
Showing posts from January, 2016

Is the Classical Swine Fever epidemic in Colombia the real cause of deformities blamed on Zika virus?

Image Zika: Colombia cases in pregnant women double in a week  Zika Virus and Classical Swine Fever virus are from the same family. Is there a link between the pig and human epidemics in Colombia? "Mechanical transmission by vehicles and equipment, as well as by personnel (notably veterinarians) travelling between pig farms, are also significant means of spread of CSF [Classical Swine Fever Virus, a flavivirus like Zika ] within infected areas. The persistence of CSFV within herds for long periods has been observed. Infections of sows during pregnancy with low to moderately virulent strains of CSFV may lead to in utero infections of fetuses. These infections lead to litters born persistently infected with CSFV that are carriers of the virus and source for new infections. Persistently infected carrier pigs usually do not show ...

What is the relationship between Classical Swine Fever Virus and Zika Virus in Brazil? Both cviruses are from the Flaviviridae family.

"ABSTRACT Classical swine fever (CSF) is a highly contagious viral disease of Suidae animals, caused by a Pestivirus from Flaviviridae family, considered one major cause of economic losses to the swine producers. The CSF eradication and control program (CSFECP) established from 1992 evolved to 2001, divide the country in CSF Free Zone, without CSF vaccination and CSF infected area. The purpose of this work was to analyze the CSFECP efficacy in all Brazilian territory from 2000 to 2011 including CSF outbreaks in infected area of North and Northeast regions. CSF epidemiological data were obtained mainly from Federal Agriculture Defense Secretary and States Official Inspection Agencies. The CSF outbreaks occurred in CSF infected area were plotted and the tendency line analyzed by quadratic trend model (Minitab). The results of Brazilian statutory for CSF point to a gradual CSF-eradication in all country since the number of...

Zika Virus: "It's possible that there may be some other co-factors involved."

Are sick pigs the source of the Zika Virus problem in Pernambuco, Brazil?

Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in slaughtered pigs in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil.     Number of pigs in Pernambuco Brazil as of 2007: 495957 Source:   Pernambuco, Brazil was the last place to have an African Swine Fever outbreak in 1981. Did they really ever get rid of it?,d.cWw&cad=rja "Female mosquitoes — which are the only ones that bite, by the way — need to take a blood meal in order to reproduce. They can bite any vertebrate — birds, pigs , even reptiles, and, of course, humans. And ...

Are pigs a source of Zika Virus in Recife, Brazil?

 "I just want to understand, how come no one is punished?" said the diminutive, 68-year-old widow, who cares for six grandchildren and three unemployed daughters and collects cans and bottles, along with garbage to feed her pigs in Recife's squalid Coque shantytown. "Female mosquitoes — which are the only ones that bite, by the way — need to take a blood meal in order to reproduce. They can bite any vertebrate — birds, pigs , even reptiles, and, of course, humans. And since they are so mobile, they easily spread disease from one host to another. They act as syringes for transmitting viruses. What is happening now with the Zika virus, is what is happening among many other arboviruses, like dengue, West Nile and chikungunya: They all seem to be spreading westwards. And we’re undergoing a pandemic."

Maybe people aren't taking Truvada because the whole thing smells a little bit too much like the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.

Image AIDS Healthcare Foundation Files FDA Complaint Against Gilead for Truvada PrEP Ads Promoting Off-label Use  "On Thursday, AHF sent a letter to Dr. Stephen Ostroff , M.D., Acting Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), alerting him to the fact that Gilead financed a video ad campaign promoting situational use of its AIDS treatment, Truvada, for PrEP, misleading viewers into believing that Truvada is safe and effective for use on a situational basis, despite knowing that the drug is not FDA approved for such off-label use."


Science and Society at the Crossroads: Skepticism vs. Denial and Elitism vs. Public Engagement Report on an international meeting at Chicheley Hall, 15-16 June 2015 Principal organizer and curator: Prof Stephan Lewandowsky (University of Bristol)

Actually, all the government needs to do is admit CFS is part of the AIDS epidemic and the tide would be turned.

How Cort Johnson thinks the CFS epidemic will end.

The bottom line:


So exactly how do we know that Zika Virus doesn't infect mammals like pigs? Pigs as vectors of Ebola: "Female mosquitoes — which are the only ones that bite, by the way — need to take a blood meal in order to reproduce. They can bite any vertebrate — birds, pigs , even reptiles, and, of course, humans. And since they are so mobile, they easily spread disease from one host to another. They act as syringes for transmitting viruses. What is happening now with the Zika virus, is what is happening among many other arboviruses, like dengue, West Nile and chikungunya: They all seem to be spreading westwards. And we’re undergoing a pandemic."

Has Innovative Med Concepts found an effective treatment for HHV-6 Disease?

How does Innovative Med Concepts know that they're not treating herpesviruses other than herpes simplex? What's the etiological game here?

Works like magic!


Will this help detect porcine versions of HHV-6 & HHV-8 in humans?

A multiplex PCR for simultaneous detection of classical swine fever virus, African swine fever virus, highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and pseudorabies in swines.

The big question about Truvada:

Can Truvada be used to prevent what Judy Mikovits calls Non-HIV AIDS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)? Should the sexual partners of people who have Non-HIV AIDS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) be taking Truvada? Click here to read all posts about MikoviTs and Non-HIV AIDS

Science transparency: Distinguishing healthy debate from harassment


Everyone is living in Flint now!

Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent in science in general and in research of HHV-6-related diseases in particular. HHV-6-releated diseases include so-called "AIDS" and "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," but are...

Is the HHV-6 pandemic coming out of the closet?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Affects 1 in 50 Teens  

Is HHV-6 the transmissible element in Alzheimer's?

Does Hillary Clinton's cough suggest she may have an HHV-6-related thyroid problem?

Has the 30+ year HHV-6 cover-up come home to roost?   "Hillary Clinton is hypothyroid - and has an underactive thyroid - but has chosen a somewhat controversial approach to treating her condition." "Thyroid disorders can cause of variety of symptoms that can have a major impact on daily living and quality of life. Overactive thyroid can cause patients to lose weight, feel anxious, experience diarrhea , and feel hot, among other symptoms. An underactive thyroid can lead to the opposite effects, including constipation, weight gain, cold intolerance, and symptoms of depression . In certain thyroid disorders, the actual size of the gland may increase (either diffusely or only in certain parts of the thyroid). Since the thyroid sits directly in front of the trachea (which conducts air to and from the lungs), an enlarging thyroid coul...

Are Pigs Spreading the Zika Virus?

  Zika virus: Outbreak 'likely to spread across Americas' says WHO - BBC News   Zika virus ( ZIKV ) is a member of the Flaviviridae virus family and the Flavivirus genus . Flaviviridae is a family of viruses . Humans and other mammals serve as natural hosts Antibodies to West Nile virus and related flaviviruses in wild boar , red foxes and other mesomammals from Spain. h ttp://  Nonsuppurative encephalitis in piglets after experimental inoculation of Japanese encephalitis flavivirus isolated from pigs     Brazil: world’s fourth biggest producer of pig meat Brazil is the world’s fourth biggest producer of pig meat, producing 3,054,000 tonnes in 2008. This represents 2.9% of th...

It's gonna be big!

Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. Those goals include the support of freedom of thought, speech and dissent in science in general and in research of HHV-6-related diseases in particular. HHV-6-releated diseases include so-called "AIDS" and "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," but are ...

Lost in Translation!


Breaking news:

War breaks out over Truvada

The movie that must go viral!

ITunes Link: Amazon Link: Forgotten-Plague-Ron-Davis/ dp/B01AT28GKY/ ref=sr_1_1?s=instant-video& ie=UTF8&qid=1453486157&sr= 1-1&keywords=Forgotten+Pla gue Google Play Link: store/movies/details/ Forgotten_Plague?id=4dlRmEE AseI&hl=en

That settles that!


Why does anyone trust Ian Lipkin?

How much longer will Peterson and Lipkin continue to pretend they don't recognize the cover-up of the intertwined nature of AIDS and CFS?

Cytokine network analysis of cerebrospinal fluid in myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome

Truvada may be looking more and more like the new Tuskegee Syphilis experiment!

AIDS Healthcare Foundation Files FDA Complaint Against Gilead for Truvada PrEP Ads Promoting Off-label Use  "On Thursday, AHF sent a letter to Dr. Stephen Ostroff , M.D., Acting Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), alerting him to the fact that Gilead financed a video ad campaign promoting situational use of its AIDS treatment, Truvada, for PrEP, misleading viewers into believing that Truvada is safe and effective for use on a situational basis, despite knowing that the drug is not FDA approved for such off-label use."

Another smoking gun pointing to HHV-6 as the definitive cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Mitochondrial DNA variants correlate with symptoms in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome Human herpesvirus 6A induces apoptosis of HSB-2 cells via a mitochondrion-related caspase pathway "Apoptosis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of viral infections. In this study, we investigated the cell death processes during productive HHV-6A infection and the underlying mechanisms. Annexin V-PI staining and electron microscopy indicated that HHV-6A is a strong inducer of apoptosis. HHV-6A infection decreased mitochondrial transmembrane potential and led to morphological changes of mitochondria"  

Flint isn't America's biggest public health problem:


A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Rituximab Disaster?

 "Whitney is featured in a video that also features Dr. Kogelnik and his Open Medicine Institute.  He posts as “Whit” on the Phoenix Rising forum. In December 2012 he was able to write an articulate, coherent post . He apparently was started on rituximab by Dr. Kogelnik in January 2013 and rapidly went downhill. By April he posted 'Can’t read much now …'"

Where the buck stops:


The reason Judy Mikovits is a Galileo of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

They can mock Judy Mikovits all they want to, but she's virtually the only one out there calling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "Non-HIV AIDS." Nobody likes to talk about that. Nobody.

It can't be true!


The Truvada Pushers are Working Overtime!

If we really want to get to the bottom of it.

Books every serious journalist covering Chronic Fatigue Syndrome should read: Osler's Web: Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic The Virus Within by Nicholas Regush (Print Edition) What Really Killed Gilda Radner? Frontline Reports on the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic by Neenyah Ostrom (Print Edition) 50 Things You Should Know About the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic by Neenyah Ostrom (Print Edition) America's Biggest Cover-Up: 50 More Things Everyone Should Know About the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic And Its Link to AIDS by Neenyah Ostrom (Print Edition) The Closing Argument by Charles Ortleb (Available on Kindle and in a Print Edition. Free for Kindle owners with Amazon Prime.)

How to keep Forgotten Plague forgotten:


Follow the discussion of Forgotten Plague on Twitter:

Increase in Peripheral CD3-CD56brightCD16- Natural Killer Cells in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Associated with HHV-6 Infection

"The results suggest that HHV-6 might contribute to HT development, increasing NK cell secretion of inflammatory cytokines that could sustain the persistence of an inflammatory status in HT patients." Please send an email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins: It's time that the public knew about all the diseases HHV-6 is causing in our society. The days of using the fraudulent HIV paradigm of AIDS to cover up the HHV-6 pandemic must come to an end! You shouldn't try to control panic about HHV-6 by lying to the public. I urge you to support the goals of International HHV-6 Protests and Teach-ins that will be taking place at universities all over the world during the next several years. T...

Support our sponsor, Rubicon Media Songs:

Click here to listen to all the latest releases of Rubicon Media Songs on Spotify .

Another hint about similarity of HHV-6 and African Swine Fever Virus?

  Cholesterol flux is required for endosomal progression of African swine fever virions during the initial establishment of infection. Human herpesvirus 6 envelope cholesterol is required for virus entry.

Praise for Ryan Prior's documentary on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome pours in from patients:

Anthony Fauci discusses Ryan Prior's documentary:

The film will be released via iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon VOD on Thursday, January 21st. It's now currently available for worldwide DVD pre-order via

The Ryan Prior Documentary on CFS (Live until Monday evening at 7PM)

The Documentary the CDC doesn't  want you to see! This documentary features interviews with Hillary Johnson, the investigative reporter who did a brilliant job of exposing the CDC's shocking mishandling of CFS in her book, Osler's Web . Note from the producers: We're pleased to announce that the Free Preview for Forgotten Plague is now available online! Please share with everyone who you think might be interested, from doctors to legislators and everyone in between. We hope you enjoy it! And please be sure to chime in with what you think via social media and directly to us at! The link will be live until Monday evening at 7pm EST (12am GMT). So please take advantage of the free preview while it's available for a limited time. This version also has English subtitles. Link: Password: forourfans The film will be released via iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon VOD on Thursday, January 21st. It's...

Will Truvada turn out to be another CDC human rights disaster?

"The Truvada website’s  Patient Assistance Page  identifies  lactic acidosis  as a potential side effect of taking the drug; this side effect is potentially life-threatening and serious even when it doesn’t result in death. Lactic acidosis is when your body tissue and blood becomes too acidic and has a lactate build up. In the past the FDA has withdrawn drugs (such as phenformin) for the potential development of this condition . I think this is not only misleading, but unethical to suggest that a drug that is  potentially life-threatening  has “virtually no side effects.” Especially when other drugs have been taken off shelves for the same side effect."  h ttp://

If HHV-6 really is Human African Swine Fever virus, this development could be very important John Beldekas on HHV-6 and  African Swine Fever Virus  In August, 1986, John Beldekas was invited to go to the NCI and present his findings on the link between ASFV [African Swine Fever virus] and AIDS, which he did. Beldekas gave samples of all his lab work to Gallo. Later, the government asked Beldekas to turn over all his reagents and lab work to the government, which he did. Beldekas had found ASFV presence in nine of 21 AIDS patients using two standard procedures. At the meeting, Gallo was reported saying: “we know it is not ASFV.” How could Gallo know this as he hadn’t done any of his own tests to look for ASFV? Two months later, Gallo published an article in Science (Oct 31, 1986) that he discovered a new possible co-factor in AIDS, a virus he called Human B Cell Lymphotropic Virus which he named HBLV. Like ASFV, HBLV infected B cells ...

Please send this letter to the Director of the National Institutes of Health urging him to end the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment once and for all.

Please send a letter or email to Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institutes of Health. Francis S. Collins Director of the National Institutes of Health  9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20892 Dear Dr. Collins, As you must know, the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was one of the most egregious and shameful violations of human rights in the history of American science and medicine. What you may not be aware of is the fact that, on its website, the Centers for Disease Control refers to the victims of the Tuskegee Syhphilis Experiment as "participants." ( ) The CDC itself describes the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment as a study that "involved 600 black men – 399 with syphilis, 201 who did not have the disease. The study was conducted without the benefit of patients' informed consent. Researchers told the men they were being treated for 'bad blood,' a loc...

Breaking News: African swine fever hits Kampala, the Capital of Uganda

Image ( Kampala is Uganda's national and commercial capital bordering Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake.) What everyone should know about African Swine Fever Virus Russian Scientist: ASF could become a human health risk "The African swine fever (ASF) virus, may in the future become dangerous for humans, according to the head of the Russian Epidemiology Service, Chief State Sanitary Doctor Gennady Onishchenko, at the press-conference in St. Petersburg. According to him almost all viruses from time to time go through mutation processes which can give them some additional functions."  Was John Beldekas the first scientist to discover African Swine Fever Virus in human serum? In August, 1986, John Beldekas was i...

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