
Showing posts from January, 2022

Should the media now apologize for getting AIDS wrong?

  American Pravda: Anne Frank, Sirhan Sirhan, and AIDS, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review

Washington Post writer: Fauci "clearly must be replaced."

"In just the past few days, Fox Newsā€™s ā€œSpecial Reportā€ anchor Bret Baier investigated the possibility that U.S. officials and scientists intentionally misled the American public about the coronavirusā€™s origin as a lab leak in China, and City Journal similarly found that top U.S. public health officials may have ā€œpresided over the suppression of the lab-leak theory for political reasons.ā€ On Thursday, came a Post profile of an obviously overwrought and overworked Anthony S. Fauci, the White House pandemic adviser. The coming year is likely to see Fauci drawn ever deeper into questions about what he knew and when regarding the coronavirusā€™s origins. Also implicated: Francis Collins, who perhaps wisely retired last month as head of the National Institutes of Health." Opinion | Biden needs to jettison his pandemic team and start afresh - The Washington Post

Neenyah Ostrom's book on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is now on three Amazon best seller lists.

Will COVID reopen the question of whether HHV-8 is related to African Swine Fever Virus?

  Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus, but Not Epstein-Barr Virus, Co-infection Associates With Coronavirus Disease 2019 Severity and Outcome in South African Patients - PubMed (

Kathleen Parker on Antony Fauci in the Washington Post: "I fear, everyone is, to be blunt, a little sick of him."

  Opinion | Why Anthony Fauciā€™s time has passed - The Washington Post

Neenyah Ostrom has republished one of her three books that told the explosive truth about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome pandemic.


The walls continue to close in on Fauci

  Could This Anthony Fauci Conspiracy Theory Actually Be Real? Just Look At The Dates | Education News (

COVID may bring the truth about AIDS out of the closet

  Sars-CoV-2 spike protein activates human endogenous retroviruses in blood cells (

Did African Swine Fever help start the COVID-19 pandemic?

  How One Pandemic Led To Another: Was African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) The Disruption Contributing To Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (Sarsā€‘covā€‘2) Emergence?[v2] | Preprints

Some worry that Italian salami may spread African Swine Fever Virus

  African swine fever ā€“ Thatā€™s why you should stay away from Italian salami at the moment (

Rand Paul on the arrogance of Tony Fauci.

  The arrogance of Anthony Fauci - The Highland County Press

Bill Maher pushes back on Fauci

  Bill Maher pushes back on Fauci: 'Don't sit there in your white coat and tell me "just do what we say"' (

Fauci loves Fauci!

Fauci in his office, surrounded by pictures of Fauci, watching that scene from "Fauci" where Fauci is in his office surrounded by pictures of Fauci. ā€” Karl Dierenbach (@Dierenbach) January 19, 2022

Kennedy's bestselling book on Fauci is also the most important book about AIDS since "And the Band Played On."

An interview with RFK Jr.

COVID may require a closer look at the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HHV-6 cover-up.

If we're really specifically knocking out CD8 cell immunity in post-COVID, that would predict resurgence of numerous viruses, such as herpesviruses simplex, CMV, EBV, HHV-6, -7 and -8. I don't mean at level of "I know a guy got shingles". There'd be a LOT. ā€” Brian Hjelle, virologist (@hjelle_brian) January 19, 2022

"Fauci wields control over a vast sum of money distributed annually to the very public-health experts and scientists who should be challenging him."

  Fauciā€™s Manufactured Public-Health Consensus Anthony Fauci Manufactured Public-Health Consensus | National Review

The publisher of RFK Jr.'s book on Fauci discusses the media censorship of the book


Bob Guccione Jr. interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Spin

  In your book you reference Fauci partnering with pharma companies to sabotage potential AIDS treatments and promote medicines that were extremely profitable to those companies but ineffective and, in some cases, like AZT, worsened AIDS?  Yes, he was suppressing treatments like heā€™s doing now. Heā€™s suppressing repurposed medications that are virtually all patent expired, like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which cost pennies per dose and theyā€™re much more effective than vaccines. The profits to pharma are zero because they cost pennies, so the big pharmaceutical companies donā€™t like them. All these generic companies now make them. Fauci did the same thing during the AIDS crisis. He said thereā€™s only one solution, AZT, and ignored all of this stuff that local doctors were saying, ā€œHey, wait a minute, aerosolized pentamidine was actually very, very effective,ā€ and all these other drugs. I talk about it in my book, that doctors were using drugs extremely effectively against ...

RFK Jr.'s book on Anthony Fauci is increasing interest in the open letter to Fauci in the Village Voice that Larry Kramer wrote

  An Open Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci - The Village Voice

African Swine Fever might enter the USA through transportation garbage.

  APHIS Increases Holding Time for Regulated Garbage | Pork Business

If African Swine Fever is hard to detect in pigs, will it also be hard to detect in people?

  New African swine fever strain circulating around the world | Successful Farming (

Has African Swine Fever reached New York City through pork and chicken products?

  APHIS team seizes nearly a ton of illegal pork, poultry products | MEAT+POULTRY

Dr. Oz calls Anthony Fauci "a petty tyrant."

  Dr. Oz calls Fauci a 'petty tyrant,' challenges him to debate | TheHill

What did Fauci know and when did he know it?

  What Did Fauci Know ... and When Did He Know It? ā€¢ Children's Health Defense (

RFK Jr. and Joe Rogan are expected to speak at major anti-mandate rally in Washington DC on January 23

  A Large Anti-Vaccine-Mandate March Is Planned for DC on January 23 | Washingtonian (DC)

Are we certain that pigs in the USA are not vectors for COVID-19?

  The zoonotic potential of epidemic porcine deltacoronavirus (

Isn't it time for Fauci to resign?


The New York Times rejects ad for RFK Jr.'s book on Anthony Fauci

  New York Times rejects ad for 'The Real Anthony Fauci' book written by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr (

The tragedy of Ampligen

  Ampligen: The AIDS drug No One Can Have / Oct. 94 (

Fauci grilled on his finances by Senator

  Dr Fauci on Why He Called U.S. Senator ā€˜a Moronā€™ in COVID Hearings: ā€˜It Was Stunning to Meā€™ (Video) (

The most explosive blurb about RFK Jr.'s book on Anthony Fauci

ā€œDr. Joseph Goebbels wrote that ā€˜A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.ā€™ Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Fauci and his minions. RFK Jr exposes the decades of lies.ā€  ā€”Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate

RFK Jr'.s book on Anthony Fauci reads like the Pentagon Papers of AIDS


Collins was asked to fire Fauci

  Departing NIH Boss Says Trump, Cronies Pressured Him to Fire Fauci (

Read an excerpt from RFK Jr.'s book on Anthony Fauci

  The Real Anthony Fauci - Central PA Libraries - OverDrive

Is the CDC being run by another clown?

  CDC director, under fire for confusing guidance, seeks to reshape messaging - The Washington Post

African Swine Fever is now in northern Italy.

  Italy confirms ASF in the Piedmont region - Swine news - pig333, pig to pork community When will it hit the USA? Is it already here?

Do altered endothelial dysfunction-related miRs in plasma link AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

  Abstract Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex disease characterized by unexplained debilitating fatigue. Although the etiology is unknown, evidence supports immunological abnormalities, such as persistent inflammation and immune-cell activation, in a subset of patients. Since the interplay between inflammation and vascular alterations is well-established in other diseases, endothelial dysfunction has emerged as another player in ME/CFS pathogenesis. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) generates nitric oxide (NO) that maintains endothelial homeostasis. eNOS is activated by silent information regulator 1 (Sirt1), an anti-inflammatory protein. Despite its relevance, no study has addressed the Sirt1/eNOS axis in ME/CFS. The interest in circulating microRNAs (miRs) as potential biomarkers in ME/CFS has increased in recent years. Accordingly, we analyze a set of miRs reported to modulate the Sirt1/eNOS axis using plasma from ME/CFS patients. Our...

The first chapter from "The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic Cover-up"


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. responds to Jake Tapper's attacks

  The Day Jake Tapper Sold His Soul to Pharma The Day Jake Tapper Sold His Soul to Pharma (

Can orange peels be a breakthrough treatment for HHV-6?


Another way HHV-6 triggers AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

  HHV-6A and 7 infection of T cells downregulates the protein tyrosine phosphatase, CD45 | HHV-6 Foundation | HHV-6 Disease Information for Patients, Clinicians, and Researchers | Apply for a Grant

The Collins and Fauci attack on Traditional Public Health

  The Collins and Fauci Attack on Traditional Public Health ā‹† Brownstone Institute

New discussion of Kennedy book describes Fauci as a failed general.

  Anthony Fauci: Failed General - American Thinker

"Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic" is now available in Spanish.


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