caught our attention.

Ms. Dremousis writes about breaking up with an man who had been her fiance "until two weeks ago." She notes, "when you’re disabled, you feel indebted every day, making dating that much harder than it is for the average person." As we read that sentence we thought, well, yes, especially since you have a contagious illness, Ms. Dremousis. She outlines some of the challenges: "And no matter how fiercely autonomous and intelligent you are, you’re starting each relationship as the one who needs help doing otherwise simple tasks, such as walking downstairs or driving. Even with healthy self-esteem, it’s hard not to feel intensively vulnerable."

We of course wondered about the challenges of the uninfected person without CFS who might end up dating her, someone who might be exposed to a contagious illness that seems to effect every system in the body. Oh, but that's their problem.

Ms. Desmousis is not slacker when it comes to describing CFS. She's not from the "too tired to get out of bed school" of CFS self-description. She writes, " . . . struggling with chronic fatigue syndrome makes me often feel as if I have a powerful flu. I deal with constant temperature fluctuations; extreme sensitivity to light and sound; dangerously low blood pressure; and fatigue so powerful it feels like a Buick is sitting on my chest." And she adds, "I’m unable to stay upright more than a few hours on a good day; for the past several years, I have needed to be wheeled through airports (if you think air travel is a nightmare, try doing it in a wheelchair). And when I’m on a plane or bus, I have to wear a surgical mask because my immune system is so compromised. Twice in recent years, someone else’s cold became my pneumonia."

She writes, "For 24 years I’ve had ME/CFS (formerly known as “chronic fatigue syndrome”), a disabling neuro-immune illness similar in many ways to multiple sclerosis" Imagine if she had written, "For 24 years I’ve had ME/CFS (formerly known as “chronic fatigue syndrome”), a contagious disabling neuro-immune illness similar in many ways to multiple sclerosis and AIDS. "If she had she would have been exiled from the CFS community and The Washington Post would probably not have published the piece in the first place.

But the real bombshell in the piece was what she wrote about Trent, her fiance: "Five days after Trent asked me to marry him, a routine check-up unearthed a brain tumor behind his left ear. A longtime professor, Trent is deeply intelligent and tenacious. We were in love and determined to remain upbeat about his prospects. I took care of him over six months, as we assembled his surgical team, spent a week in the hospital as he underwent and recovered from the successful but complicated brain surgery, and then as he went through months of physical therapy. I was his main source of emotional support, but it took a huge toll on my health."

While we sympathize with Ms Dremousis and Trent, what really turned our head was the possibility that the two of them might have shared something more than their love, namely a virus called . . . drum roll . . . HHV-6. For any newbies visiting HHV-6 University, we have done numerous items on the relationship between HHV-6 and cancer. HHV-6 is very oncogenic. Did we say very?

Did it never dawn on Ms. Dremousis that Trent's brain cancer and her CFS could be virologically  related? Is she unread on the subject of CFS. No book in her library by Hillary Johnson or Neenyah Ostrom? No awareness of the New York Native? Really? Ms. Dremousis seems to be some kind of intellectual. She writes, "I give literary readings several times a year and am diligently working on the manuscript for my second book." We suspect she has a library card or access to What gives?

It is uncanny that Ms. Dremousis notes, "Our relationship became a constant cycle of doctor appointments and medical tests — and the stress eroded the joy we once found in each other. And because everyone asks: Yes, of course we had sex. All the time. Even at my sickest, I’ve been sexually active. I’m disabled, not dead." For anyone familiar to HHV-6, that could be called "sex in an HHV-6 cluster." Otherwise known as the new normal in sex these days, thanks to our NIH and CDC.

The irony burns like Hiroshima when she write, "I remain optimistic. Each relationship I’m in is affected by my health. For instance: Am I strong enough to go to the movies tonight, or should we stay in and watch Netflix? Can we eat breakfast with the curtains open, or are my eyes too light-sensitive this morning? For a relationship to be successful, the person I’m with has to be empathetic and understand that some things are beyond my physical control. Yet so many of these relationships have profoundly enriched my life. I’d be foolish to waste the rest of my life convinced that I won’t find love."

Oh yes, the person she finds had better be empathetic and even downright forgiving because the big unspoken and unmentionable problem is that when she finds love, the person she gets involved with may have found a woman who is infected with a contagious virus that not only can cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and cancer but so many other illnesses that this website, which is devoted to reporting on them, now has over 1725 posts (as of this day).

May 15, 2016 HHV-6 University Editorial

If members of the so-called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome community really want to get to the bottom of their epidemic (and sometimes we doubt that is true), they should stop making sob sister documentaries and prancing around with their underwear outside of their clothes. One more boo-hoo story about how awful CFS is will just make the world yawn and say, "Get in line, buddy. We all have problems." The misguided underwear-on-the-outside campaign will only make the patients look silly, but we won't get into that here.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is first and foremost a political matter. Untrustworthy scientists in power are controlling and masking what the public knows about CFS. Anyone who has watched the CFS narrative unfold, in all of its sociopathic glory, knows that what is being hidden from public consciousness is its obvious contagiousness and the intertwined relationship between CFS, AIDS and HHV-6. For more on that we suggest you look at some of the hundreds of posts on HHV-6 University.

Stop whining. Stop being silly. Get political. Face facts. Get real.

If the contagious nature of their illness and the relationship between CFS, AIDS and HHV-6 are too much truth for CFS patients, then Houston, we have a real problem. If CFS patients, researchers and activists can't handle the truth, they're destined to live out the rest of their days in a cockamamie wild goose chase full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

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