
Showing posts from May, 2021

Congressman Jerry Nadler spoke out about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 1996.

  On April 16, 1996, Congressman Jerrold Nadler spoke on the floor of Congress about his request for a General Accounting investigation into how the CDC had handled the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic. Nadler did that at the urging of Charles Ortleb, the publisher and the  New York Native  and his reporter Neenyah Ostrom. Ortleb and Ostrom had made the case to Nadler that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the virus it had been linked to, HHV-6, were serious public health issues.                                                  In an interview in  New York Native  with Neenyah Ostrom,Congressman Nadler said, "Congress can mandate research into CFS as a viral disease. Maybe it will turn out that HHV-6A is the cause of CFS; maybe it will turn out that other viruses are involved. But Congress can mandate research into CFS as a contagious, vi...

Why we need to know where Covid-19 came from. (He even mentions pigs.)

  EARLIER: Dr. Peter Hotez says it's "absolutely essential" to investigate Covid-19's origin. #MTP @PeterHotez : "There's going to be Covid-26 and Covid-32 unless we fully understand the origins of Covid-19." ā€” Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) May 30, 2021

An important sentence from Harvey Bialy's book on Peter Duesberg

  "Protease inhibitors have been credited with bringing about declining AIDS death rates, even though the rates began to fall in 1994, two years before the protease inhibitors were even in limited use." (page 87) Oncogenes, Aneuploidy, and AIDS: A Scientific Life & Times of Peter H. Duesberg Oncogenes, Aneuploidy, and AIDS: A Scientific Life & Times of Peter H. Duesberg: Bialy, Harvey: 9781556435317: Books

Does the dose influence in African Swine Fever have something to teach us about HHV-6 dose influence in AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

  Influence of Age and Dose of African Swine Fever Virus Infections on Clinical Outcome and Blood Parameters in Pigs | Viral Immunology ( Abstract African swine fever (ASF) is a fatal disease for domestic pigs, leading to serious economic losses in countries where ASF is endemic. Despite extensive research, efficient vaccines against ASF are lacking. Since peripheral blood cells are important mediators for vaccines, we study the impact of ASF on blood parameters in pigs with different ages and infected with different doses of ASF virus. Four different groups were studied: (1) 12 weeks of age/low virus dose; (2) 12 weeks of age/high virus dose; (3) 18 weeks of age/low virus dose; and (4) 18 weeks of age/high virus dose. By varying in age and/or ASFV inoculation dose, we monitor blood parameters during different degrees of disease. Thirty percent of the pigs survived the infection with a moderately virulent strain of African swine fever virus (ASFV). Animals that did s...

"What did Dr. Anthony Fauci know about the Wuhan lab? When did he know it, and what did he do about it? The American people, who have suffered so much, have a right to know."

  Dr. Fauci Makes Case For Investigation Of Wuhan Lab ā€“ OpEd ā€“ Eurasia Review

Will Congress investigate the role of pigs in the Wuhan Coronavirus research that Fauci may have financed?

  Wuhan coronavirus scientists injected bat virus into piglets then fed their infected internal organs to cannibal hogs Wuhan coronavirus scientists injected bat virus into piglets then fed their infected internal organs to cannibal hogs ā€“ The Sun

The media has dropped the ball on the Wuhan laboratory story

  Opinion | The mediaā€™s big mistake on the covid-19 ā€˜lab leakā€™ theory - The Washington Post

The Fall of Saint Fauci

  The Fall of Saint Anthony Fauci | National Review

What a Wuhan lab leak would really mean

Scientists and the media eagerly denounced credible evidence as a conspiracy theory BY  IAN BIRRELL   What a Wuhan lab leak would really mean - UnHerd

The hostile media establishment is being forced to take the Wuhan lab leak theory seriously.

  Timeline: How the Wuhan lab-leak theory suddenly became credible - The Washington Post

Is it okay to begin talking about pigs and Covid-19 now?

  Emergence of porcine delta-coronavirus pathogenic infections among children in Haiti through independent zoonoses and convergent evolution Emergence of porcine delta-coronavirus pathogenic infections among children in Haiti through independent zoonoses and convergent evolution | medRxiv

What is the relationship of HHV-6 to African Swine Fever?

  "The 19R Protein of  HHV-6  has significant amino acid sequence homology . . . to a protein encoded by  African Swine Fever Virus ." --Glenda L. Lawrence, John Nicholas and Bart G. Barrell

Gallo's early statements about HHV-6

Gallo's early statements about HHV-6 are discussed in this excerpt from Nick Regush's The Virus Within (page. 13).   When NCI laboratory research revealed the extent of HHV-6's destructive power, Robert Gallo began to speak out about the implications. On May 10, 1988, at the annual meeting of the American Society of Microbiology in Miami, he told an audience that HHV-6 had been found along with HIV in T-4 cells, and speculated that the new herpes virus could be a "co-factor" in AIDS. One month later, at an international AIDS conference in Stockholm, he explained that HHV-6 killed T-4 cells in the test tube more effectively than did HIV, and said the new herpes virus could cause massive cell death. Gallo reasoned that HHV-6 infection might help speed up the HIV-led breakdown of the immune system in AIDS, although he cautioned that NCI research on HHV-6 was still preliminary. The Virus Within: A Coming Epidemic: Regush, Nicholas: 9780525945345: Books

An excerpt from the Fauci book.


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The Human/Animal Interaction Of Chronic Fatigue And Immune Dysfunction Syndrome: A Look At 127 Patients And Their 463 Animals

  The Human/Animal Interaction of Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome: A Look At 127 Patients and Their 463 Animals ā€“ American ME and CFS Society ( By R. Tom Glass, D.D.S., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Oral and Maxilofacial Pathology and Pathology University of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Center Tulsa, OK 74114 Throughout the recognized existence of Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, anecdotal reports have linked domestic animals with CFIDS, but no formal scientific studies were reported (1,2). Cats and dogs were implicated by their owners most frequently. The usual association with the presence of the animal in the household of a CFIDS patient, followed by the development of strange diseases or dysfunctions in the animal, many of which mimic CFIDS. The severity of the diseases often necessitated euthanasia. In a fewer number of cases, the onset of CFIDS in the patient was associated with an exposure to a domestic animal which was later found to sho...

Concern grows about African Swine Fever entering the USA

  China still has a major ASF problem and itā€™s a threat to the U.S. | 2021-05-11 | Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.

Did the original CFS/AiDS pandemic come from pigs?

  Porcine cytomegalovirus to be re-classified as a roseolovirus | HHV-6 Foundation | HHV-6 Disease Information for Patients, Clinicians, and Researchers | Apply for a Grant

Tucker Carlson raises questions about Fauci's role in the origins of the Covid-19 virus

Watch the latest video at

Bhupesh Prusty discusses his latest research efforts


Faucigate: US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says

  US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says | The Daily Caller

Rand Paul puts Fauci on the hot seat.


Josh Rogin urges full investigation of Wuhan lab

  We have to take the politics out of the COVID-19 origin question and investigate BOTH theories - and that includes investigating all US government funding of the Wuhan labs. I discuss on @CNNnewsroom here: ā€” Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) May 11, 2021

Washington Post reporter focuses on Fauci's involvement with the Wuhan laboratory

  This Rand Paul/Fauci exchange shows two things: 1) Fauci is still resisting any legitimate examination of NIH and NIAID relationships with the Wuhan labs. 2) This issue getting politicized even more, which is a tragedy, so both parties must come together to press for answers. END ā€” Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) May 11, 2021

Help raise awareness about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome pandemic by sharing this album with your friends.


#1 on the Amazon AIDS bestseller list for over a year!


Fauci continues to be a prime suspect behind the financing of a possible Wuhan laboratory leak of Covid-19

  More evidence that the Wuhan lab-leak theory is the correct one | Washington Examiner

Will the CDC's cover-up of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HHV-6 pandemic complicate their efforts on long-haul Covid-19?

  CDC to Release Clinical Guidance on Identifying, Managing Long COVID (

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